Activating the Past: History and Memory in the Black Atlantic World

by Andrew Apter

Other authorsAndrew Apter (Editor), Lauren Derby (Editor)
PDF, 2010


Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2010), Edition: New edition, 470 pages


1443816388 / 9781443816380


Andrew Apter and Lauren Derby

1. Ekpe/Abakuá in Middle Passage: Time, Space and Units of Analysis
in African American Historical Anthropology
Stephan Palmié

2. Jolly Masquerades of Sierra Leone and the Creole Histories of Atlantic Rim Performance Arts
John Nunley

3. Memories of Slavery in Religious Ritual: Comparing Benin Vodun and
Bahian Candomblé
Luis Nicolau Parés

4. Scarification and the Loss of History in the African Diaspora
Paul E. Lovejoy

5. Secrecy, Shrines, and Memory: Diola Oral Traditions and the Slave
Trade in Senegal
Robert M. Baum

6.Vodu Angels of History: Ghana, Togo, Benin
Judy Rosenthal

7. Pantheons as Mythistorical Archives: Pantheonization and Remodeled
Iconographies in two Southern Caribbean Possession Religions
Keith McNeal

8. “Koup Tet”: A Machete Wielding View of the Haitian Revolution
Thomas J. Desch-Obi

9. A Goat’s Tale: Diabolical Economies of the Bahian Interior
Brian Brazeal
10. Espiritismo Altars in Puerto Rico and Cuba: The Indian and the Congo
Judith Bettelheim

11. Muñecas and Memoryscapes: Negotiating Identity and History
in Cuban Espiritismo
Carrie Viarnes

12. Black Folks at Home in the Spirit World
Patrick Arthur Polk

13. Conversations with Congo Manuel: Kings and Slaves in the Eschatology
of Espiritismo
Donald Cosentino
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