Migrant City: A New History of London

by Panikos Panayi

Hardcover, 2020


Yale University Press (2020), 384 pages


0300210973 / 9780300210972


1 the Uniqueness of London
The Development of the Global City - Migration Since the Romans - the Constant Magnet - Diversity, Superdiversity and Cosmopolitanism
2 Ghetto and Suburb
The Homeless Migrant - the Ghetto - the Suburb - London’s Diversity
3 Cheap Labour
The Role of Migrant Labourers in the London Economy - the Marginalized - Builders - Industrial Fodder - Specialists - Migrants in the London Workforce
4 a City of Hawkers, Shopkeepers and Businessmen
Ethnic Entrepreneurs - the Irish - the Jews - German Food Suppliers - Italians - Cypriots Beyond Clothing - Asian Businessmen and Women - Black Businessmen and Women - Migrant Entrepreneurs as Londoners
5 the International Bourgeoisie
The Anatomy of the International Bourgeoisie - Early Modern Industrialists and Financiers - the Nineteenth-century Cosmopolitan City of Elites - Migrant Elites Since 1914 - London as the Centre of the Global Elite
6 Racists, Friends and Lovers
Racists - Friends and Lovers - From Racists to Friends and Lovers?
7 Racists, Revolutionaries and Representatives
Racists - Revolutionaries - Representatives - Racists, Revolutionaries and Voters
8 Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Sikhs
The Origins of Religious Diversity in London - Outsiders - Religious Structures - Individual Belief and Identity - Migrant Religious Space and the Evolution of London
9 the Restaurant
European Migrants and the Evolution of Eating Out in London - Foreign Food for Londoners - Restaurants for Migrants - Migrants and London Restaurants
10 Fighters and Footballers
Fighters - Footballers - Racism - the Beautiful Game in the Global Capital
11 Handel to Tempah
Migrants and the Evolution of the European Classical Tradition - Victorian Street Performers - Black Music in London - Other Ethnicities and Identities - London as the Global Music Capital
12 Migrants and the Global City
Demography - Employability - Social Mobility - Diversity - Globality
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