The Invention of Race in the European Middle Ages

by Geraldine Heng

PDF, 2020


Cambridge University Press (2019), Edition: Reprint, 434 pages


1108435092 / 9781108435093


List of Illustrations
Beginnings - Racial Worlds, Medieval Worlds: Why This Book, and How to Read a Book on Medieval Race

1. Inventions/Reinventions - Race Studies, Modernity, and the Middle Ages

2. State/Nation - A Case Study of the Racial State: Jews as Internal Minority in England

3. War/Empire - Race Figures in the International Contest: The Islamic “Saracen”

4. Color - Epidermal Race, Fantasmatic Race: Blackness and Africa in the Racial Sensorium

5. World I - A Global Race in the European Imaginary: Native Americans in the North Atlantic

6. World II - The Mongol Empire: Global Race as Absolute Power

7.World III - “Gypsies”: A Global Race in Diaspora, A Slave Race for the Centuries

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