Veronica Mars: The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line

by Rob Thomas

Other authorsKristen Bell (Narrator)
Paperback, 2014


Fiction. Literature. Mystery. Thriller. HTML:From Rob Thomas, the creator of the television series and movie phenomenon Veronica Mars, comes the first book in a thrilling mystery series that picks up where the feature film left off.    Ten years after graduating from high school in Neptune, California, Veronica Mars is back in the land of sun, sand, crime, and corruption. She�??s traded in her law degree for her old private investigating license, struggling to keep Mars Investigations afloat on the scant cash earned by catching cheating spouses until she can score her first big case.   Now it�??s spring break, and college students descend on Neptune, transforming the beaches and boardwalks into a frenzied, week-long rave. When a girl disappears from a party, Veronica is called in to investigate. But this is no simple missing person�??s case; the house the girl vanished from belongs to a man with serious criminal ties, and soon Veronica is plunged into a dangerous underworld of drugs and organized crime. And when a major break in the investigation has a shocking connection to Veronica�??s past, the case hits closer to home than she ever imagined.   In Veronica Mars, Rob Thomas has created a groundbreaking female detective who�??s part Phillip Marlowe, part Nancy Drew, and all snark. With its sharp plot and clever twists, The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line will keep you guessing until the… (more)


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Original publication date



Vintage (2014), 336 pages


0804170703 / 9780804170703

Library's rating



½ (389 ratings; 3.9)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Punkfarie
I’ll try to make this an actual review and not just a gushing fangirl review but I make no promises.

This book is a continuation of the movie, and it starts about two months after the movie ended. If you have yet to see the movie, this will spoil some things.

Veronica is back in Neptune, taking
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over Mars Investigations while Keith is recovering from his, well, I’m going to call it an accident though it wasn’t. She’s been barely able to pay Mac, let alone the rent. The cases are minor.

Plus Keith is unhappy with the situation and wishes she would move back to NYC and take her bar exam. This causes Veronica some heartache because she feels like being an investigator is what she was born for.

Then a girl goes missing at a spring break party. Of course Sheriff Lamb is screwing it up and Veronica is hired by none other than the Neptune Chamber of Commerce to find the girl (not because of any actual worry for the girl, but because a missing girl equals less tourism dollars. This is Neptune after all). The paycheck is huge and it’s pretty much the only way Veronica is going to be able to keep Mars Investigations open.

Veronica dives right in, using all her old tricks (like playing the ditzy blonde girl, a personal favorite of mine because it makes me laugh how easily people fall for it). Wallace and Mac are there to help her when she needs them.

Just when Veronica is starting to get the clues together on the case, another girl goes missing and she has ties to someone from her past. The investigation takes her into the world of drug cartel families and organized crime. Her life is in danger on more than one occasion.

Ok so I loved this book! It was just like watching an episode, I even heard the character’s’ voices as I read. Veronica is just as snarky (though I would have preferred a first person narrative, rather than a third, her internal monologue was still brutally honest). She even mentions the pony (Keith just get her a pony already!)

Dick is there and just so HIM, complete with puka shells and eighteen year old girls. Cliff and his way of indirectly helping. Weevil and his worry for Veronica’s safety (which I have always found endearing), and some small appearances by Logan though he is currently far far away.

Keith’s role is a bit small but Wallace and Mac are featured a lot more which I’m happy about. I’m still waiting on some explanation on why Wallace is a teacher though. And maybe a little bit better explanation on why Logan joined the military. I mean, I’m allllll for Logan walking around in a uniform, but come on Logan being told what to do? I need some more backstory there.

That stuff aside, I’m so pleased with this book. I can’t wait for more and I hope Veronica does take her bar exam because it’s not going to hurt her job as a PI to take it. My ultimate dream for Veronica is joining the FBI, though I think she might get bored and hate all the red tape. I also need more Logan! Let’s have him home for the next book!

If you are a Veronica Mars fan, I’m almost positive you will love this book and if you aren’t a VMars fan then you better get on that real quick because you are missing out!
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LibraryThing member andreablythe
My sister bought this for me because we both loved the. Veronica Mars TV show and movie. The first book in the new line of novels occurs several months after the movie. Veronica is working at her father's detective office while her dad recovers from his injuries (he's not happy about her current
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line of work).

The novel is right on tone with the TV show and managed to transition into adulthood well. Popular characters from the show crop up here and there (almost like a seedy Where's Waldo), and I could hear their voices in my head as I was reading.

While I'm sure this might be a bit lite for avid mystery readers, I found the mystery interesting with a good set of twists along the way. The book does a good job of filling the hole for those who still long for the return of the show.
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LibraryThing member zmagic69
I didn't see the movie but I think the book is way different than the movie. This was a fast and ultimately very good mystery, well told. Will gladly read the next one in the series.
LibraryThing member invisiblelizard
Okay, so I've been on a "guilty pleasure" kick lately and have been reading books on the pulp side of the literary scale. This and the previous one (Seth MacFarlane's A Million Ways To Die in the West) were both written by people in the television industry who, for one reason or another, decided to
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try their hand at writing a novel.* This one was an extension of the Veronica Mars universe, and I, an amateur Marshmallow from years past, having just re-watched the entire series leading up to the release of the movie (guilty pleasure, like I said; I hold my head high), heard that Rob Thomas was writing a couple of novels to extend the story line—probably testing the Audience Reaction waters to see if there was enough interest in pursuing the story on film or TV or internet—and thought it might be fun to see what happens to Veronica next. When I heard that the audio book was read by Kristin Bell herself, I couldn't resist. I downloaded the Audible copy and gave it a listen.

Therefore, my review is torn in two. The book itself was so-so. I might grade it better than the last one I read because it was simply better written and a better story. But that's like saying I'm a better basketball player than the handicapped kid I went to grade school with (i.e., not saying much). This book plays out like an extended TV episode of the original show, which was a recurring complaint about the movie as well, in that I don't think Thomas realized the potential of the longer format (e.g., movie or novel) and what all he can do with it. So okay, there's one ding against it. Furthermore, it was written in the third person, when the entire TV show was told (more or less) in the first person from Veronica's POV, even giving her frequent narrative voice-overs. What a wasted opportunity for a novel where POV choice is so critical! Ding number two. The writing itself was about average. I found nothing wrong with it, just nothing spectacular either. Story: fair. Writing: fair.

Now, the audio book (in case anybody is interested) is something any Marshmallow (amateur or otherwise) should check out. Kristin Bell does a great job narrating. In the past, I've been a little turned off by "named" actors stepping in an doing the audio of a book I want to listen to because it's a different acting skill needed to create unique voices for the different characters. Most professional narrators do a fine-to-great job at this. With actors, I've found, it can be hit or miss. Bell was a hit. Not only did she do a great job portraying characters I was familiar with from the TV show (not mimicking their voices, per se, which would have been really difficult for anybody besides a trained mimic, but rather their speech patterns to make them recognizable) but she created unique and new voices for the other characters that popped up as well. While some actors simply "phone it in" knowing that their name recognition is what the audio book producers are paying for, Bell put her heart and soul into it. That was obvious. And having her read the story made up for the lack of the first person narrative (a little bit).

So while I may give the book itself a slightly lower than average grade, I have to bump it up a little for the quality of the audio. Would I recommend it to any non-Marshmallow? no chance. But for us, it's worth a read. Especially a listen.

* NB: What is it with these TV people bringing their own lingo to the written page? Both authors made frequent use of the word "beat" in their narrative, as in "she paused for a beat and then..." Maybe it's just me, but that threw off my inner reverie every time I saw (or heard) it. A "beat" is a very theatrical term. I don't think writers outside of that community use it quite the same way or nearly as often. Maybe I'm wrong. But I digress...
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LibraryThing member JBD1
I think it says just about everything I need to say about this book that I sat down with it and didn't get up until I'd finished. Seems like the mark of a good mystery to me! I thought Graham and Thomas did a perfectly good job of extending the Mars canon with this story, set just two months after
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the events of the recent movie. It moves quickly, the characters do what they do, and the mystery has just the right amount of oomph. Well done.
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LibraryThing member les121
The Thousand Dollar Tan Line is a legit noir mystery novel, complete with a beautiful, wealthy client; a city filled with corruption, danger, and intrigue; and (of course) a cynical, hardboiled detective. It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Veronica Mars, and this novel incorporates everything
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I love about the show - great characters, snappy dialogue, and a compelling mystery with twists around every corner. I could barely put it down!

The only thing I don’t like is that Mac is relegated to the role of sidekick - she deserves more than just being the assistant Veronica orders around. Even so, fans of the show will love the appearances by many familiar characters, including Wallace, Weevil, Dick, and more.

I have to hand it to the authors: Veronica’s voice is spot on. I could actually picture the scenes and hear the characters as if watching them on screen. In a way, this is VM in its truest, most pure form. I doubt readers who haven’t seen the show will love this book as much as I do, but I think fans - especially those who enjoy crime fiction - will be pleased. I can’t wait for the next installment.
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LibraryThing member BornBookish
I wanted to love this book so bad! I envisioned Veronica becoming a modern day Nancy Drew with a whole slew of books, each focusing on a different case. Sadly, this book didn’t work for me. All the key elements were there: the characters we love, a well-plotted mystery, Veronica’s sarcasm, her
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& Keith’s witty banter. They even snuck in a pony joke! It just didn’t add up; the magic was missing.

Rob Thomas’ name is on there but I have a feeling he didn’t do the actual writing. I bet he came up with the main outline and Jennifer Graham (whoever that is) did the writing. There were a few big issues I had with the writing. Every time Veronica stepped foot somewhere we got the entire run down of her surroundings. File cabinet against the far wall, a window with the shade pulled down, blah, blah. Is this information imperative to the story? I think not. Another thing that bugged me was how we were given the description of the characters as well. You don’t have to tell me what Weevil or Cliff look like, I’ve seen every episode of the show!! These characters and I are like BFFs. And I’m sure anyone reading has seen the show too, or at the very least, the movie. Same could be said for how we were given everyone’s backstory as well. WE KNOW THIS ALREADY! Sigh...

Overall, I think Veronica Mars is better left on screen. Kristen Bell IS Veronica Mars, simple as that. Take her out of the picture and Veronica loses that “it” factor that makes us love her so much.
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LibraryThing member ellen.w
(I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Kristen Bell. Bell's Tina Majorina impression is A .)

This would have been a decent episode, but it's definitely not the same in book form. An unfair comparison, perhaps, but an inevitable one.

LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
I really really really wanted to listen to this on audio book but alas I could not afford it nor could I find it in any of the public libraries near me. I really think that had I been able to listen to this on audio book with Kristen Bell narrating it totally would have made the book for me.
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Sometimes I felt like I could clearly hear the characters from the show and movie and other times it was a little tougher. I think that having Veronica Mars narrate it would have added consistency to that feeling that would have made me happier. I was thrilled that the outcomes were not obvious and that there were some pretty good red herrings and I really enjoyed the standard Veronica Mars wit. I definitely plan on continuing with the series.
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LibraryThing member susiesharp
I feel this is a must read/listen for Veronica Mars fans. I will say if you are going to listen to the audio don’t expect professional narration but expect Veronica to tell you the story, which I for one felt was only right. I think I would have had a hard time with anyone else reading Veronica
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than Veronica herself. I thought she did a good job at the narration and no one else could capture her little quirks of cadence and snark that the TV Veronica did so well and it made it easier for me to see the scenes in my head. I thought she had Mac’s voice down pretty good but at times it wasn’t consistent and I wish she had done a little more with Wallace & Keith’s voices, but overall I was very happy with how this was narrated and I am glad Kristen Bell herself did the narration as I said I can’t imagine hearing anyone imitating Kristin’s take on Veronica.

This was a good story that started just weeks after the events of the Veronica Mars movie. I enjoyed the mystery and would have never guessed the outcome. Plus the added bonus of having these characters back in my life, it was funny I kept thinking where is Dick Casablancas, then tada there he was. Also I love Keith and every scene he is in even in the book he brings happy goodness with him, the last few scenes had my heart racing and soaring and all I could think was I love you Keith Mars! There are a few family surprises in this one as well *No Spoilers* that will tug at your heartstrings.

I was delighted that this story was so good it’s a great mystery that had lots of twists and turns along the way and kept me guessing all the way to the end and surprised me with the outcome.

As I said this is a must read for fans of Veronica Mars if we can’t have her on our TV screen at least we have the books to get us through

***Movie Spoiler*** Please stop here if you have not watched the movie
I still have a hard time picturing Logan in the Navy and I wish there had been more than just a couple Skype conversations with him. Hopefully he will be back from sea in the next book. And yes there better be a next book.

4 ½ Stars
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LibraryThing member dulcinea14
Would I have given this book 5 stars if I wasn't such a huge marshmallow? Probably not, but it's still a fun mystery book. I loved every page and whipped through it in two days (sigh, when is the next one coming out?).

At first I was disappointed that it wasn't written in first person (from
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Veronica's POV), but I realize that doing so would probably undermine the story. After all, the TV show wasn't always from her POV. You still get some nice commentary from Veronica.

The banter is there, the whole gang is there, the dialogue is exactly what I'd expect to see in an episode. Not a single complaint. Looking forward to whatever they come up with next to feed my Mars fix!
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LibraryThing member MickyFine
Warning: do not read if you have not watched the Veronica Mars film

Veronica is just barely keeping Mars Investigations afloat and keeping her worries at bay about not going back to New York to practice law. But then a girl goes missing while on spring break in Neptune and Veronica is asked to
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investigate. What she finds leads to a terrifyingly dangerous Mexican drug cartel and a blast from her past no one could have expected.

I've been a long time fan of Veronica Mars and was super excited that Rob Thomas is continuing the plot in novel form. While the beginning of the book was a bit of a rough start for me (I was expecting a first person narrative from Veronica's perspective, similar to her voiceovers), I quickly settled in. It is possible to pick up these books without having seen the show or film but be warned there are plenty of spoilers if you do so. A decent mystery on its own merits and a must-read for any Veronica Mars fan.
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LibraryThing member PaperDollLady
An entertaining listen with excellent narration by Kristen Bell, and realistic characters and situations too. Looking forward to listening to more Veronica Mars--a clever PI heroine-- as Veronica and her father of the Mars Detective Agency solve more crimes.
LibraryThing member kayceel
A fun read for fans of the tv show and movie. Veronica takes on the case of a missing girl during Neptune's spring break season, and ends up embroiled in a ransom case.

LibraryThing member Ellie.Pelto
This book was great. I felt like I was watching a really intense episode of Veronica Mars. Thomas and Graham hit the characters' voices square on the head. Great twists, great case.
LibraryThing member Rosa.Mill
I really really really wanted to listen to this on audio book but alas I could not afford it nor could I find it in any of the public libraries near me. I really think that had I been able to listen to this on audio book with Kristen Bell narrating it totally would have made the book for me.
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Sometimes I felt like I could clearly hear the characters from the show and movie and other times it was a little tougher. I think that having Veronica Mars narrate it would have added consistency to that feeling that would have made me happier. I was thrilled that the outcomes were not obvious and that there were some pretty good red herrings and I really enjoyed the standard Veronica Mars wit. I definitely plan on continuing with the series.
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LibraryThing member ellen.w
(I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Kristen Bell. Bell's Tina Majorina impression is A .)

This would have been a decent episode, but it's definitely not the same in book form. An unfair comparison, perhaps, but an inevitable one.

LibraryThing member anglophile65
FAST read and great twist. Fun read.
LibraryThing member allriledup
If I could give it 4.5 stars, I would. Overall, I'm very happy with this installment of Veronica Mars. Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham did an excellent job of putting the essence of the series in novel form. A fun read full of wit and page-turning mystery!
LibraryThing member StarKnits
I loved this tv series and this book picks up where the movie ended we get to see all the old gang
LibraryThing member amerynth
I was a marshmallow (at least for the first two seasons of Veronica Mars.... I thought the third season was fairly dismal) so I was happy that creator Rob Thomas decided to put together a mystery series based on the show. I thought "The Thousand Dollar Tan Line" was pretty well done and a fun
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The novel takes place a few months after the Veronica Mars movie ends -- with Veronica finally embracing her destiny to be a private investigator. She gets roped into investigating the disappearance of a girl from a spring break party. The mystery unravels itself neatly and is entertaining.

The book captures Veronica's voice really well. I wish there were more interaction between Veronica and Logan and Keith in particular. The strength of the show was the repartee between the characters, and while there was some of that in the book, I would have liked more. I liked the book enough, though, that I'll definitely read the next installment.
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LibraryThing member bookwyrmm
Interesting mix of soft-boiled PI and NA. Good story, but the title does not work well.
LibraryThing member Mrslabraden
Fans of the television series will recognize the characters and setting of this story. It picks up right where the recent movie left off. I enjoyed the mystery, but missed the romance between Veronica and Logan.
LibraryThing member Emma_Manolis
This is a review of the audiobook. I'm so happy this was read by Kristen Bell. I have a feeling I wouldn't have enjoyed it nearly as much as I did, had it been narrated by anyone else. There isn't anything really special about this book, but if you love Veronica Mars then you will likely enjoy this.
LibraryThing member annhepburn
I really enjoyed this one. I've heard some complaints that the third-person narrative removed you too much from Veronica's first person POV like in the show. I listened to this as an audiobook, narrated by Kristin Bell, so that wasn't an issue for me -- it all felt like Veronica telling me a story.
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Lots of appearance by fan favourite (and least favourite) characters, a mystery with a personal connection to Veronica... all great fun. Looking forward to the next in this series.
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