Assassin's Quest

by Robin Hobb

Other authorsStephen Youll (Cover artist)
Paperback, 1997


Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. From an extraordinary voice in fantasy comes the stunning conclusion to the Farseer trilogy, as FitzChivalry confronts his destiny as the catalyst who holds the fate of the kingdom of the Six Duchies...and the world itself. King Shrewd is dead at the hands of his son Regal. As is Fitz-or so his enemies and friends believe. But with the help of his allies and his beast magic, he emerges from the grave, deeply scarred in body and soul. The kingdom also teeters toward ruin: Regal has plundered and abandoned the capital, while the rightful heir, Prince Verity, is lost to his mad quest-perhaps to death. Only Verity's return-or the heir his princess carries-can save the Six Duchies. But Fitz will not wait. Driven by loss and bitter memories, he undertakes a quest: to kill Regal. The journey casts him into deep waters, as he discovers wild currents of magic within him-currents that will either drown him or make him something more than he was.… (more)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

757 p.; 25 cm


New York : Bantam Books, c1997.




0553565699 / 9780553565690


(2394 ratings; 4.1)

User reviews

LibraryThing member littlegeek
I really enjoyed the first two books in this series, but this one dragged. Other than the first few chapters wherein our hero was recovering his human mind, the first half was extremely slow and had little to do with the overall plot or any character development. Total filler. Once Fitz manages to
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reunite with some of his old Buckkeep friends it picks up, but this book suffers from the bane of fantasy novels everywhere: endless travelling.

The end was ok, but having already read the Liveship Traders series, I don't really get how these dragons jive with the ones in that series.

Hobb is good at character development, but there's a downside. Her characters seem to talk everything to death. She's not nearly as good at describing action scenes (although, Liveship Traders is an improvement on that score). I'd rather have more effective showing and a lot less telling.
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LibraryThing member xicanti
A fitting end to the trilogy. After a few detours, Fitz journeys into the mountains to find Verity and help save the Six Duchies.

While I still enjoyed this book very, very much, I did find that it lagged at times. The characters and their struggles were still engaging, but there were a number of
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sequences that felt a bit too dreamlike for my liking. Things were happening, but I felt divorced from the action. One of the things I liked best about the first two books was how connected I felt to the story; when that connection faded, my attention waned. The book always bounced back, (often in a way that brought tears to my eyes), but those segments made portions of it something of a chore to read. I think perhaps the editors relaxed a little with this installment; there were also a few places where I thought the writing wasn’t as tight as it could’ve been.

That said, though, this really was a great ending. Everything fit. The series’ main concerns were resolved very nicely, and the characters all found their niche. (I particularly liked how Regal ended up). I find that I actually miss everyone now that it's over. I was very pleased with it, overall, and can’t wait to read more from Robin Hobb.
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LibraryThing member twilightnocturne
As with the previous installments of the Farseer Trilogy, “Assassin's Quest” starts where the previous closed – continuing where the chilling and explosive ending had once left us. King shrewd is dead, Verity has left Buck in an attempt to seek the help of the ancient elder-lings, and Fitz
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has once again been ravaged and left at death's door. All seems lost, and with Regal now declared as king, things can only go from bad to worse. Amongst this, the FitzChivalry we once knew is now completely broken and gone -- solely bonded as one with his wolf partner NightEyes. Yet, buried deep within his wolf – an act that was made as an attempt to avoid the pain of his physically brutalized body – his true existence and self lingers. Can he come out of it? Can he once again return to the man he was? Can things be set right..or is all hope lost? Thus' begins the Assassin's Quest.

Robin Hobb once again creates a deeply woven, character driven, emotionally charged novel – one that kept me up half the night on many occasions. From the continual development of her already established characters, to the new additions that weaved their way into the story as the plot progressed, Hobb once again shines when it comes to her creation and expansion of interesting characters. From a new wandering Minstrel – determined to find a song, to an old witty woman with a strange and compelling past – to Fitz, Chade, Molly, and the Fool, the characters and their interactions yet again remain as strong as ever.

Along with Hobb's amazing talent of breathing life into her characters – her ability to continually put out engaging content throughout the pages of her stories once again fulfills my expectations – especially for an ending to a trilogy, as so many become bogged down and slow. While I have read a few comments stating that the beginning of this novel is a bit draggy, I myself found it, for the most part, otherwise – and in the end, I found “Assassin's Quest” as a whole to be more engaging and intense than the previous.

Unlike the other novels of the Farseer Trilogy, which were primarily set in the city of Buck – the “Assassin's Quest” is everywhere but there – which for me, was an added bonus, as another 800 or so pages set in Buckkeep could have become a bit tiresome. After the last installment I was in definite need of change, and with this one, I got it. While there is a lot of traveling, and at certain moments, there were slow areas which had me aching for other character involvement (as Fitz traveled alone for a time), as soon as it became a notice for me, the story and situation seemed to pick up – and soon enough new and interesting faces were introduced. And of course, with the new faces brought a lot of interesting aspects to the story -- all of which kept me drawn to this book.

In fact, for me, some of the best moments came from these new faces. One character in specific struck me, and that was the old, witty woman named Kettle, whom along the way becomes one of Fitz's new companions. Straight from her first appearance she adds much to this piece – humor, drama, emotion. There was one scene in particular that got me – one where Fitz attempts to help her with something that's been troubling her for years – something that has imprisoned her emotionally into her own sort of hell. This particular scene had me glued to the pages, enthralled by both the situation and dialog. I found it to be quite emotionally engaging. Along with Kettle, we were also given the new character of Starling – a wandering minstrel on a mission to create a song that would be remembered for all time; what better way than to follow a witted bastard who is the center of so much plight?

Along with the change of scenery and the additions of great new characters, there were also several scenes which held a certain level of intensity that the previous books lacked – scenes that I had been dying for since the first novel. Throughout this entire trilogy, my biggest complaint has been the fact that these books are based on the life of assassin, yet little to no assassinations occur. Fitz learns the art, talks about the art, but never truly uses the art. In this novel, that changes, and once I hit chapter 9 (which I will say very little of), I was gripping the novel intensely and silently cheering Fitz on. Finally, just finally, there was a taste of vengeance. A vengeance the reader needed as much as the character.

While I truly enjoyed the majority of this novel, there were still some aspects that I didn't like..and since this is a review, I will state them. For one, the drastic and some-what abrupt change in the Fool's character had me a bit disappointed – as he became far too serious. He was, in my opinion, one of the few characters to bring a bit of humor to such bleak happenings, and for him to be drained of his sharp wit and humorous actions was a big down-side. It's not to say I was against his character development, I wasn't … and I felt the second installment progressed his character perfectly, but in some ways I felt that he was changed far too much in far too short of time (for the reader). Never-the-less, he was still enjoyable, and I still love the Fool, I simply felt a bit saddened by his sudden shift of personality.

Aside from the change of the Fool, there was also a point where I was simply fed up with the constant torture and abuse of Fitz. It was almost as if Hobb was obsessed with abusing her main character – to a point where it became slightly displeasing and disturbing. While most of the trilogy was quite dark and bleak, I was hoping for a bit of relief with this one. A bit of happiness..a bit of something other than pain for him. Unfortunately, little was to be seen. That makes me weary of checking out her other work so I do enjoy a break from such emotionally draining content.

And lastly, there was also the ending. While I've heard some say that it was terrible – and even go as far as saying it was the worst ending ever for a fantasy trilogy, I myself found it to be a mixed bag. On one hand, it wasn't nearly as bad as some were saying, and in many ways went above my expectations – as I was prepared for something far more bleak and unfulfilling – however, it did seem a bit rushed – as if Hobb came to a point where she simply wanted to finish, and so she did. There was also a lack of description in this piece, especially towards the final few chapters. While the others endings were both intense and shocking, I found this one to be a bit anti-climatic – as the novel was so long, and so many things took place, by the time we finally got to the ending, it felt a bit disconnected and abrupt. Though I will say, it turned out better than I had expected, and while Fitz's outcome was still, in many ways depressing, he came out in a far better light than I predicted. Though for his character, the feeling of bleakness that filled much of this series was still there.

With that said, I enjoyed “Assassin's Quest,” and judging the trilogy as a whole, I can very confidently say that I was truly impressed. This series of novels bared very little disappointment -- and while certain things could have been improved, and at times it was quite dark and depressing, I still closed the final chapter of the final book with a sense of awe. For it was truly an adventure – one that connected with me on an emotional level. From chapters to chapter, and from book to book, I became immensely engaged with the story and characters. Especially with Fitz, NightEyes, and The Fool – all of whom' became quite special to me as far as characters go. I will surely remember them. So all in all, this is one trilogy that will stay with me for some time, and one that I can safely recommend to others. If you enjoy a good ol' epic fantasy trilogy with deep, complex characters, unique elements, and good writing, I would suggest this to you. For it to me, is one of the best fantasy trilogies I've ever read.
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LibraryThing member pwaites
I’m not rating this one as I didn’t finish. If you want, you can go ahead and discount the entire review because I only got 218 pages in before calling it quits. If you want to know why I quit, keep reading.

Assassin’s Quest is the third in a trilogy. I had to constantly remind myself of this
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as I slogged through. Also, that the beginnings of the first two books had been slow but had paid off in the end.

However, I eventually realized that I was avoiding reading Assassin’s Quest. Whenever I thought of reading, I would immediately try and find something else to do. Because I only like reading one book at once, this was preventing me from reading other, better books.

My main problem with the Farseer trilogy has always been the protagonist, Fitz. I never liked him. At the start of things, I didn’t dislike him either, but as the series went on, found myself becoming more and more fed up with him. It seems like every decision he makes is calculated to generate more aghast.

At least after two hundred pages (and however many pages in the last book) he finally figures out that his girl friend was pregnant. It was pretty obvious, but then again, Fitz has never struck me as very bright.

I kept hoping that one of the few secondary characters (namely, Ketricken) I liked would show up but to no avail. Besides Fitz Farseer, the only supporting characters in two hundred pages are Butrich and briefly, Chad.

I might have been able to get past this if Fitz was doing something interesting. Instead, when given the chance to do anything in the world he wants, he goes on an ill planed out and utterly pointless attack against Regal. All he thinks about is his want for revenge. He never thinks about who will become king after Regal, or if losing the only ruler (albeit a bad one) will plunge the country into deeper problems or even a civil war. He never even thinks about how to kill Regal. I don’t think he’s using his brain at all, which is generally my problem with Fitz.

Maybe the second half of the book’s great, but this is a long book. From where I was, there was over five hundred pages left. I couldn’t stomach spending that much more time with Fitz and his aghast.

However I did notice that my thoughts kept drifting away to the Liveship trilogy. I think that one holds more promise.
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LibraryThing member Cecrow
Again Fitz starts off a novel feeling desolate (and many more episodes of that will follow), and it takes nearly a hundred pages for the story to get moving. He spends most of the rest of the book wandering about the countryside trying to keep a low profile. The story is at its weakest when Fitz
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shirks the company of others and travels alone, setting aside new and interesting characters, and that's regrettably often. At least some of the characters we care about return to the story in the final third, which saves it a bit.

The troubles with Fitz as a character become abundantly clear on this outing. He's far too passive, even with his new independence. Bad things happen to him, then other people rescue him, over and over. As much as he strives to determine his own fate, he never gets to do it - even in the small things. I suppose this is the stuff antiheroes are made of, but fantasy antiheroes just give me a "what's the point" feeling (particularly when the story is not tragedy). He is also unforgivably, inexcusably dense at times, very blind to certain plot points concerning Molly and ridiculously blind to Regal's machinations to find her. He also spends countless sentences mooning over the same thoughts (Molly this, Molly that), while right around him astonishing things are happening that he barely pauses to reflect on (and sometimes, frustratingly, not at all).

This novel doesn't justify its length. I thought the ending at least might save it, but unlike the exciting conclusions of the first two books this one's is first confusing, then chaotic (involving numerous unlikelihoods that border on deus ex machina). After a long slog to get to the end, the resolution is inexcusably rushed and left me unsatisfied, particularly the grocery list format in the final pages. This trilogy ends on a weak note and Royal Assassin remains its high point.
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LibraryThing member ScoLgo
An epic trilogy comes to a satisfying conclusion. The denouement and conclusion of Fitz's story raised the rating for me by a full star. It is both heartfelt and heartbreaking at the same time. While I have a few quibbles with some of the story details, overall, these books are an enjoyable and
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immersive read and are well worth diving into.
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LibraryThing member humouress
(Third of 16: Realm of the Elderlings series / Third of 3: Farseer Trilogy. Fantasy)

We pick up the story of this final instalment in the (first) trilogy as Fitz is beginning to recover from his illness.

This time, Fitz travels into the Mountains again and goes beyond Jhaampe on a quest to
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find Verity (who has been lost on his quest to find the Elderlings), racing both Regal with his corrupted coterie and the Red Ship ravagers. The Fool insists that Fitz is the catalyst on whom world shattering events turn, either for good in this cycle or for evil for the final time and the Red Ships are just the beginning of an insidious evil that will sweep the entire world. Fitz picks up some new companions; the irascible old woman, Kettle, who has secrets of her own and the minstrel Starling, who wants to write a song that she will be remembered for and has noticed that things happen around Fitz.

We learn a bit more of Skill on this journey and come to understand how deficient Fitz's knowledge about it is. We also learn a bit more about Wit and the Old Blood and the reason that Burrich is so opposed to Fitz using it. And, through Kettle as much as the Fool, we find out a little bit more about the Fool and his prophecies.

There are hidden gems of humour, quite apart from the Fool's banter, that you might only glimpse on a second read-through, because the first time you're so focused on wanting to find out what is happening.

'To my Wit-sense, these trees had a ghostly life that was almost animal, as if they had acquired some awareness simply by virtue of their age. But it was an awareness of the greater world of light and moisture, soil and air. They regarded our passage not at all, and by afternoon I felt no more significant than an ant. I had never thought to be disdained by a tree.'

I love the way Nighteyes, the big wolf, falls over when his ears are scratched; it puts me in mind of our (much less fierce) golden retriever and lends a touch of lightness to the proceedings. I appreciate the way Hobb brings out the humaness depth of a variety of different, and different types of, relationships - Fitz and his wolf, Verity and Kettricken, Chade or Burrich and Fitz - in the course of the story. Fitz has been oblivious in the past, but now recognises his love, at least, for them. He's beginning to mature at last.

I like Hobb's world building and the way she goes into detail about the economic history and geography of the land that Fitz travels through; this time of the inland duchies and its relationship with the Mountain Kingdom or in the past books, about the coastal duchies and the Red Ship raids. It gives the whole trilogy a depth and reality.

Hobb puts Fitz through a lot, especially considering that at this point he is only in his mid to late teens. And he still has a lot of growing up to do:

I accepted their ridicule by sulking manfully. They ignored that, too.

This book covers the next one and a half years following Royal Assassin - though the last few months wrap up the story and are told briefly. Assassin's Quest grabs you and pulls you in as fast as the first two. Hobb skilfully builds the mystery and the magic and the tension as we slowly (frustratingly slowly - in a good way) discover pieces of the jigsaw along with Fitz.

Intense. Chews you up and spits you out, satisfied, at the end. Worth the journey.

5 stars
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LibraryThing member Hieremias
This is an agonizingly slow end to a series that dragged on too long.

It's a common problem in the fantasy genre that authors add useless padding to increase the word count or to stretch a simple story into a trilogy or series. I think Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy could have made a decent single
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book, but each of its three volumes was instead padded far too much, with this third volume being the worst offender.

There are good segments in all three volumes. This third volume starts off fairly promising with an effective first act. Fitz's recovery from his torture at Regal's hands is very effective, with some chilling moments and questions of just how much of his humanity Fitz was able to recover. Unfortunately this theme of wrestling against animal instincts does not effectively carry through the rest of the book, and after the first act the narrative just drags.

The middle act involves a lot of mostly pointless wandering, and you being to ask just how many times Fitz can be captured by his enemies before escaping.

But the worst is the final third, which grinds to a halt and forces you to read through over a hundred pages of moody introspection. Every character in this section is aggravatingly obtuse. In fact Hobb almost makes fun of that, with Fitz exclaiming that nobody could give a straight answer to anything.

Ultimately there just aren't any likeable characters in this story. Fitz especially is moody, passive, and weak-willed, and overall not a protaganist that can give us anything to cheer for.

Like the rest of the series, the prose throughout is often clunky and melodramatic. Its deus ex machina climax is lacklustre and feels contrived and utterly unsatisfying. I spent the final third of the book counting the pages remaining and looking forward to starting something new.
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LibraryThing member reading_fox
A book of two parts. Unfortunetly by far the largest part is not only the worst of the entire trilogy it is the first of the book and a truly epic slog to get through. It is slightlyl redeemed by the 2nd part which comprises of the last 150 pages of the book and thr conclusion to the trilogy, which
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again shows what Hobb could be capable of achieving.

The story takes off just a few days after the conclusion to Royal Assassiin (which needs to be read first). Zombie Fita is recovering from his time as a wolf, and re-learning to be human again. Unlike many of the other injuries sustained to various characters throughout the series Hobb does devote a little space to emphasizing how difficult this is. Eventually however Fitz is 'better' and able to embark on a quest. Oh my. I'd never guessed this was coming. Unfortunetly Quest fantasy is very difficult to write, and Hobb falls into all the pitfalls, without managing to hit any of the highlights.

There's no particular reason for the quest, it's slow and pointless, it drags throughout it's duration. The terrain and landscapes aren't well explained, and don't naturally fit together. Fitz meets various people, who don't then re-appear or have any significance, but we have to spend pages in their company. Various incidents occur at random, without either furthering our goal or lending any insight into any of the characters. It's tedious for the entire 600 odd pages it takes to go anywhere. It's also unbelivable. In the course of his travels Fitz takes and arrow in the back. It penetrates deeply enough to grate on bone, but doesn't hamper his ability to run or walk, has managed not to damage the spinal cord, or lungs or any other vital organ, and remains suitably uninfected that he recovers after a week or so's bed rest. Pointless and annoying. The entire thing is also, as was the previous volume, badly foreshadowed - either by the diary excerts at the chapter headings, the prophecies, or else various characters musings. At several times I just put the book down in disgust at the clunky writing or poor storyline. If I wasn't such a completist reader I'd never have got to the end, which would have been a shame.

The story ends when Fitz finally manages to reach the end of his road. And this entire section is excellant. There is action, drama, pathos, love in all it's forms and deep meaning. Hence it's such a shame that the preceeding 600 pages wore me down to such an extent that I couldn't care whether or not Fitz or the kingdom survives. The entire story arc is properly tied up with no loose ends left hanging. Various characters meet appropriate ends, much is revealed that was slightly obscure although even here much is revealed that was also blindingly obvious. Hobb obviously does have a lot of writing talent. I don't know if she just needs a better editor, or more critical writing support, but I'm unlikely to tackle more of her work until the dross is pared away from the gold.

If you've started the series you should finish it, especially for the last 150 pages or so, but do feel free to skip a lot of the rest of the book.
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LibraryThing member Narilka
Assassin's Quest is the conclusion to The Farseer trilogy. Brought back from the edge of death, Fitz recuperates in an old cabin in the woods. Driven by loss and anger Fitz sets out to finish his quest to remove the Pretender from the throne, restore the Six Duchies rightful rulers, rid the kingdom
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of the raiders and save the world.

It is a fantastic ending to a great trilogy. While there are a few spots where the narrative plods along, the rest of the book is completely engrossing. I worked out a couple of the big reveals before they happened and was still surprised by other twists to the story. What I liked most was following Fitz's character arc. I feel as if I have watched a real person go from childhood to adulthood across these three books. I am glad there is another series starting Fitz so I can go back to the Six Duchies in the future.
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LibraryThing member roxy
I must admit that I was deeply annoyed… at first. Fitz just kept getting on my nerves and the only thing I wanted to do was slap him and order him to go to Verity… eventually Verity did that all by himself but not until 400 pages into the book.
Anyway, first things first: Fitz is recovering
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(doesn’t he seem to be doing that at the beginning of each book?)… I mean, technically the guy’s been dead, wolf and all so that’s comprehensible. But he took quite some time to recover all his wits and I’m not talking about going back to human… I’m talking about realizing that Molly had left him because she was pregnant (that had seemed quite obvious to me since in book two as well as the fact that she wasn’t going to wait for him all her life, especially if she thought that he was still dead! *sighs* men!) and also realizing that going after Verity would solve the Regal problem as well as other problems, faster than trying to kill his uncle! Somehow, Fitz didn’t see that and that led me to feel that this book’s general rhythm was less steady than the previous one’s had been. Fitz never did what I thought he should be doing as that got quite frustrating… especially the part when he chose not to stay with those of the Old Blood, that would’ve answered many questions regarding the Wit that the reader had been wondering since the first book… answers that are never given in the end, well Fitz learns them as we learn that he’s gone back to Black Rolf but we never really know anything about it.
Other than that, I appreciated the new characters that Hobb introduced, Starling, for all the times that she got on my nerves was an interesting character but not half as intriguing as Kettle… I was sad she went with the dragon in the end, I would’ve thought that the Farseers needed a qualified Skillmaster and she would’ve filled that occupation just fine.
Some call the end of this trilogy bittersweet. It’s true but wouldn’t it have appeared unnatural for everything to turn out perfectly well after all that the characters had gone through, there were bound to be losses and Hobb managed to make it both realistic and happy.
I’m glad though she decided to come back to these characters later on because somehow I felt that there was more to tell on this world and these characters. I’m hoping that since the Tawny Man trilogy takes place fifteen years after the war, Fitz will have matured a bit.
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LibraryThing member Sweet_Serenity
A beautiful ending to a beautiful series.

I will briefly describe its very forgivable faults so I can move on to the gushing;
*Fitz is not exactly a genius. There were times throughout the series, this book in particular, where I was screaming at him in my head to realise the obvious. However, it is
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nice for a hero to have some flaws, and though sometimes I did figure things out early, there were suprises aplenty to make up for it.
*I will compare this to the Song of Ice and Fire series, as that is one of the few other medieval-style epic series that I have read. In comparison to that, the politics in this series were woefully unsophisticated. However, this may have been a blessing as it left me to focus more on the characters, and allowed it to be wrapped up in a trilogy, rather than in A Song of Ice and Fire's mammoth series.
*The writing was not flawless. I regret to say that at the beginning of the second book I lost interest for a while, and forgot the genius of the first book. However, I was soon swept away again, and I was engaged with the third book from start to finish!
*The historical fragments at the beginning of the chapters were often useless and annoying, although occasionally they added some charm or suspense to the story.

Now to the gushing...

The sheer humanity in the series is startling. The major draw of the series is the connections between the characters, both human and animal, created through the Skill & Wit, and mundane means. My favourite connections were between Fitz & Nighteyes, and Fitz & The Fool. The connections between the characters will probably linger in my memory long after I've forgotten the plot of the series. (On this score, the two examples of this type of bond that spring to mind are His Dark Materials, and Eragon, which both demonstrate beautiful bonds with the animal characters, although the Farseer Trilogy far surpasses them in my humble opinion).

The magic, the Skill and the Wit, are described perfectly, and I love that the series makes ample use of the two magics, which sometimes fantasy stories fail to do. I found the use of these to forge empathy and connections between the characters to be more magical than the typical abstract kind of magic.

The characters were all well-written, three-dimensional, and perfect in their imperfections. They were diverse, with characters from all walks of life and with different personalities. And given the often murky waters medieval fiction can enter into regarding feminism, I was very impressed with the female characters, who were just as well-written, strong, and flawed, as the male characters.

The ending was perfect. It was bittersweet, which suited Fitz. It had just the right amount of cheese and optimism, balanced with some regrets and an awareness of future troubles.

I hope that my fellow readers loved the series as much as I did, and that any future readers that stumble upon this decide to follow in my footsteps and take the journey.
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LibraryThing member Aensign
Final installment--each entry independently intelligible--of Hobb's stunning fantasy trilogy (Royal Assassin, 1996; Assassin's Apprentice, 1995) about the beleaguered Six Duchies and their Farseer kings. Months ago, King Verity vanished into the far mountains in search of the semi-mythical
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Elderlings, whose help he must have in order to defeat the rampaging Red Ship Raiders, leaving his murderous, venal, and insanely ambitious brother, Prince Regal, to dispose of Verity's last few loyalists at his leisure--including narrator, spy, and assassin FitzChivalry. Poor Fitz, unable to contact his beloved Molly (she thinks he's dead) and daughter (by Molly) for fear of exposing them to Regal's attentions, uses his magic Skill to locate Verity and receives an imperious summons: ``COME TO ME!'' So, abandoning his plan to assassinate Regal, Fitz enters the mountains with a small band of helpers. Eventually, having evaded Regal's minions, Fitz comes upon Verity Skill-carving a huge dragon out of black rock; nearby stand other lifelike dragon-sculptures that, to Fitz's animal-magic Wit, seem somehow alive. Are these eerie sculptures what remain of the Elderlings? Yet, for all his Skill, Verity cannot bring the dragons to life; and soon Regal will arrive with his armies and his Skilled coterie. An enthralling conclusion to this superb trilogy, displaying an exceptional combination of originality, magic, adventure, character, and drama.
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LibraryThing member Amaunette
The final book in the Farseer trilogy tells the story of Fitz's journey to rescue Verity and help save the kingdom by using the Skill. I was angry by the ending, at first, because it is by no means a happy or clean one. But the important part is that Fitz's story continues in the series that begins
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with Fool's Errand, about 15 years later.
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LibraryThing member tronella
The third of nine, so it finished off a sub-trilogy at least. Pretty good, although it dragged a bit in some places (the quarry part, the wolf part at the beginning). But then, this seems to be one of those fantasy books that is largely about places, so. I liked it.
LibraryThing member clong
I enjoyed the first two books of the Farseer trilogy immensely, but found this conclusion to be overly longwinded and ultimately unsatisfying. Some judicious editing could easily have cut 100 pages and made it a better read. I didn't feel prepared for the the nature of the Elderlings; in a way the
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very nature of the fantasy world Hobb was creating seemed to shift about two thirds the way through this book. To the extent that the nature of forging and the motivation of the red ship raiders was ever explained I found the explanation confusing and unconvincing. As this book progressed I found FitzChivalry and Kettricken and Verity all becoming less sympathetic as characters.

Which is all not to say that this third book of the series was completely without merit. In particular, I enjoyed the development of the Fool's character. But ithe book doesn't live up to the very high expectations created by the first two books of the series. Overall, I would recommend the trilogy, but with regrets that it didn't really achieve the great potential of the first two books.
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LibraryThing member lisabecka
The last book in the Farseer trilogy was unfortunately the worst in the series - not bad, but too longwinded in parts and the ending was far too fantastical for my taste. Still, a good read.
LibraryThing member lizbee
Disappointing ending to a solid trilogy, let down by indulgent characterisation, an unlikable main character and unfortunate gender stereotypes.
LibraryThing member eddy79
Whilst it was good to get back in Fitz's world and spend time with the wonderfully written characters Hobb created over the course of the previous two books, this volume felt bloated with far too much meandering. The ending wasn't particularly engaging either.
LibraryThing member bookwormteri
A wonderful trilogy comes to an end. I will admit to being a little disappointed by the ending....the dragons are great, but I just felt that everything was wrapped up a little too neatly. I would have liked to be privy to a little more information on the final battle than the reader was. A great
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series, but I was just a little disappointed in the ending.
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LibraryThing member zjakkelien
Again, a very good book by Robin Hobb. It continues in the style of her other assassin books, and explains more about how everything has come to pass. The ending is good and satisfying, I just found that the life Fitz chooses for himself in the wrap-up is a bit disappointing. It doesn't seem like
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him somehow.
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LibraryThing member idanush
It's always hard to finish a saga.
it usually ends up being a little too long and wordy.
In addition, trying to explain everything that was a mystery up to this book (over more than a 1000 pages) will always be a little bit of a let down since the biggest part of the fun is the mystery.
However, this
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book explains everything in a very satisfactory manner, save for the red ships that just become a slight non-issue.
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LibraryThing member NatashaCreates
Very well developed characters, great plot, but story is rushed in parts and drags in parts. Hobb's writing style is inconsistent throughout the whole series, and I'm not crazy about it at all. It is easy to fall in love with the characters, though. I was very disappointed in the ending of the
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trilogy, which wraps up in a very rushed, packaged manner.
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LibraryThing member ansate
great worldbuilding. Interesting epic problems to solve. Unfortunately the main character is dumb as a stump.
LibraryThing member bjanecarp
Assassin's Quest is the third book in Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy, and is difficult to speak of, since at every turn, I seem to be combatting spoilers.

The protagonist FitzChivalry's anger recuperates from serious wounds in a sheepherder's cabin, and in a desire for revenge, plans to destroy his
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uncle, who tortured him and believed him dead.

In constant tension are Fitz's two magics. The Skill is like mind magic, allowing practitioners to influence others, and suggest thoughts. his own use of the Skill is week, due to his partial training by a hateful Skillmaster. King-in-Waiting Verity has compelled Fitz, through the Skill, to come to him and aid him in his quest to defeat the Red Ship Wars. His beast magic, also known as The Wit, is generally hated (and much maligned) by the population, but his bond with the wolf Nighteyes is quite strong.

In the 150 preceding words I recognize how very complex the Hobb's plot has become. This is definitely a third book of three, and I couldn't imagine beginning the series out-of-order. Her writing, as usual, is extremely strong. The story is told from the perspective of FitzChivalry, and is made powerful by the development of all the characters. With the possible exception of Regal, none of the characters seems completely good, or completely evil. And even so, Regal has been given motivation for his hatred of his nephew. Even minor characters, like the young stable boy Hands, and the old woman Kettle, seem to have considerable plausibility.

A propos of nothing: I have noticed her fascination with names that start with the letters "Ke". I've noticed Kettriken, Kettle, Keffria, Kennit; even FitzChivalry's given name, Keppet. She likes strong characters with strong K names.

The book was complex, but immensely readable. The character of FitzChivalry is occasionally a bit dour, in the vein of a Hamelt, and his ruminations about suicide and revenge occasionally detract from the story itself. Nonetheless, it was a fitting end to the trilogy, and I was happy to read the series to its conclusion. It was worth every word, and I am once again,pleased to say I'm happy I discovered Robin Hobb's writing, and her Elderling world, several months ago.

Five of Five Stars
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