Legends (vol. A)

by Robert Silverberg (Editor)

Other authorsTerry Pratchett (Author), Anne McCaffrey (Author), Robert Silverberg (Introduction), Robert Jordan (Author), Tad Williams (Author), George R. R. Martin (Author), Josh Kirby (Cover artist)
Paperback, 1999


Rich new works by the very best known creators of fantasy fiction, each set in the special universe of the imagination that made that writer famous throughout the world. Terry Pratchett: Discworld: THE SEA AND LITTLE FISHES: Fruit, vegetables and deadly rivalry between witches.Anne McCaffrey: Pern: RUNNER OF PERN: A young Runner on her first journey, dreaming of dragons and glory.George R.R. Martin: A Song of Ice and Fire: THE HEDGE KNIGHT: A self-made knight, his honour, his horse, his squire, his luck.Tad Williams: Memory, Sorrow and Thorn: THE BURNING MAN: Dragon's blood and ancient hatreds on the Road of Dreams.Robert Jordan: Wheel of Time: NEW SPRING: Storm and battle in the shadow of the Blight... as the wheel turns.


Original language


Original publication date



London : HarperCollins, 1999.




0006483941 / 9780006483946

Local notes

Contains the short stories:
Discworld: The Sea and Little Fishes (Terry Pratchett)
Pern: Runner of Pern (Anne McCaffrey)
A Song of Ice and Fire: The Hedge Knight (George R. R. Martin)
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn: The Burning Man (Tad Williams)
The Wheel of Time: New Spring (Robert Jordan)


½ (38 ratings; 3.5)

User reviews

LibraryThing member reading_fox
Some amazing short stories from the classic fantasy worlds. All the big league authors are here. Worth getting hold of if only to try some of the names you've heard talked about, but never got around to reading. This is apparently half of a two book collection containing 5 of 11 of the biggest
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names in Fantasy, worth getting hold of the other book if it is anywhere near as good as this.

Granny Weatherwax at her most prideful is asked not to compete in the witche's trials because she'll win. This doesn't please Granny. Not actually the best of Pratchett's writing - containing no puns. But If you've ever been on a committee you'll recognise the characters.

Mccaffery's short Pern stroy although not featuring dragons, still manages to capture all the charm and romance of the early Pern novels. Experimentation is always a feature but even a Holder's son is not immune from the consequences, though he escapes being decked in the mud.

More supurb writing from Marin, set before the Game of Thrones - a ehdge knight has hnour and upholds his vows even if that is all he has to own. Mingling with princes in disguise doesn't make it any easier, but cruelty must always be fought.

Tad Williams' tale is an old one, told retrospectively from the point of an old women. I have read it several times, an never enjoyed it until this last reading when the deeper meanings struck a chord. I don't know how if at all it fits into his series.

New Spring is the hardest story to get into where there are many expectations of a new culture to get behind, and few words devoted to explaining them. Well written though, set in the same land as Wheel of Time. The Aei Sedei are searching for a man who can channel.
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