Walt Disney's De 3 musketerer

by Henrik Hildre (Editor)

Other authorsDavid O'Connor (Contributor), David Gerstein (Author), Neville Jason (Author), Guido Martina (Author), Massimo De Vita (Illustrator), David M. Evans (Author), Vic Lockman (Author), Giorgio Cavazzano (Illustrator), Bruno Concina (Author), Tony Strobl (Illustrator), Janet Gilbert (Author)26 more, Giorgio Ferrari (Author), Nina Svendsrud (Translator), Giuseppe Dalla Santa (Illustrator), Luciano Bottaro (Illustrator), Francesc Bargadà Studio (Illustrator), Sandra Verda (Author), Dave Angus (Author), Luciano Gatto (Illustrator), Massimo Marconi (Author), Giuseppe Zironi (Illustrator), Evan Spiliotopoulos (Author), Gian Giacomo Dalmasso (Author), Jaime Diaz Studio (Illustrator), Fabrizio Petrossi (Illustrator), Pier Lorenzo De Vita (Illustrator), Bob Langhans (Author), Sandro Del Conte (Illustrator), Sisto Nigro (Author), Andrea Fanton (Author), Joaquín Cañizares Sanchez (Illustrator), Eddie O'Conner (Contributor), Ray Nicholson (Cover artist), Staff di IF (Author), Staff di IF (Illustrator), Spectrum Associates, Pasquale Venanzio (Illustrator)
Paperback, December 13, 2019


Episke eventyr! Fantastiske fortellinger! Spenningen har aldri vært høyere når Donald og vennene hans inntar de klassiske eventyrene. De tre musketerene er tilbake, mer nebbete enn noen gang. Mikke får virkelig testet fekteferdighetene sine, og han er ikke alene om det. Dramatiske dueller, freidige fiender, griske gjerrigknarker og en skotsk saga serveres sporenstreks! 512 muskedundrende sider!


Original language


Physical description

19 cm


Oslo Egmont Kids Media AS 2019



Local notes

Walt Disney's Temapocket (TEMA POCKET) #12, 2019. Contains the following loosely thematically connected stories (three are fencing themed, two Scottish clan feud themed, and the rest musketeer themed), in Norwegian translation:
1 Mikke, Donald og Langbein: De tre musketerer (Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers), based on the animated film written by Evans and Spiliotopoulos, comic adaptation by Gerstein and Petrossi. One page is cut in this edition.
2 Cyronald de Donaldac (Paperin de Paperac) by Dalmasso and Bottaro
3 Mikke Mus: Kryssende klinger (Topolino e il trofeo di Topolinia) by Concina and Cavazzano
4 Onkel Skrue: Spøkelsesborgen (Zio Paperone e il castello del fantasma) by Martina and Cavazzano
5 Donald Duck (untitled one-page comic) by Lockman and Strobl
6 Mikke Mus: Svindelkongen (Mickey Mouse: The Counterfeit King) by Langhans and Jaime Diaz Studio
7 Donald Duck: De tre musketerer (Paperino e i tre moschettieri) by Martina and Pier Lorenzo De Vita. One page is cut in this edition.
8 Mikke Mus: Pek på pisten (Topolino e la grande sfida) by Marconi and Cavazzano
9 Ole, Dole og Doffen på eventyr: De små musketerene (DuckTales: The Two Musketeers) by Gilbert and Santa
10 Donald Duck: Farse med forviklinger (Paperino e la commedia movimentata) adapted by Staff di IF from an older story by them and Alberico Motta
11 Onkel Skrue: Den magiske kården (Zio Paperone e il fioretto elettrico) by Fanton and Massimo De Vita
12 Mikke Mus: De fire duellene (Topolino e le quattro sfide) by Dalmasso and Gatto
13 Onkel Skrue: Grinebiteren (Sior Papero Brontolon) by Verda and Del Conte
14 Mikke Mus: Rosestriden (Topolino e le rose della discordia) by Nigro and Zironi
15 Ole, Dole og Doffen: Rom-musketerene (Qui, Quo, Qua moschettieri dello spazio) by Ferrari and Francesc Bargadà Studio
16 Mikke Mus: De fire musketerer (Mickey Mouse: The Four Mouseketeers) by Jason, Angus and Sanchez
17 Donald Duck: En usannsynlig historie (Donald Duck: A Tall Tale) by Spectrum Associates (O'Connor and O'Conner) and Venanzio
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