Sliding Doors

by Peter Howitt (Director)

Other authorsJohn Smith (Editor), John Lynch (Actor), Sydney Pollack (Producer), Virginia McKenna (Actor), John Hannah (Actor), Gwyneth Paltrow (Actor), Jeanne Tripplehorn (Actor), Peter Howitt (Author), David Hirschfelder (Composer), Remi Adefarasin (Cinematographer), Kevin McNally (Actor)6 more, Nina Young (Actor), Paul Brightwell (Actor), Christopher Villiers (Actor), Philippa Braithwaite (Producer), Douglas McFerran (Actor), Zara Turner (Actor)
DVD, January 26, 1998


A London woman's love life and career both hinge, unknown to her, on whether or not she catches a train.


Original language




Library's rating

Library's review

A cosy romcom which -- outside of the central conceit of the two diverging timelines -- doesn't do anything particularly original and suffers a bit from the protagonist never really spending any time or energy (on screen) on anything but the men in her life, but is both charming and funny.


½ (14 ratings; 3.8)
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