Wake Up Calls

by Cosmo Sheldrake (Composer)

Other authorsBenjamin Britten (Composer), Cosmo Sheldrake (Artist)
CD sound recording, 2020


Original language



Tardigrade Records (2020)

Local notes

A rare CD demo of the album otherwise only available digitally or on vinyl, with the following tracks:

1. Nightjar
2. Nightingale Part I
3. Dawn Chorus
4. Skylark
5. Cuckoo
6. Marsh Warbler
7. Cuckoo Song (by Benjamin Britten)
8. Dunnock
9. Bittern
10. Evening Chorus
11. Mistle Thrush
12. Nightingale Part II
13. Owl Song

The tracks are all made primarily with recordings of bird sounds, and "Cuckoo Song" is the only track with lyrics, as well as the only one not originally composed by Sheldrake.
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