Tusen og en natt: Sjette bind [Kitab alf lailah wa lailah]

by Waldemar Brøgger (Editor)

Other authorsRichard Burton (Editor), E. W. Lane (Editor), Antoine Galland (Editor), Waldemar Brøgger (Translator), Waldemar Brøgger (Author), Turner Macan (Editor), Abu Abd-Allah Muahmmed el Gahsjigari (Author), H. W. Macnaghten (Editor), Antun Yusuf Hanna Diyab (Author)
Hardcover, 1985


Original language


Physical description

26 cm


[Oslo] : Forum Forlag, [1985]


8273650057 / 9788273650054

Local notes

Stories told on nights 963 through the 1001st.

Also included are smaller anecdotes from inside other narratives that were skipped in earlier volumes for purposes of story flow, and various tales from other manuscripts, editions and collections under the title "1001 Nights" that did not appear in the Turner Macan / Abu Abd-Allah manscript forming the basis of these collections. This is the final of six hardcovers collecting the entirety of "One Thousand and One Nights" in Norwegian translation, only abridging certain repetitive phrasings, rehashed near-identical tales, poems, etc.

This volume contains the following stories:
Sjeherasad's final two tales:
* Edelsteinshandlerens hustru
* Skomakeren Maruf
and the conclusion to the frame story about Sjeherasad and king Sjeheriar.

Smaller anecdotes skipped in earlier volumes:
* Eselet, oksen og kjøpmannen [told to Sjeherasad by her father in the frame story "Kongsbrødrene og de troløse hustruer" in Volume I]
* Piken og bjørnen [told on nights 353 through 355, following "Mutaukkil og hans elskede" in Volume III]
* Kongsdatteren og apen [told on nights 355 through 357, following "Piken og bjørnen" and preceding "Tryllehesten in Volume III]
* Vesiren fra Iemen og hans bror [told on night 384, following "Kjærligheten og døden" in Volume III]
* Harun al-Rasjid og to slavepiker [told on night 387, following "En kjærlig hustru" in Volume III]
* Harun al-Rasjid og tre slavepiker [told on night 387, following "Harun al-Rasjid og to slavepiker" and preceding "Mølleren og kona hans" in Volume VI]
* Harun, Sobeida og Abu Josef [told on nights 388 through 389, following "Tyven og tosken" in Volume III]
* Abu Isa og slavepiken [told on nights 414 through 418, following "En abbed som omvendte seg" in Volume III]
* Mannens og kvinnens fortrinn [told on nights 419 through 423, following "Den beste medisin" in Volume III]
* Ali ben Tahir og Munis [told on night 424, following "Grå hår" in Volume III]
* Unge og gamle menn som elskere [told on night 424, following "Ali ben Tahir og Munis" and preceding "Ali fra Kairo2 in Volume III]
* Vesirens sønn og bademesterens kone [told on night 584 by the fourth vizier, following "Trollkjelda" in Volume IV]
* Den kloke treåringen [told on night 605 by a prince to his father and the court, following "List over list" in Volume IV]
* Reven og byfolkene [told on night 606, following "Den kloke femåringen" in Volume IV]

Tales Sjeherasad told according to other sources:
* Abu l-Hasan i kalifens seng [read starting the 271st night according to its manuscript]
* Aladdin og den vidunderlige lampen [read starting the 514th night according to its manuscript]
* Harun al-Rasjid og de tre mennene [not assigned a specific night]
- Den blinde mannen
- Sidi Numan og hesten hans
- Reipslageren herr Hasan
* Ali Baba og de førti røverne
* Den lille kadien [not assigned a specific night]
* Tre søstre [not assigned a specific night]
* Prins Ahmed og feen Paribanu [not assigned a specific night]

* Sindbads sjuende reise [an alternate tale to his seventh journey in volume IV]

And the following commentaries and articles:
* Om fortellingenes alder
* Tusen og en natt i Europa
* En hyllest til Egypt
* Oversikt over innholdet i Tusen og en natt
* Registere


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