Author search:Richard Friend
Paperback, 2015
fiction, comic, DCU, super heroes, antihero, first person narrative, alien invasion, alternate versions of characters, evil twin trope, action, epic139 more, DC's Forever Evil, Justice League, Lex Luthor, Batman, Bruce Wayne (DC), Super-Woman of Earth-3, Johnny Quick of Earth-3 (DC), Ultraman (DC), Owlman (DC), Power Ring of Earth-3 (DC), Alexander Luthor (Earth-Three (DC)), The Outsider (DC), Sinestro, Slade Wilson (Deathstroke (DC)), Bizarro, Dick Grayson, secret identity, stronger together, The New 52, crossover event, Crime Society (DC), Rhonda Pineda (Atomica of Earth-3 (DC)), Martin Stein (Deathstorm of Earth-3 (DC)), Amanda Waller, Grid (DC), Barbara Gordon, Captain Cold, Mick Rory (Heat Wave (DC)), Lisa Snart (Glider (DC)), Samuel Scudder (Mirror Master (DC)), The Trickster (DC villain), Teen Titans, Kid Flash, Miguel Barragan (Bunker (DC)), Tim Drake, Conner Kent (Kon-El (Superboy (DC))), Cassandra Sandsmark (Wonder Girl (DC)), The Secret Society of Super-Villains (DC), Amazo (DC), Bane, Angelo Bend (Angle Man (DC)), Black Adam, Black-Cloud-In-Morning (Black Bison (DC)), Black Manta, Black Mask, Captain Boomerang, Cheetah, Clayface, Copperhead (DC villain), Deadshot, Despero (DC villain), Alexander Sartorius (Doctor Phosphorus (DC)), Barton Mathis (Dollmaker (DC)), Ignatius Ogilvy (Emperor Penguin), Fearsome Five (DC), Mikron O'Jeneus (Gizmo (DC)), Jinx (DC villainess), Baran Flinders (Mammoth (DC)), Simon Jones (Psimon (DC)), Selinda Flinders (Shimmer (DC)), Felix Faust, Ted Carson (Firefly (DC)), Eduardo Flamingo (DC), Jim Craddock (Gentleman Ghost (DC)), Giganta (DC villain), Harley Quinn, Anthony Woodward (Girder (DC)), Gorilla Grodd, Hector Hammond (DC), Hugo Strange (DC), Summer Day (Hyena (DC)), Duela Dent (Joker's Daughter (DC)), Killer Croc, Killer Frost, King Shark, Jarvis Tetch (Mad Hatter), Margaret Pye (Magpie (DC)), Kirk Langstrom (Man-Bat (DC)), Merlyn the Magician (The Dark Archer (DC)), Metallo (DC villain), Jonathan Cheval (Monocole (DC)), Mr. Freeze, Victor Zsasz, Danton Black (Multiplex (DC)), Nicolas Nolan (Nick Necro (DC)), The Penguin, The Scarecrow, The Riddler, Poison Ivy, Parasite (DC villain), Natalia Mitternacht (Nocturna (DC)), Plastique (DC villain), Oswald Loomis (Prankster (DC)), Professor Pyg (DC), Anthony Ives (Professor Ivo (DC)), Cyborg, Catwoman, Royal Flush Gang (DC), Peter Mortimer (Scavanger (DC)), Shadow Thief (DC villain), Tweedledee and Tweedledum (DC), Phillip Cobb (Signalman (DC)), Starro the Conqueror (DC), Two-Face, David Drake (Typhoon (DC)), Shauna Belzer (Ventriloquist (DC)), The Weasel (DC villain), Thomas Kord (DC), Arkham Asylum, Solstice (DC), Silas Stone (DC), Thomas Oscar Morrow (DC), White Rabbit (DC), Alexander Luthor Jr. (son of Super-Woman of Earth-3 (DC)), Lena Luthor (DC), Weather Wizard (DC villain), Injustice Gang, Mark Desmond (Blockbuster (DC)), Parallax, enemy of my enemy, Green Arrow, Simon Baz (Green Lantern (DC)), Green Lantern, Tatsu Yamashiro (Katana), Hawkman, Stargirl (DC), Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Jason Rusch (Firestorm (DC)), Ronald Roy Rockwell (Firestorm (DC)), Barry Allen (DC), The Flash, Captain Marvel (DC), Wonder Woman, Superman, Ted Kord (Blue Beetle (DC)), Anti-Monitor (DC), John Dee (Doctor Destiny (DC)), Volthoom (DC)
fiction, comic, DCU, graphic novel, DC's Rebirth, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain (DC), Stephanie Brown (DC), Batwoman (Kate Kane), Clayface, redemption story90 more, time travel, terrible futures to come, alternate versions of characters, Jason Todd, Jacob Kane (DC), Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, butler, unlikely friends, action, child genious, artificial intelligence, Brother Eye (DC), DC's The OMAC Project, Batman, Bruce Wayne (DC), Batman Detective Comics, gifts from Ørjan's family, Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael (DC)), Lucas Fox (Batwing (DC)), Jor-El (DC), Zatanna, Giovanni Zatara (DC), Ra's al Ghul, Lady Shiva (DC), League of Assassins, kaijū, Damian Wayne, science fiction, Harper Row (Bluebird (DC)), Leslie Thompkins (DC), oversized book, super heroes, Colony (DC organization), Arkham Asylum, Renee Montoya, Ulysses Hadrian Armstrong (The General (DC)), Gabrielle "Gabi" Kane (DC), Duke Thomas (The Signal (DC)), A.R.G.U.S., Claire Clover (Gotham Girl (DC)), Hugo Strange's Monster Men, Harvey Bullock, James Gordon, Amanda Waller, Hugo Strange (DC), Wonder Woman, Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern (DC)), Simon Baz (Green Lantern (DC)), Barry Allen (DC), Cyborg, Victim Syndicate (DC), The First Victim (DC), Virgil Myers (Mute (DC)), Glory Griffin (Mudface (DC)), Guy Mandrake (Mister Noxious (DC)), Abigail O'Shay (Madame Crow (DC)), grief, Victoria October (DC), Simon Samuels (Colony Prime (DC)), Sebastian Hady (DC), Matthew Atkins (DC), Ascalon (DC), The Order of St. Dumas, The Suit of Sorrows (DC), Ubu (DC), Man-Bat Commandos (DC), Lonnie Machin (Anarky (DC)), Elliot Caldwell (Wrath (DC)), The Penguin, Nomoz Smith (DC), Drury Walker (Charaxes / Killer Moth (DC)), Funky Flashman (DC), Jean-Paul Ludovic Valley Sr. (Azrael (DC)), possession, power suit, Doomsday, Mary Elizabeth "Bette" Kane (Flamebird (DC)), Titus the dog (DC), Ted Carson (Firefly (DC)), Victor Zsasz, Otis Flannegan (Ratcatcher (DC)), Deidre Vance (Query (DC)), Nina Damfino (Echo (DC)), Whisper Gang (DC), George Dyke (Gorilla Boss (DC)), vigilantism, Court of Owls, Tamara Fox (DC)
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