Holiday in the Hamptons

by Sarah Morgan



HQN Books, c2017

Library's rating




"Professional dog-walker Felicity Knight loves everything about New York--until her ex-husband starts working at her local vet clinic. She hasn't seen Seth Carlyle in ten years, but one glimpse of him--too gorgeous, and still too good for her--and Fliss's heart hurts like their whirlwind marriage ended yesterday. So when her grandmother in the Hamptons needs help for the summer, it seems the ideal way to escape her past. Their relationship might have lasted only a few scorching months, but vet Seth knows Fliss--if she's run away to the Hamptons, it's because she still feels their connection and it terrifies her. He let her go once before, when he didn't know any better, but not this summer! With the help of his adorable dog, Lulu, and a sprinkling of beachside magic, Seth is determined to make Fliss see that he's never stopped loving her"--… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member beckymmoe

Okay, so Fliss did get on my nerves a bit--her inability to see herself and her relationships as they truly were was aggravating. Her reasons for this were absolutely understandable, which is why I stuck with her, but still...aggravating. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hug her or shake her
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more. Her HEA, though? Totally earned.

And Seth...Seth. He cooks. He's good with animals. And especially once the fear of (not going to say who here, that would give it away) someone is put into him, he absolutely sees Fliss for who she is and gives her that one last chance that they both need.

Le sigh. Pretty sure this is my favorite of the series so far...although I somehow missed Daniel's book, something I plan to remedy ASAP ;)

Harriet's next--can't wait!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
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LibraryThing member JanJanFreeman
Fliss Knight is moving onwards and upwards. She and her twin sister, Harriet, have followed their passions for animals and are the Bark Rangers; a dog-walking service in New York City. Their business has taken off since working with Urban Genie (shout out to Eva, Frankie, and Paige from the
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previous books in the series). Fliss is looking to expand the business, hire more people, looking forward. She was so determined to move forward that she is thrown off course when her past comes back for her.
Seth Carlyle has followed his passion of animal welfare and has become a veterinarian. He has tried to move on in the last ten years since he let the love of his life, his ex-wife Fliss, walk out of his life. He has dated other women but no one has held a candle to her. When tragedy strikes, he realizes life is too short to not follow your passions. He followed his passion in his career, now he is determined to follow the biggest passion of his life: Fliss.
I was so excited to have received the next book in the From Manhattan With Love Series for review! I have read the previous 4 books and I am pleased to state that this book was just as great! It has the grit of miscommunication, insecurity, and surviving rough childhoods mixed with humor, wisdom from supporting characters, and the cleansing purity of true love. It has the character development that is gripping and showcases that just because love is not about only the highs but how you go through the lows together.
This is the fifth book in the series, however, all of these books can read as standalones. I started this series with the third book, loved it so much that I immediately dug into the first two books, and am now caught up and can't wait for the next book! The stories in the series zero in on each couple and how they develop their relationship rather than other series where the books must be read in succession in order to make any sense. In fact, Eva has a strong presence in the first few books, especially in the book all about her love story in Miracle on 5th Avenue (From Manhattan With Love #3), and I was delighted that she is mentioned a time or two in this book. Furthermore, Chase and Matilda were supporting characters in this book and I loved their romance. After finishing this book, I was hoping a book later in the series would be about how they came together. But GUESS WHAT? It turns out their love story started off this great romance series in the prequel book Midnight at Tiffany’s (From Manhattan With Love #0.5)! I was not aware of this but I am so excited to dive into that book! I am also excited to read the next book in the series which I hope will be about Harriet, Fliss’ twin sister. The readers get to know Fliss and Harriet as supporting characters in the last book as they are the twin sisters of Daniel, one of the two main characters, in the book New York, Actually (From Manhattan With Love #4). Although their rough childhood with an emotionally and verbally abusive father was described in New York, Actually, it is described in Fliss’ perspective in this book and is therefore able to be read as a standalone.
My favorite character is Fliss and Harriet’s grandmother. My sister and I used to go to my grandmother’s cabin every summer and spent a lot of time together perfecting her perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. We also spent a lot of time in the water, although my grandmother’s cabin was on a lake and not by the ocean. I felt that I could relate a lot to Fliss and her childhood memories in that sense.
I would highly recommend this book for all romance lovers as well as for readers who enjoy reading about overcoming the pain of the past.
I would not recommend this book for those who may be offended by mild foul language, divorce, mental abuse, miscarriage, and sexual scenarios.

Please note: an electronic copy of the book was generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member debkrenzer
This was my first book by Sarah Morgan and as such, the first in this series. I had no trouble following along and actually I didn't even remember that it was a series until I started to review the book. In reading the book, I had no idea! Yay!

This was a great beach read, escape story and every
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entertaining. I loved the bit about the twin sisters, Fliss and Harriet, and how it was hard, if you didn't know them real well, to tell them apart. It reminded me of that "Parent Trap" movie, only a lot more grownup.

I sped through this book and while the main character, Fliss was going on and on about whether she should give Seth a chance and did she really have any feelings for him, yada yada yada. While some books can drive you crazy with this issue, I think the author handled it beautifully. I did not tire of the story or characters and sped right through.

Thanks to Harlequin, HQN Books and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
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LibraryThing member GRgenius
At first, I wasn't as involved in this story. I know, it shocked the hey out of me too....however, once the ball got rolling, the deception started, and I realized that not only was Seth not as bad as I had him pegged from his cameo in 'New York, Actually', but he was pretty darn smart too, I was
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reading with new eyes. Fliss is a unique character in that she takes no prisoners in pretty much anything she does and her protective streak runs straight to her marrow. Seth is truly one of the good guys. No, here's not perfect..but he's come to terms with what he wants in life and won't stop until she realizes that it's her. Seeing how in tune they were with each other despite the years that have passed warmed my heart, as did his patient pursuit of her as he sidestepped her defenses without her guard ever realizing.

All in all, the story was filled with personal discovery, and understanding of both the mind and the heart. When the final page is turned, we are left with the knowledge that while showing our true selves can be scary, it's the only way to build those bonds that last, and discover the love that was meant to be.

**copy received for review
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LibraryThing member JulesGDSide
I liked Fliss's story but I found the writing not as good as that of the other stories in the series.
LibraryThing member JulesGDSide
I liked Fliss's story but I found the writing not as good as that of the other stories in the series.
LibraryThing member kbranfield
3.5 stars.

Holiday in the Hamptons is a second chance at love between a couple who have been divorced for ten years.  This fifth installment in Sarah Morgan's From Manhattan with Love series is the second novel featuring the Knight siblings.

In an effort to avoid running into her ex-husband,
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veterinarian Seth Carlyle, professional dog walker Felicity "Fliss" Knight quickly seizes the chance to go to the Hamptons to help her grandmother. Despite their marriage only lasting a few short, scorching hot months, Fliss has never really gotten over her first love.  Unfortunately, she runs into Seth as soon as she arrives in the Hamptons and she impulsively goes to somewhat ridiculous lengths to try to avoid him. Scarred from her verbally abusive father, Fliss is emotionally closed off and her father's criticism and negative remarks continue to affect her. Despite her feisty and colorful personality, Fliss is a difficult character to like due to her unwillingness to let anyone close to her. Her refusal to have meaningful discussions is understandable, but she is so emotionally crippled that getting past her defenses takes a herculean effort.

Seth is kind, compassionate and caring so it is no surprise that he is well-liked and highly respected by everyone who knows him. He has never quite gotten over Fliss and following an unexpected loss, he decides it is time to become reacquainted with his ex-wife.  Seth realizes his feelings for Fliss have not lessened over the years and he hopes if they can discuss what went wrong in the past they can start over again. He knows getting through to his ex-wife is not going to be easy and although he has quite a bit of patience with Fliss, he is no pushover.  When she continues to hold him at arms' length, Seth is gentle yet forceful as he confronts her about her behavior.  He is also adamant they work on the emotional part of their relationship before giving in to their blazing hot passion.

Holiday in the Hamptons is a slow-paced romance  and it is not easy to connect with Fliss and Seth as a couple due to Fliss's kneejerk reactions and unwillingness to lower her defenses.  Some elements of their present day relationship are somewhat unrealistic considering the circumstances surrounding their divorce, the short duration of their marriage and the passage of time.  While Fliss is a frustrating character, Seth is quite charming and immensely appealing. Fliss's grandmother is also quite wonderful and the scenes with her and her friends are absolutely priceless.  Sarah Morgan's intriguing glimpses of Fliss's twin sister Harriet will leave readers impatiently awaiting the next installment in the From Manhattan with Love series.
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