A girl's guide to moving on

by Debbie Macomber



Arrow, c2016.

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An ex- daughter-in-law and mother-in-law become unlikely best friends and embark on newly single lives together. Nichole, a woman in her early thirties, is recovering from a broken heart after learning her husband was having an affair and separating from him. The twist is that her mother-in-law, Leanne, is the one who told her that her son was cheating. Leanne has looked the other way for decades as her own husband cheated, and can't bear to see her son repeating the same pattern. In telling Nichole, she also gathers the courage to leave her husband, and the two women - ex- mother-in-law and daughter-in-law - rent apartments across the hall from each other and support one another in rebuilding their lives and embracing surprising new romantic endeavours.… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member arlenadean
Title: A Girl's Guide To Moving On
Author: Debbie Macomber
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Series: New Beginnings
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Girl's Guide To Moving On" by Debbie Macomber

My Thoughts....

I loved how this author gave us a read that focused on Nichole and Leanne...daughter
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in law and mother in law. Wow, to have these two that had been cheated on by their unfaithful husbands was really some good read. Seeing how they dealt with their new situations in life was really quite some story and well presented to the readers. This was a beautifully told story about a family[lovely strong women] and just how they figured how and just what they needed in their life. Be ready for a story that shows how both of these ladies dealt with life after their divorces and the new men in their life that treated them as only they should be treated. I loved the characters in this novel .....Leanne, Nichole, Nikolai, Rocco to name a few other that that will keep the reader turning the pages till the end. This read was really something what this author brought out about those cheating husbands toward at the end of the read that did give me some surprise to its ending. I especially liked the epilogue that will sum the story all up at the end giving the reader a nice conclusion to a well written story.

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member susan0316
I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review.

Debbie Macomber never disappoints her readers. This book is a bit different than her earlier books because it deals with more real world problems but as always Debbie handles her story and character in a realistic and enjoyable manner.

The two
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main characters are Nichole and Leanne. Nichole was married to Leanne's son and when Leanne learned that her son was cheating on Nichole (as his father had always cheated on her), she decided that she needed to tell Nichole. Nichole ended the marriage which gave Leanne the courage to end her marriage, too. The two of them are starting over, both at different places in their lives but they have each other to depend on. The novel touches on many different aspects of divorced women today - computer dating, loss of old friends, meeting new men, developing trust in a potential new relationship and at the same time being true to the person you want to be. This is another great book by a fantastic author.
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LibraryThing member KMT01
I have been reading books by Debbie Macomber for years, and this one has easily become one of my favorites, if not my favorite. How do you tell the story of two wronged women, both married to and divorced from husband serial cheaters, women who move on to new, better lives? The author has provided
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a well done, well written book that covers this subject in a particularly interesting and captivating way. I was lucky enough to get a copy through Netgalley to read and review. Once I began the book, I had difficulty putting it down, as it enveloped me completely in the stories of Nichole and Leanne. Both women have the inner strength and fortitude to rise above their philandering husbands and leave their plush lives behind, after divorcing their husbands and making new lives for themselves. I loved the way these women almost immediately developed a plan to leave their pasts and exes behind, to look forward never behind, regardless what life threw at them. It was obvious, from the start, that each would pair up with someone new, totally unlike their exes, in their new lives, someone their exes would never understand or accept, only making the story more interesting. That was part of their turning over a new leaf. As each woman moves through the various, well known and documented stages of post-divorce life, the reader is treated to remarkable insights about each stage, what each stage entails and means for their new lives without husbands and support. I did find it very interesting that both women were left well off financially after each divorce, which only made their moving on easier. I wondered how things might have been different had either of them had to find new ways to support themselves and, in Nichole’s case, her young son, as do a majority of newly divorced women. In this respect, the author has made it easier to tell their stories, since there never was a need to focus on the one area where newly divorced women have usually find challenging, that impacts heavily on their new lives. Nevertheless, this setting did not detract from this heartfelt story of strength to move on after this traumatic life’s event. The book also shows us the resilience and power of friendship, reinvention and hope for two wronged women. I think anyone who wants to spend some time following two strong, determined women as they navigate lives post-divorce, with all its ups and downs, will enjoy this book, or to anyone who enjoys a solid story about women who pull out an inner strength and friendship to carry them through difficult times. As usual, it is extremely well written, has very well developed characters, and provides a welcome respite from the all too popular boy meets girl, boy and girl fall into love encountering difficulties along the way but manage to stay a couple narrative we find today.
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LibraryThing member kykim
A Girl's Guide to Moving On by Debbie Macomber is not your usual Mother-in-law/daughter-in-law story. I enjoyed reading Nichole and Leanne's stories as they move on from their cheating husbands (father and son) to start new lives. I had met Nichole when reading Last One Home, but A Girl's Guide To
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Moving On, is a great stand-alone book as well.

I enjoyed the story of how Nichole and Leanne deal with their exes, Jake and Sean, and their cheating ways. Also both still trying to control their lives even after divorce. The new men, Rocco and Nicolai, that come into their lives, showing them how women should be treated.

I am a HUGE Debbie Macomber fan, and this one didn't disappoint me in the least. I highly recommend it to all Macomber fans or anyone wanting to read one of her books for the 1st time.
Look for this book on the bookshelves in February 2016

I received an ARC (advanced readers copy) from NetGallery in exchange for my honest review.
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LibraryThing member alekee
Once again Debbie Macomber has written a wonderful and up lifting novel, that quickly became a page-turner.
As I began reading this book, I noticed that it was a stand alone, but was having flash backs to felling like I’ve read parts before, and other parts seemed so new. Finally I realized that I
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had been introduced to some of these characters before in “Last One Home”, and was so glad to get updates in all of their lives.
These women, whom are Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law, are very close, and the men in their lives have followed the same path. Nichole has gotten out after five years of marriage, while Leanne was in hers for almost 35 years.
You will delight when you meet the new men in these women’s lives and feel how much they deserve to be cherished. Will they be able to maintain these new relationships considering their past?
Journey along as these ladies get back on their feet and become themselves once again.
I received this book through Net Galley and Ballentine Books and was not required to give a positive review.
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LibraryThing member Kris_Anderson
A Girl’s Guide to Moving On by Debbie Macomber is a novel about women getting on with their life after divorce. Nichole Patterson and her mother-in-law Leanne Patterson have just divorced their husbands. They have moved into apartments next door to each other in Portland, Oregon. They have come
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up with what they call “A Guide to Letting Go and Moving On”. It is easier to say than to do.

Nichole was married to Jake. They have a son, Owen. But then Jake (just like his father) cheated on Nichole with another woman and the other woman became pregnant. Jake has done everything possible to delay the divorce. They are still working out the details almost two years later. Nichole just wants to get on with her life. She is a substitute teacher and also volunteers at a dress shop that helps woman gets clothes who are going into the work force for the first time. Nichole meets Rocco Nyquist on day when her car goes into a ditch. Rocco is kind, hardworking, and a good man. Can the new relationship survive the interfering ex-husband?

Leanne Patterson was married to her husband, Sean for thirty-five years and he cheated for the majority of the marriage. Leanne always looked the other way. Now she sees that it gave her son, Jake the wrong idea (that his wife would put up with it). Nichole gave her the courage to file for divorce (they did it together on the same day). Leanne is now living on her own (a first) and teaches English as a second language at the community center. It is in the class that Leanne meets Nikolai Janchenko from the Ukraine. He is a wonderful baker with a great personality. He cares very much for Leanne, but then Sean needs assistance. Will Leanne ever get happiness? She will need to have faith that everything will work out according to God’s will.

A Girl’s Guide to Moving On was a sweet (though predictable) book. It was a beautifully, crafted novel. My interest was held throughout the whole book. It is easy to read with entertaining characters (especially Nikolai). The ending was just wonderful. Fans of Debbie Macomber will love A Girl’s Guide to Moving On. I give A Girl’s Guide to Moving On 4 out of 5 stars (I liked it, but I knew how it would end). There is just the right amount of faith and God in this novel (it is not pushy or in your in face).

I received a complimentary copy of A Girl’s Guide to Moving On from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member JCGirl
If you are looking for a fast enjoyable read ( it took me less than a day to read, I couldn't put it down), I highly recommend Debbie Macomber's A Girl's Guide to Moving On. The book tells the story of Nicole who is married to Jake (who has been cheating on his wife) and a her young son Owen. When
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Nicole's mother-in-law Leanne overhears her son Jake tell his father Sean that his girlfriend is pregnant, Leanne is so disappointed in her son. She now realizes that her son has become just like his father, a cheater. She becomes shocked when her husband coldly suggests to Jake that he needs to get the girlfriend an abortion. As much as Leanne never wants to hurt her daughter-in-law, Leanne knows she must tell Nicole the truth about her son. Nicole is understandable heartbroken to learn of her husbands betrayal of their marriage and decides to get a divorce. Seeing the strength and courage in Nicole to leave Jake, Leanne then takes the first step to leave her marriage with Sean too.
Realizing that there is power in numbers, the women find a complex building in Portland, which has apartments next to one another and move in. With Owen living with Nicole, the women finally feel their lives are moving forward to a bright happy life as they put together a list to help them cope with their divorces. Nicole starts to volunteer at a "Dress for Success" boutique, that assist women in the community to obtain professional clothes for job interviews. While Leanne starts teaching English as a second language at a night school. Both women find fulfillment in helping others as they move into a new phase in their life. As the women journey into a new future, they both meet new men, Nicole meets Rocco, the opposite of her ex Jake. Leanne meets a Nikolai, a endearing baker originally from the Ukraine, in her night school class. Through these two men the women finally see their true beauty in themselves and learn to be loved by men that truly appreciate them.
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LibraryThing member ethel55
Nichole and Leanne have left their husbands two years previous and now live across the hall from one another, helping each other cope and move on as the title suggests. The twist is that they are former in-laws. I liked how the two had unique attitudes to both their exes and how to accomplish this
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next stage in their lives. And while I did kind of think the exes has a bit much sway for this long into their marriage dissolutions, it made for a good story. Both women meet new men who are polar opposites of their exes and the story wraps up as only a sweet Macomber story can. A quick fun read for anyone looking for a happy ending.
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LibraryThing member gpangel
A Girl’s Guide to Moving On by Debbie Macomber is a 2016 Ballantine Books publication. I was provided a copy of this book by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

It’s only been over the last couple of years that I have begun to appreciate the work of this acclaimed
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author. For a long while, I was mistakenly under the impression her books were more my mother’s speed and not something I could relate to.

However, I have taste tested a few of her books here and there and found they are very well written, with characters that have depth and are given real and meaty issues to combat which is something I find lacking in many contemporary novels. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what to expect from a novel written by this author and so when I saw this one up on Netgalley I didn’t hesitate to request it.

Almost immediately I was struck by the impression this book did not have the same tone as other books I had read by this author.

The story focuses on the lives of two women who have walked away from bad marriages. What makes the situation so unique is that Leanne is Nichole’s mother-in-law and through Nichole’s courage to leave Jake after discovering his infidelity, two women set out on their own, rebuilding their lives one day at a time.

Moving on proves to be a big challenge for these ladies, but life has a way of balancing things and before too long both Nichole and Leanne meet other men, and begin new chapters in their lives. Naturally, things are complicated as both ex-husbands wake up and smell the coffee, realizing too late the good thing they had thrown away.

Although, this book is just a little different from what I expected it to be, it was still in many ways, trademark Debbie Macomber. Funny at times, heartbreaking at others, uplifting and inspirational as always. Shake things up, don’t let men get away with mistreating you, rely on friends, make new ones, try something new, and most of all be true to yourself. There are toxic men out there of course, but there are lots of good ones too. So don’t stop believing in love, because it will always find you, often times in ways you would never have guessed.

Overall, this is a solid contemporary novel with romantic elements that everyone can enjoy.

4 stars
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LibraryThing member drebbles
Nichole thought she had the perfect life - married to Jake, a job that she loved, volunteer work, and especially her young son Owen. However, that life is shattered when she discovers Jake has been unfaithful and his girlfriend is pregnant. Nichole decides to divorce Jake and build a new life for
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herself and Owen. Her plans didn't include meeting tow truck driver Rocco but when she does sparks fly between the two of them. Can these two seemingly opposite people find love? In the meantime, encouraged by Nichole's actions, her mother-in-law Leanne, who ignored her husband Sean’s infidelity for years, also decides to get a divorce. She too is building a new life when she meets Nikolai, a baker from Ukraine. Nikolai (and his bread) soon find a way to Leanne’s heart but devastating news challenges her feelings for both Sean and Nikolai.

“A Girl's Guide to Moving On” is a heartwarming and at times heartbreaking novel by Debbie Macomber. While this is listed as a standalone novel, and it can indeed be read as such, it is a sequel of sorts to “Last One Home”, and fans of that book will definitely want to read this to find out what is going on with Cassie, Stephen, and Amiee. Nichole is Cassie’s sister and I love her character - reeling after her husband's infidelity, determined to not be like her mother-in-law and suffer for years, instead she builds a new life for herself. Rocco is definitely rough around the edges but I just love his relationship with Nichole. Readers will cheer for the two of them as they have their ups and downs (and no doubt some readers will hiss Jake a few times!). Leanne’s story is equally compelling as she begins a new life for herself, divorcing after many years of marriage. Her romance with Nikolai is especially well done - I just love his character! Their romance will make you laugh and cry - there are truly some heartbreaking moments in store for Leanne.

Usually when I read books like this, I find I prefer one romance over the other - not so with “A Girl's Guide to Moving On”. I thoroughly enjoyed both romances in the book and was sorry when the book was over.
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LibraryThing member jbarr5
A girl's guide to moving on, by Debbie Macomber
Starts out with Nicole and she's found out her spouse is cheating on her.
The book is also about her mother LeeAnne and she's filing for divorce also. Her husband had cheated on her decades ago and she didn't want to be on her own with a newborn.
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each live in an apartment in downtown Portland across the hall from one another.
Alternating chapters from each of the women. Who they thought were their friends were not.
They make a list as to what to do with their lives now as they struggled with everyday issues.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
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LibraryThing member annmwilson09
I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

"A Girl's Guide to Moving On" follows the lives of Nicole and LeAnne (Nicole's Mother in Law) proceeding their divorces. They end up living in apartments across from each other, and become the best support system either of them ever
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imagined. Nicole and LeAnne write up a list of goals to help them move on from failed marriages that stemmed from their husbands infidelity.

The strength these two woman find is amazing and hopeful for those experiencing the same burden and pain. It really is possible to recover, heal, find yourself, and learn to love again, even after what you experienced in the past.

I really enjoyed how you were able to experience the pain and turmoil from the infidelity of the spouses, and then your heart lightens as both Nicole and LeAnne recover, and discover who they really are as an individual, and that it is okay to open your heart up once again and learn to love again.

You really can find love in mysterious ways, places, and circumstances. There is hope for those experiencing what Nicole an LeAnne experienced- and I am living proof of that as well!
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LibraryThing member sdbookhound
It has been a while since I have read a Debbie Macomber book. After reading A Girl's Guide to Moving on, I was reminded how much I enjoy her books. This book follows two women who are learning to move on after divorce. What makes it unique is that the two women are mother-in-law and
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daughter-in-law. Their relationship was inspiring and their stories believable. Both women get a second chance at love and I found it refreshing that they approach these new relationships carefully and with thought. This was a wonderful book with a satisfying ending. I would not hesitate to recommend this book to fellow readers. I was given a copy of A Girl's Guide to Moving On from the publisher and was not required or expected to give a positive review. This review contains my own personal reaction to the book.
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LibraryThing member LisCarey
Leanne Patterson and her daughter-in-law Nichole are embarking on new lives in the aftermath of facing up to their husbands' infidelity. Leanne had put up with Sean's infidelity for thirty-five years before discovering that son Jake was also cheating on his wife. Nichole, when she learned the
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truth, is not willing to put up with it. They both file for divorce. Two years have passed; Leanne's divorce is final, but Jake is still fighting Nichole on it.

The two women, closer than ever, having taken apartments in Portland across the hall from each other. They're both volunteering as part of their plan for moving on and living healthy lives not focused on bitterness and resentment. Leanne is teaching an English as a second language class; Nichole is volunteering at Dress for Success. Nichole is also facing the challenges of being a single mother, and of having to send three-year-old Owen to Jake every other weekend. Both women have full lives, busy and challenging.

Then Leanne meets Nikolai in in her ESL class. He's a baker from Ukraine, handsome and sweet, and deals with his limited ability to express nuanced ideas in English by baking her bread to express his feelings.

Nichole meets Rocco, a tow truck company owner who comes to her rescue when she backs her car into a ditch. A single father with a teenage daughter, he winds up asking her to help his daughter Kaylene to select a dress more appropriate for the school dance than the one she's currently planning to wear.

Leanne and Nichole are both in for a bumpy ride, finding new love when they've given up on it, and discovering that the only thing both Sean and Jake dislike as much as being faithful is the idea of their ex-spouses moving on and finding happiness without them. The two women still have a lot of emotional ground to cover, to learn to love and respect themselves, and believe themselves worthy of real love. To a lesser extent, so do Nikolai and Rocco. The two most seriously in need of personal growth, though, are Sean and Jake, and they've got a really painful road ahead of them.

This is a gentle and humane book, with the strengths and weaknesses of all the characters recognized and explored. It's a warm and comforting read for the cold winter season.


I received a free electronic galley of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.
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LibraryThing member SimplyKelina
I loved book one in this series, but this one fell short. Over half way though and I felt like nothing was happening. I did start enjoying it more in the second half.

I was not a huge fan of the romance between Leanne and Nichole. I felt Nichole was too jealous and never understanding of Leanne. I
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never bought into their romance and did not connect with them. I liked the story around Leanne and her ex-husband though. I do not know what many people would do if an ex, who treated you horribly, would do if they had to face what Leanne did.

I liked Nicole, but again just not connect with her story as much I thought I would.

I wanted more about the characters from Book one. Yes, I knew this was a companion novel about Nicole, but still wanted more! I liked the parts when hearing about Cassie and Steven again.

Overall, this was good but not as great as the first book. I am not sure if I will or will not pick up the rest of the series.
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LibraryThing member Carlathelibrarian
Debbie Macomber does women's stories better than anyone. The romance thrown in makes this book thoroughly enjoyable. This is a 4.5 star read for me.

This is the second book in this set, but it can be read as a stand alone. This is the story of Leanne and her daughter-in-law, Nicole. Both of these
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woman have left their husbands due to infidelity. Leanne, suffered in a loveless marriage for many years and got the nerve to leave her husband, Sean, when Nicole left Jake. Their stories are very uplifting. They move to downtown Portland and into apartments across the the hall from each other. They have developed "rules" or guidelines on how to move on from their failed marriages, thus the title.

One of the guidelines was to volunteer so Leanne volunteers at the Community Center teaching English as a Second Language Classes, and Nichole works at a shop that dresses women who are starting over. Her clients are looking for jobs, and she makes them over and helps prepare them for interviews.

In her classes, Leanne meets a handsome Ukrainian baker, Nikolai, who brings her fresh-baked bread every class. He tells her that his bread says what is in heart that he cannot say. Nicole meets a handsome tow truck driver that is completely different from her ex-husband, Jake. Rocco has spent time in jail, has rough-edges and many tattoos. He is also a single father to a teenage girl and requests Nicole's help with his daughter. Nicole's young son, Owen, takes to Rocco like a duck to water and of course this does not please his father. As these two relationships grow, they have the usual growing pains as well as some outside issues that occur when there are ex-spouses involved.

This is a novel of strong woman finding that inner strength, romance, family dramas and some laughs. If you enjoy romance, women's stories or family drama, you will enjoy this book.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
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LibraryThing member LoriKBoyd
Enjoyable romance story
LibraryThing member kbranfield
4.5 stars.

A Girl's Guide to Moving On is the second installment in Debbie Macomber's heartwarming New Beginnings series. In this delightful story of friendship, Nichole Patterson and her ex-mother-in-law but best friend, Leanne, unexpectedly find love but both find it difficult to leave the past
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behind due to their respective ex-husbands' interference in their lives.

When Leanne learned that her son Jake was cheating on his wife, she knew that, no matter how painful, Nichole needed to know the truth about her husband. Gaining courage from Nichole's decision to leave Jake, Leanne decides it is time to end her thirty-five year marriage to her philandering husband Sean. Supporting one another through this tumultuous time, Nichole and Leanne leave their old lives behind and start fresh in a new town. While Leanne's divorce goes through quickly, Jake is stunned by Nichole's reaction and for the past two years, he has done everything he can to delay their divorce. Finally realizing she is not going to change her mind, Jake signs the divorce papers, but he continues to manipulate Nichole once he learns of her new relationship with blue-collar tow truck owner Rocco Nyquist.

Leanne, Nichole and three year old Owen have settled fairly easily into their lives. Leaving behind their pampered, wealthy lifestyles was fairly smooth and although Leanne has no financial concerns, money is sometimes tight for Nichole since she has been unable to secure a fulltime teaching position. Aided by their rules to help them regain their independence and bolster their self-esteem, both women are quite satisfied with their lives. One of their most important "rules" is giving back to the local community through volunteering and each of them have found their niche in their volunteer positions. Leanne loves teaching English as second language twice a week while Nichole is quite fulfilled by her volunteer position helping underprivileged women prepare for job interviews.

Just after Jake signs the divorce papers, Nichole strikes up an unexpected friendship with Rocco and his teenage daughter Kaylene. Rocco is unlike anyone Nichole has ever known but despite their outward differences, their core beliefs are quite similar. While she is a little unsettled by her attraction to Rocco, Nichole very much enjoys his company and she is more than willing to see where their relationship leads. But trouble arises when Jake feels threatened by their burgeoning romance and he intimidates her into making an unpalatable decision.

Leanne is surprised when her student Nikolai Janchenko expresses an interest in her outside of their ESL classes. Due to her ex-husband's long-term infidelity, her self-confidence remains low and she is quite flustered by Nikolai's attention. Their relationship is a bit of a slow burner due to Nicolai's unexpected jealousy and her ex's sudden reappearance in her life. Their budding romance is further derailed by a shocking crisis and Leanne's compassionate response to devastating news.

A Girl's Guide to Moving On is a captivating novel of healing, friendship and love. The storyline is incredibly moving and Debbie Macomber does a magnificent job keeping the plot fresh and interesting. The characters are well-developed and likable with realistic flaws and true to life issues to resolve. This latest release is a heartfelt and gratifying addition to the New Beginnings series that old and new fans are sure to enjoy.
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LibraryThing member Maydacat
This second book of the series focuses on two main protagonists. Leanne has divorced her philandering husband, and her daughter-in-law Nichole has left her equally unfaithful husband. Leanne remains closer to Nichole than she is to her own son. Now, each woman has met someone new, and both these
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romantic interests are as different from their former husbands as night is to day. Debbie Macomber writes an excellent story, examining the struggles of these women as they recognize their developing feelings for someone new while retaining some feelings for and having a history with the husbands they could no longer live with. She also does a good job of representing the actions of the new men in lives of these two women when they are compelled to confront the former husbands. It’s a romantic story that embraces reality. Life is not all sunshine and roses, but eventually, people adjust and make a conscious effort to be happy.
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