Bringing Maggie home : a novel

by Kim Vogel Sawyer



WaterBrook, c2017.

Library's rating




"Ten-year-old Hazel takes her three-year-old sister to pick berries in a blackberry thicket in 1943, and only one of them comes home again. Young Hazel's world crumbles, the weight of the guilt from that colors every relationship in her life for the next seventy years. But now Hazel's granddaughter Meghan is a cold case agent and has an opportunity to investigate this very personal family mystery. What she uncovers could provide healing for three generations of women"--

User reviews

LibraryThing member lanehillhouse
Friday, September 8, 2017
Bringing Maggie Home by Kim Vogel Sawyer, © 2017

My Review:

This story is different from previous writings by this author. It centers around an event kept hidden from earlier times in 1943 Arkansas, still affecting responses in a family now in the present contemporary time.
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When an unsolved mystery is revealed, hope arises of resolving family conflict spreading throughout the pages to mend their relationship. I forge forward in their journey, hoping this will be so! Nothing sadder than to lose those closest to you ~ a gifting actually to cherish.

Meddling did not seem to fit in, as three generations are unable to form an alliance between themselves without taking two sides against one. The daughter has been feeling the granddaughter got more attention from the mother than she herself had received while growing up. In fact such a dismal comparison, she thought she saw why she was so determined to leave home earlier than planned by either of them. The past not reckoned with, dissolved any hope for a relationship beyond what had been experienced previously....

Meghan DeFord looked so forward to spending time in Nevada with her beloved grandmother, Hazel Blackwell DeFord. Many happy memories of earlier stays seemed just what was needed to rest and heal physically from traffic accident injuries. Surprisingly, her emotionally absent mother, Diane DeFord, appears out of nowhere it seemed, encouraging plans to stay a spell as she brings not one but four dogs with her. Meghan quickly finds a referee is needed as one or the other seems to find barbs to spread into conversations. Reverting to past actions, the whirlwind seems to shatter a welcomed relief Meghan had envisioned.

I am reminded of a quote by Elisabeth Elliot Gren that certainly applied to this scenario:

"Then I heard a tape which said it was a lie of the enemy to believe that some event that had happened would prevent something else from ever happening. As if a mistake you or someone else made would forever prevent God's will for your life."
--Quest for Love, 240

As I read on, I see an inkling of an exposure of light and truth seeping in from those around them. Darkness cannot remain when exposed to God's love infiltrating a cycle of negative repetition; habits that have enfolded hearts unable to see a way of escape. Slow changes begin, as the sadness and despondency of the past are unveiled. Secrets revealed and talked about, help them to see the possibility of the past not dominating the future and present of their lives.

This is a strong story of hope speaking into their lives as they begin to hear and dislodge the hold of the past. The characters reflect on their individual memories as growing trust and confidence surface.

***Thank you, author Kim Vogel Sawyer, and WaterBrook for sending a print pre-copy to me. This review was written in my own words. No other compensation was received.***
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LibraryThing member JboyzMom
So, I will confess: it's been awhile since I read a Kim Vogel Sawyer book. Like eons ago. But,when I saw this book available and read the blurb, I knew it was one I could not pass up! I definitely made the right choice for sure, as it was like coming home from a long stay in a foreign country. Her
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writing style was breathtakingly stunning in this emotionally moving, sometimes suspenseful book.

I loved the women in this book. They each stole a piece of my heart and became like family to me. I loved that feeling. I loved the way Ms. Sawyer created this story with 3 generations of stong willed, stubborn women. The mystery she added to the mix and the cold case of Maggie's story was incredibly done. It was the perfect blend of emotions for me!

If you are looking for a fast-paced, laugh out loud novel, don't pick up this book. If you want a book that will grip your soul, twist it, taking it on the most incredible roller coaster ride (the only way I will ever get on a roller coaster!), then this book, filled with messages of longing, hope, desperation and learning to lean on God to show the way, will be the perfect one for you! Ms. Sawyer's latest book is definitely a top read of 2017 for me and gets the highest of 5 stars!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Blogging For Books and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
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LibraryThing member Virginia51
This has to be one of my favorite books of the year. I loved it. It made me laugh a lot and then cry . I did not want to put this book down. Hazel, Diane and Meghan are three generations of one family. Meghan is injured and goes to her grandmothers(Hazel ) to recuperate. Diane, Meghan's mother,
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comes also to visit. These three women love each other but have some issues with each other. At this time, Diane and Meghan, learn that Hazel had a sister who had disappeared 70 years ago. Each of these women must learn to trust in God and have faith. I received a copy of this book from bloggingforbooks for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
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LibraryThing member Harley0326
It’s been awhile since I have read a book with this much emotion that had me crying so much. It is so beautifully written you can’t help but devour each word. It’s funny that I could relate to each character at some point. I saw myself in Hazel as a small child. She was so despondent over
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something that happened she couldn’t forgive herself. It hurt to read that her parents blamed her and to carry that guilt over the years broke my heart. I thought she was a warm and loving person. The author writes her character with a strong faith in God. I loved how she wanted thing wanted to mend her relationship with her daughter and solve a mystery thst has kept her a prisoner for so long in her mind.

Diane and her mother have not had a great relationship. She blames her mom for being overprotective and not allowing her to ever do anything. Diane was very stubborn and I had to laugh when she shows up at her mom’s house at the same time as her daughter Meghan. There is a strain you can feel between Hazel and Diane. I loved how Hazel stood her ground and tried many times to get through to her daughter. I saw a pattern forming as they each shared their childhood and how they felt smothered by their mother. My children will tell you I am a very overprotective mother. I wanted to keep them safe and was so afraid to let them out of my sight. Diane experienced that as she grew up and has made her bitter towards her mom.

Meghan decides to visit her grandmother when she needs to recuperate from a car accident. I loved how the author showed a soft side to Meghan and how much she wanted her mom and grandmother to mend their relationship. The bond between grandmother and granddaughter was so moving and I could feel the closeness they shared. I loved the mystery the author wrote into the story and when it is revealed it will explain a lot about why Hazel has carried guilt for seventy years. The story has so many good things in it I didn’t want to put the book down. I cried so many tears because for me it brought back memories that are painful for me while growing up. I connected so well to the storyline about mother and daughter relationships.

The book is rich in history and takes readers on a journey of forgiveness, mending relationships, finding faith and experiencing unconditional love. I have to say this has been one of my favorite books of 2017. With such gripping emotions and connecting with characters, the story was written with such passion I could feel the author laboring over each word. Don’t miss the story of three generations and a mystery that will have you crying and cheering at the same time.

I received a copy of this book from LitFuse. The review is my own opinion.
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LibraryThing member alekee
What a powerful page turning read, one that started so innocently with a berry picking trip, a trip that dictates the rest of their lives.
The Author has us walking in three different women’s shoes, Grandmother, Mother, and Daughter, and how one act affects each one through decades, and actually
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forms the person they are now.
Loved how faith played a part in this story, and could picture how the relationships of these relatives have evolved. The story itself is heartbreaking, and makes you think, yes it could have happened.
Can you imagine the guilt that the young ten-year-old Hazel Mae felt, and then her parents, that allowed the ten year old to have the responsibility of watching a three year old? Heart breaking as to what happens to this family, and shows that the things we say and do to the child form the adult they become.
You really don’t want to miss this one; it will keep you awake long into the night, and wonder how lives can be put back together.
I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.
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LibraryThing member lamb521
Title: Bringing Maggie Home
Author: Kim Vogel Sawyer
Pages: 352
Year: 2017
Publisher: Waterbrook
My rating 5 out of 5 stars.
What a challenging story to write, I thought as I read the synopsis before even getting the book. How can an author take a genre such as cold cases, family rifts, faith, and more
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to come up with moving book? I don’t know how Kim did it but she succeeded beyond my imagination!
I placed myself with in the novel whether I was the mother, grandmother or daughter. In any case I could understand the feelings expressed, words said and the healing that needed to be attempted after 7 decades of secrets. Not just secrets but guilt, and we see how unreleased guilt can destroy or bring difficulty not just within the person carrying the guilt but others within that character’s sphere of life.
I thought of the movie The Shack as I read it which made imagining the scenes more realistic for me. One of the reasons I read Kim’s novels is because as a reader one might conclude how the book will be ending only to find out the ending is breath takingly brilliant and unexpected. Using flashback in the story really helps move the story along yet also brings clarification to what happen, or what a character felt.
What a thought that in one instance a life is changed, but more so three generations within one family are touched by the moment Maggie disappears. So adding the aspect of a mystery really draws people into the book and before you know it time is flying by and the story is really causing the audience to become singularly focused. I don’t how authors do it but Kim has in the latest novel Bringing Maggie Home. Here again is another book to read, give as a gift or use in a book club near you.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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LibraryThing member juliecracchiolo
Everyone has secrets, and secrets are the essence of this wonderful novel by bestselling Christian author, Kim Vogel Sawyer. It has many of my favorite categories: dualing timelines, a cold case, a missing child, historical fiction and mystery.

The story begins in mid-July 1943 in a little town in
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Arkansas. Ten-year-old Hazel and her three-year-old sister, Maggie, have been sent to the blackberry bushes to pick the berries so their momma could make their daddy a blackberry cobbler for his birthday dinner. Hazel is distracted by a black snake that she saw headed in the general direction of a bunny burrow, complete with several baby bunnies. She runs after the snake, trying to change its direction, and when she gets back to the bushes, Maggie is gone. Without a trace. She is never found.

Maggie’s disappearance tears the family apart, and emotionally scars Hazel for life.

Fast forward to Las Vegas in 2013. Hazel lives there, a widow. Her only granddaughter, Meghan, is coming to visit for about six weeks, while she heals from injuries she suffered in a car accident. What neither Hazel nor Meghan, is that Meghan’s mother, Margaret Diane, also shows up on Hazel’s doorstep with her four dachshunds.

In alternating chapters, readers learn what makes each woman tick. Sometimes the identifiers of each woman are jarring. For example, when Margaret Diane is speaking, she refers to Hazel as Mother, while Meghan refers to Margaret Diane as Mom. But that doesn’t get in the way of a great story.

Meghan wants to create a scrapbook for her grandmother’s 80th birthday, and it’s while they are gathering pictures that little Maggie’s is discovered and secrets are unearthed. It takes about half of the book for Meghan to realize that cold cases are her specialty. She then enlists the help of her partner to solve the riddle of Maggie’s disappearance.

Bringing Maggie Home is highly readable and unputdownable. I want to give it 6 stars, but the two flaws mentioned earlier are why it only gets 5 out of 5 stars in Julie’s world
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LibraryThing member claudia.castenir
This story touched my heart in such a deep way that I felt compelled to message the author my gratitude when I was about three fourths of the way through the book. Reading this book felt like looking into a mirror from a variety of angles. While not everyone will have that experience, everyone will
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be touched by the depth of emotion evoked by Kim Vogel Sawyer through the lives of Hazel, Diane and Meghan DeFord.

Hazel had lived most of her life with a childhood secret that continued to impact the next two generations of her family. The secret's revelation and the restoration that followed could only have been orchestrated by God. Bringing Maggie Home is an intensely emotional story of forgiveness, hope, and faith. Ultimately it is a story of peace, the peace that passes all understanding.

I think NetGalley and WaterBrook for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review and received no monetary compensation.
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LibraryThing member Sandralb
I am a big fan of Ms. Sawyer. I so loved and would recommend Bringing Maggie Home.

Sometimes when an author writes about two different time periods, you may find yourself having trouble keeping up. That is not true with this story. Kim has a way of intertwining contemporary and historical settings,
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she makes it seem flawless.

This story for me had everything. My favorite part of Kim's writing, she always weaves a thread of faith throughout her story. Bringing Maggie Home is a little different than most of Kim's previous works. It is about two separate time periods, seventy years apart. It is about solving a mystery. It is about three generations of women, mother, daughter and grandmother. They could not be anymore different from each other. There is love, bitterness, suspense and intrigue present. I could not wait to read this book by Kim and now that I am done, I hate that it has ended. What a great read.
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LibraryThing member gincam
“Bringing Maggie Home” is a powerful and poignant tale of heartbreaking loss and ultimate healing and redemption through love and abiding faith. This is a beautifully-written tale, enriched by author Kim Vogel Sawyer’s exquisite storytelling. Hazel DeFord knows that a moment’s mistake can
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lead to a lifetime of regret. As a ten-year-old girl in1943, Hazel lost sight of her of three-year-old sister, Maggie, and the toddler vanished. Seven decades later, still eaten up by an unrelenting guilt, Hazel is distanced from her own daughter, Diane, but close to her granddaughter, Meghan, a cold-case investigator. When an accident forces Meghan to take a leave of absence, three generations of DeFord women find themselves in one another’s company, with Meghan the mediator between her mother and grandmother. This is a chance for family secrets and personal issues to be aired and for cobwebs of doubt to be swept away. Will it also lead to a final resolution of the unsolved case of Maggie’s disappearance? “Bringing Maggie Home” is a wonderful and inspiring read for those who enjoy family drama with added elements of mystery.

Book Copy Gratis via Blogging for Books
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LibraryThing member kbranfield
3.5 stars

Bringing Maggie Home by Kim Vogel Sawyer is a bittersweet novel of healing for three generations of mothers and daughters.

In rural Arkansas in 1943, Hazel DeFord's younger sister Maggie vanishes while the two girls are picking blackberries. This one event defines Hazel's life to the extent
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that her only daughter, Diane, seethes with resentment over her mother's over protectiveness. In turn, Diane's relationship with her daughter, Meghan, is also affected as Diane's attempts not to be anything like Hazel take her to the other end of the parenting spectrum. When these three women end up under the same roof while Meghan recovers from a car accident, can the fractures in these relationships be repaired?

Despite Diane's somewhat aloof mothering, Meghan is a warm, caring and quite well adjusted young woman. She absolutely adores her grandmother and her fondest childhood memories revolve around her summer visits with Hazel. In recent years, she has not spent as much time with Hazel as she would like, so Meghan is eagerly looking forward to convalescing from her accident with her grandmother. Needless to say, the last person she expects to see upon her arrival at Hazel's house is Diane. Which begs the question: why is Diane here?

Well, the answer to that question definitely paints Diane in a very unflattering light. Her anger and bitterness toward Hazel have not abated despite the passage of time and she snipes and snaps at her mother at every turn. Diane is a downright unpleasant character whose attitude is absolutely ridiculous since she is now an adult and should seriously have let go of her resentment YEARS ago. Her jealousy over Hazel and Meghan's close relationship quickly grows tiresome as does her inability to feel any type of empathy for her mother's loss.

Should Hazel have attempted to explain to Diane why she was so worried about her daughter's safety? Of course. But in all honesty, she has a valid, albeit slightly skewed, reason for not revealing this traumatic secret. Hazel's actions stem from love and fear and although it is perfectly understandable that Diane would chafe at her mother's long ago restrictions, her present day reaction is over the top and completely out of proportion now she is a middle aged adult.

The mystery about what happened to young Maggie is quite interesting. Although it is fairly easy to guess what happened to her, Meghan and her partner Sean's investigation into the long ago disappearance is fascinating. While their chances at uncovering the truth are slim due to the passage of time, no matter how tenuous, they pursue every lead they uncover.

With a strong undercurrent of faith, Bringing Maggie Home is heartwarming novel of redemption and forgiveness. Although it is difficult to like Diane, Meghan and Hazel are enjoyable characters who share warm and loving relationship. Maggie's story arc is quite fascinating and the investigation into her disappearance is quite engrossing. The various storylines are completely wrapped up by the novel's conclusion and readers will love Kim Vogel Sawyer's sweet epilogue.
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LibraryThing member MarthaJeanne
If you are going to write and publish fiction that is also a religious tract, it would be polite to mention that in the advertising blurbs. While the preaching is mild in the first half of the book, it grows and takes over towards the end.


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