Exploring Machine Trapunto: New Dimensions

by Hari Walner



C&T Publishing c1999




Important Note about PRINT ON DEMAND Editions: You are purchasing a print on demand edition of this book. This book is printed individually on uncoated (non-glossy) paper with the best quality printers available. The printing quality of this copy will vary from the original offset printing edition and may look more saturated. The information presented in this version is the same as the latest edition. Any pattern pullouts have been separated and presented as single pages. If the pullout patterns are missing, please contact c&t publishing.

User reviews

LibraryThing member SallyAma
I've always admired trapunto work in quilts but did it once the "old fashioned" way of stuffing batting or cording through a tiny hole in the back and I'd never do it again. Hari explains the easy way very clearly and has some charming designs her both of her books. Once you get the hang of it
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technique, you can create your own designs or adapt patterns from design sourcebooks or quilting stencils. Take it to the next level by embellishing your design with paint sticks, colored pencils or other techniques.
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1571200436 / 9781571200433

Original publication date

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