Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

by Chip Heath

Other authorsDan Heath (Author)
Hardcover, 2010



Call number




Crown Business (2010), Edition: 1st, 305 pages


Business. Psychology. Nonfiction. Self Help. HTML:Why is it so hard to make lasting changes in our companies, in our communities, and in our own lives? The primary obstacle is a conflict that's built into our brains, say Chip and Dan Heath, authors of the critically acclaimed bestseller Made to Stick. Psychologists have discovered that our minds are ruled by two different systems - the rational mind and the emotional mind�??that compete for control. The rational mind wants a great beach body; the emotional mind wants that Oreo cookie. The rational mind wants to change something at work; the emotional mind loves the comfort of the existing routine. This tension can doom a change effort - but if it is overcome, change can come quickly. In Switch, the Heaths show how everyday people - employees and managers, parents and nurses - have united both minds and, as a result, achieved dramatic results: �?� The lowly medical interns who managed to defeat an entrenched, decades-old medical practice that was endangering patients �?� The home-organizing guru who developed a simple technique for overcoming the dread of housekeeping  �?� The manager who transformed a lackadaisical customer-support team into service zealots by removing a standard tool of customer service  In a compelling, story-driven narrative, the Heaths bring together decades of counterintuitive research in psychology, sociology, and other fields to shed new light on how we can effect transformative change. Switch shows that successful changes follow a pattern, a pattern you can use to make the changes that matter to you, whether your interest is in changing the world or changing you… (more)

User reviews

LibraryThing member Pennydart
Like many universities, mine is in the midst of implementing some major changes to the way we do business, with the goal of becoming more efficient and decreasing operating costs. Recently, Chip Heath and Dan Heath’s book “Switch” was provided to a number of people on campus who have
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responsibility for some aspects of these changes. Although I generally find business books to be disappointing at best, and irritating at worst, I started this one optimistic that it would be different. Alas, that optimism waned by the second chapter, and was completely destroyed by the time I finished the book.

“Switch” suffers from the three main problems that I’ve found in nearly all popular business books. First, it presents claims without sufficient justification. This book focuses on techniques to facilitate change in organizations and individuals, and while it occasionally cites interesting work in cognitive and social psychology that may be relevant to the techniques suggested, for the most part the justification for the techniques is anecdotal: technique X worked at company Y in particular instance Z, and so it’s obviously a valid technique that’s always applicable. There’s no attempt at any sort of rigorous scientific testing of such a claim. For example, in chapter 2, the Heath brothers claim that you cannot focus on why a proposed change is failing to take hold, but must instead “find the bright spots,” i.e., identify the pockets where it is working, figure out why it works there, and then try to emulate the small successes elsewhere. They describe several case studies where this approach has led to successful change, including a project to improve childhood nutrition in Vietnam, and an intervention with a misbehaving ninth grader. Finding the brights spots is surely a good thing to do, but the hypothesis that it is always the best approach, that it will always trump analysis and correction of failure, is simply not sufficiently backed up. How do we know that there weren’t particular features of the Vietman project or particular aspects of the ninth-grader’s personality that made one approach more effective here than others? We don’t. Anyone trained in the proper use of the scientific method will want to scream at instance after instance of this type of claim without support.

The second problem with “Switch” is that it uses the overly cutesy language that is so common to this genre of books. At a high level, the book’s central claim is that effective change requires three things: you need to engage the rational, data-driven perspective of the people who have to make the change; you also need to make sure that they also have an emotional stake in the change; and you need to make the change process as easy as possible for them by manipulating the environment. To describe this triad of requirements, the Heath brothers make use of a metaphorical rider (the rational perspective) on an elephant (the emotional component—it’s much stronger, and so gets the elephant label), moving down a path (the change context). They then use and use and re-use and re-use again this metaphor in paragraph after paragraph, until their message is almost drowned out by the infantilizing language. This use of cute language pervades the book, even beyond the rider-elephant-path triad. For example, near the end of the book, where they’re describing how to keep change momentum going, they talk about positive reinforcement, and provide the example of a monkey trainer who rewards her charge with bits of mango for each small action she performs correctly. A page or two later, they proclaim “If you want your boss or your team to change, you better get a little less stingy with the mango.” C’mon!

Finally, one has the sense that the book is about twice as long as it needed to be to convey its key points.

All that said, “Switch” contains some reasonable, if sometimes common-sense, approaches to effecting change. To summarize, and paraphrase heavily, their main points:

Engage the rational mind by (1) seeking out examples of where change is working and emulating those successes in other quarters; (2) providing specific, well-defined statements of the initial steps that need to be taken in the change process; (3) clearly identifying the intended end-state and the reasons that that end-state is valuable.

Engage the emotions by (1) instilling a positive disposition in the people who must implement the changes: focus on hope and optimism, not fear; (2) “shrinking the change”, i.e., show people that they’re already partway to the goal; (3) capitalizing on people’s sense of identity by showing them how certain behaviors align with the kind of person they naturally want to be; and (4) blocking the common belief that people are defined by inherent personality characteristics, and instead affirming that people can change and grow.

Facilitate the change by (1) tweaking the environment so that the newly desired behavior is inevitable, or at least easy; (2) similarly, creating a situation in which good habits are natural (and making use of one interesting approach to this, namely preloading decisions, i.e., setting up triggers for desired actions);and (3) using peer pressure.

These are all reasonable strategies, and having them in one’s change-management arsenal is doubtless a good thing. But surely there is a way to present them in less than 265 pages, without using silly, repetitive language, and without claiming that they are the only effective ways to create change.
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LibraryThing member porch_reader
This is one of the best books I've read about change. Chip and Dan Heath provide a simple, but comprehensive framework for change management. We are controlled by both a rational mind (sometimes called the rider because we think it is in control) and an emotional mind (sometimes called the elephant
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because it is prone to galloping off despite the rider's wishes). Change management must play to both of these internal systems by "Directing the Rider" (providing a path for the rational mind to follow) and "Motivating the Elephant" (addressing the need to motivate the emotional mind). However, change management must also consider the environment in which the change is occurring by "Shaping the Path." The Heath brothers provide numerous specific techniques for achieving these three goals. The techniques are based on research evidence and illustrated by stories, showing that a book on change management must also address both the rational and emotional minds. I highly recommend this book to managers who are engaged in organizational change. Those of us who are trying to make personal changes will also find many helpful tips as well.
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LibraryThing member BizCoach
Great book about 3 aspects of change:
Logic (the rider) / Emotion (the elephant) / and the Path (the situation).

Gives lots of practical advice, techniques, and how and when to use them. Also of stories of people using these techniques. Also some background of studies where the knowledge came from.
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It's not just the author's opinion.

Very enjoyable read.
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LibraryThing member RobinJacksonPearson
Because I love positive change (it provides both thrills and hope), the title of this book grabbed my attention. Then I realized it was written by the Heath brothers, and I knew I was in for a treat. I was not disappointed. Their approach is simple and approachable, with great humor, making the
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book a light read. But it is not lacking in valuable insight, and plenty of stories and evidence to support their points. I particularly appreciated their explanation of the error of attribution - blaming people for problems that are actually caused by situations. There's a lot to be said for arranging circumstances in the most favorable way to bring out the best in people.
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LibraryThing member GShuk
Switch was one of the best books I have read this year and it delivers on its title. Easy to read, entertaining and packed with useful information. One idea I found very interesting was that action triggers can have the same effect as a habits but take very little time to develop. If you loved
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their previous book Made to Stick you will love this one too.
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LibraryThing member melissavenable
The Heath Brothers provide a three-part approach to making change happen - Direct the Rider, Motivate the Elephant, and Shape the Path. Throughout this book they provide stories, mini case studies, that each present a problem related to change in behavior that was accomplished through this
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approach. Easy to read, full of humor, and applicable not just to organizations but also to personal issues. One of my favorite take-aways is the idea of 'finding the bright spots". We are often so focused on what is wrong, what isn't working, that we miss the opportunity in what might be going well. Find the things that are working and replicate those.
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LibraryThing member cjtoomey
Enjoyable read about how to make change, personal and organizational. Good combination of theory, supporting stories, and actionable techniques.
LibraryThing member paulsignorelli
The Heath brothers, authors of "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die," are back with another stimulatingly memorable page-turner--this time using their story-telling skills to show us why change is difficult and how we can overcome the difficulties step by step through emotionally
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engaging appeals and examples as well as by helping to shape situations in way that appeal to and encourage those who might otherwise remain unmoved.
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LibraryThing member Dangraham
Not as good as their other book. This book attempts to explain how to make change. A few good notes here though - worth a read.
LibraryThing member mochap
Fabulous, fun, engaging book on why it's so hard for people to change, and how to make it easier and more lasting. A great read!
LibraryThing member tgraettinger
I really liked the book itself, with its numerous anecdotes about successful changes/switches. But what I liked even more was the structure - 3 major parts (direct the rider, motivate the elephant, and shape the path), each further broken down into 3 sub-parts (follow the bright spots, script the
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critical moves, point to the destination; find the feeling, shrink the change, grow your people; tweak the environment, build habits, rally the herd, respectively). Now, my next step is to choose an area where I'd like to make a change and put the principles into practice - to see what works/doesn't for me.
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LibraryThing member LynnB
I thought this was another winner for the Heath Brothers, having read Made to Stick a few weeks ago. In this book, the authors tackle how to change things. There are many books on this subject, but this one provides practical advice that can readily be applied in many situations. Easy to read, and
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the core messages are well presented in a way that will sitck with me.
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LibraryThing member Neale
A good book. I preferred Made to Stick. Switch contains great examples. Made to Stick was more prescriptive and easier to apply. Switch requires a bit more lateral thinking but it does point out that change problems aren't always people problems - they can be situational.
LibraryThing member epersonae
They pull together a lot of the literature around the psychology of personal change and organizational change into something very clear. (Much like Made to Stick, as you might imagine.) It's been a couple of weeks since I actually read it, so some of the details are weak in my memory now, but the
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overarching metaphor remains helpful. Would like to pick up a copy for my personal reference.
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LibraryThing member DrY
I now use the concepts in this book often at work. The book provides a good practical methodology for getting from A to B. Worth reading.
LibraryThing member librarythingaliba
Another masterpiece from the brothers Heath, Switch provides a great analogy of the human decision making and motivation systems, complete with Elephants, Riders, and Paths. More importantly, it also includes a set of instructions to manipulate those elements to guide and change behaviors, recipes
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for success in both modifying activity in others and in oneself.
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LibraryThing member chaosmogony
Great book. Amazing insights into the psychology of decision-making and why our attempts at change tend to fail. A clear look at why and how change can succeed.
LibraryThing member nmarun
To start with, I really liked the 'rider-elephant-path' analogy that the authors have chosen to explain change. It made understanding the process of change a lot simpler.

The book makes you think about human behavior itself and to some extent, answers why people are the way they are. It gave me some
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insight into how we can bridge the gap between rational/logical brain with the emotional (not so logical) will.

I could also closely relate myself to some of the examples that are mentioned in the book - allowed me to appreciate the book even more.

This book is for any one who works with humans. There are definitely scenarios where you'd want something different from the other person/people and the chapters of the book help you achieve the same.

I would like to start by applying these concepts on myself first.

"For individual's behavior to change, you've got to influence not only their environment, but their hearts and minds. The problem is that heart and minds often disagree."
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LibraryThing member librarymary09
So far I'm really enjoying this book, it's fascinating...
LibraryThing member librarymary09
So far I'm really enjoying this book, it's fascinating...
LibraryThing member wishanem
I think this book oversimplifies the often painfully complex decision-making process. The authors' method of providing stories to illustrate their concepts didn't always win me over to their way of thinking. I'm not sure how helpful it will be to me, but I enjoyed reading it anyway.
LibraryThing member danoomistmatiste
An interesting book about how to get a lot done with very little to no resources. How to think out of the box and be a real change agent. Use the free tools and resources and add a dash of your unlimited imagination and you end up with magic, powers that you never knew you possessed.
LibraryThing member ShadowBarbara
Great book on how to make a switch. Rational Rider, Emotional Elephant and shaping the Path.
LibraryThing member INorris
Terrific book about making changes both in yourself and for a group. One of my favorite nonfiction titles.
LibraryThing member startwithgivens
This book took me about 6 weeks to read, which is almost unheard of for me. I definitely needed to read this book in very short doses. I also altered my reading schedule several times to get my daily reading for this book in with confidence.

Despite all of that, I still really enjoyed the book. I
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found the focus on different aspects of individual and/or organizational change intriguing and easy to identify with. I enjoyed the use of scientific studies to support ideas the authors brought forward (as a scientist, I love when credibility is improved this way).

I would recommend this book to individuals looking to take action steps for making change. I believe change begins with your mindset, and therefore this book isn't right for someone who has not already decided and dedicated their mind to change.
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8.55 inches


0385528752 / 9780385528757
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