Go for begyndere

by Kaoru Iwamoto

Paper Book, 1978



Call number


Library's review

Indeholder "Forord", "Indledning", "1. del - Spilleregler", " 1. Et demonstrationsspil", " Optælling", " 2. Erobring", " Friheder", " Fast forbundne sten", " Selvmord forbudt", " Liv og død", " Falske me", " Seki", "2. del - Elementær taktik og strategi", " 3. Ved brættets kant", " 4. Shicho",
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" 5. Geta og Løs Shicho", " 6. Semeai", " 7. Tilbagespring og mangel på friheder", " 8. Liv og død", " Me-form", " Dødsstødet indefra", " Dødsstødet udefra", " Skæringspunkter", " Ofre", " Me Ari Me Nashi", " Firepunktsvinkel i hjørnet", " 9. Generel strategi", " Hjørnerne er vigtige", " Shimari", " Ekstensioner", " Kakari", " 3-3 punkt invasionen", " Hasami", " Byg territorium mens De angriber", " Styrke", "10. Rang og handicap", " Hvorledes man forbedrer sin spillefærdighed", "11. Eksempler", "Go reglerne", "Ordliste", "Go klubber", "Litteratur".

Sød lille introduktion til spillet Go lige fra man folder brættet ud til man har spillet de første 50-100 spil. Det punkt er jeg bare aldrig kommet forbi.
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Kbh. : Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1978. AB håndbøger.


Go is an ancient, subtly beautiful game of territory. But with its nearly endless possibilities and challenges, it is more than just another game; it is a way of life for tens of millions of players throughout the world. Embodying four thousand years of Oriental thought and culture, go is the oldest game in the world still played in its original form. Go is the kind of game that one can learn in a day--and spend a lifetime perfecting. It is more art than science: in order to surround and capture the opponent's territory, one needs intuition, flexibility, and acute perception combined with a sharp analytical mind. Each player is a partner in an exercise of coexistence; each player needs the other for self-enlightenment and for enjoyment. But then, too, go is a game whose strategy has been compared to the tactics of guerilla warfare. Go can be all things to all people; it is simple, elegant, and unexpectedly beautiful. This book contains an introduction; a brief example game; a clear, leisurely explanation of the rules; and illustrations of the simplest techniques of good play and of some easy and some more difficult problems the player will encounter. The appendixes include a concise list of rules, a glossary of technical terms, and a list of international and American go organizations. Among go players, Go for Beginners is known as the best beginner's book available.… (more)

Media reviews

NBD / Biblion
Een bekend Japans speler behandelt o.a. de belangrijkste spelregels en enkele elementaire taktische en strategische technieken van dit oosterse denkspel, terwijl enkele partijvoorbeelden het geheel afsluiten. Bovengenoemde elementen worden via talrijke, verhelderende diagrammen aanschouwelijk
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gemaakt. Enige kritiek: de eerste hoofdstukken zijn zeer eenvoudig, maar de moeilijkheidsgraad wordt (te) snel opgevoerd. Het boekje bevat een adressenlijst van Nederlandse go-clubs. Onveranderde druk van de oorspronkelijke Spectrum-uitgave. (Biblion recensie, A. Kuipers.)
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User reviews

LibraryThing member Misoman
Kaoru Iwamoto is one of the greatest Go masters and his book is a wonderful introduction to the game of Go, AKA baduk (korean) and wei gei (Chinese). I personally think this book moves a bit fast in some places and the example games are a little hard to follow, but this can be expected from any Go
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book I think. If you want a thorough introduction to the wonderful game of Go, this is the book for you!

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LibraryThing member MrJay
An interesting book - I found the commentary on the games very helpful. However, I would think that the book's pace is a little too fast for someone who is absolutely new to the game.


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

147 p.; 18.4 cm


8717022770 / 9788717022775

Local notes

Omslag: Frantz Melchior
Omslaget viser et udsnit af et Go-spil
Indskannet omslag - N650U - 150 dpi
Oversat fra engelsk "Go for Beginners" af Søren Hansen, Knud-Erik Jensen



Library's rating


½ (34 ratings; 3.7)


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