
by Stephen King

Hardcover, 1994



Call number


Library's review

USA, Maine, Derry, 1992 og frem
Indeholder delene "Prologue: Winding the Deathwatch (I)", "Part I. Little Bald Doctors", "Part II. The Secret City", "Part III. The Crimson King", "Epilogue: Winding the Deathwatch (II)".

Ralph Roberts på 70 år er gift med Carolyn på 64 år, men hun har en
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uhelbredelig svulst i hjernen og dør efter nogle måneder. Mens sygdommen skrider uophørligt frem, går Ralph lange ture. På en af dem ser han en af sine venner, Ed Deepneau, gå amok på en anden bilist. Carolyn får det værre og han skænker ikke Ed en tanke i de næste måneder.

Han bliver enkemand, men desværre også gradvis mere og mere søvnløs. Han går ikke til læge, for inderst inde bebrejder han lægen for ikke at have diagnosticeret Carolyn tidligere (samtidig med at han også er ret sikker på at det ikke havde gjort nogen forskel).
En aborttilhænger Susan Edwina Day er oppe i tiden og der ligger lister, man kan skrive sig på, for at få hende til at komme til byen og holde foredrag. Ralph skriver sig på og Helen Deepneau gør det samme, men det opdager hendes mand Ed og banker hende sønder og sammen. Han virker helt skør og snakker om myrdede børn i tøndevis og Den Røde Konge til Ralph. Politiet har en relativt ny lov at holde sig til og putter ham i fængsel for en dag og giver ham tilhold mod at opsøge Helen eller tage hjem. Deres fælles barn Natalie bliver passet af en bekendt.
Det går værre og værre med Ralphs søvnløshed og han begynder at få synsforstyrrelser og ser auraer omkring folk. Hans ven Bill McGovern er bekymret for ham. Lige som deres fælles veninde Lois Chasse er det. Ed er med i en gruppe, der generer Kvindecenteret, som rummer en abortklinik. Ralph fortæller politiet, dvs kriminalassistent Leydecker om Eds opførsel for et år siden. Det resulterer i at Ed ringer til Ralph og truer ham med at det vil være klogt at holde kæft.
Ralph vågner tidligere og tidligere og går til en apoteker, Joe Wyzer, der er meget sympatisk og foreslår hypnose og akupunktur, for medicin hjælper dårligt på den slags søvnløshed, som Ralph har. Der er ventetid på behandlingerne og en af de gamle i byen Dorrance Marstellar siger direkte til Ralph at han bør lade være. Ralph bliver overfaldet af en Charlie Pickering, som Ed har sendt ham på halsen, men Ralph redder sig og det er Dorrance, han kan takke for det, men det virker som om Dorrance havde forudviden om hvad der ville ske? Ralph begynder at se auraer rundt om folk og få en fornemmelse af at kunne læse tanker og få forudanelser om ulykker. Hans genbo May Locker dør og kort forinden har Ralph set to skaldede læger med en stor saks stå udenfor hendes dør. De ser ganske uhyggelige ud. Han kommer til at snakke med Lois Chasse og hun har samme slags søvnløshed og ser også auraer. De opdager at der er tre skaldede læger, som de navngiver fra græsk mytologis Moirai også kendt som norner eller skæbneguder: Atropos, Clotho og Lachesis. Faktisk kan de tale fornuftigt med Clotho og Lachesis, for de er styret af Hensigten, mens Atropos er styret af Tilfældigheden og af og til griber han ind i Livet og Døden på en måde, de ikke kan lide. I denne omgang er det Atropos, der har klippet Eds livssnor, men han er ikke død! Clotho og Lachesis forklarer Lois og Ralph at højere væsner ser ud til at blande sig. Et af dem styrer Atropos og Ed, mens et andet bruger Ralph og Lois til at modarbejde det.
Atropos har en vane med at tage souvenirer inden han klipper snoren på nogen. Bill mangler sin hat og dør ganske rigtigt kort efter. Lois har mistet sine ørenringe og Atropos ser ud til at rende rundt med dem. Clotho og Lachesis fortæller at Ed har planer om at slå alle 2000 tilhørere til Susan Days foredrag ihjel og at kun Ralph og Lois kan forhindre det. De får lidt hints og kører ud til kvindecentrets gemmested, men det er Charlie Pickering, der har fundet det først og han har dræbt to kvinder og er i gang med en ildkamp med politiet, da Rlaph og Lois ankommer. De kan heldigvis svæve mellem astrale planer og kortslutte Charlie og sprænge hængelåse med tankens kraft og den slags, så de redder næsten alle de gidsler, Charlie har taget.
Der er dog ingen, der vil aflyse aftenens foredrag bare fordi der har været attentat og mordbrand under opsejling. Ralph og Lois forfølger et nyt spor og finder Atropos's skjulte gemmested, hvor han gemmer sine små souvenirer i titusindevis. Ralph og Lois er udmattede, men heldigvis kan de suge af andres livkraft og heldigvis har alle mennesker umådelige mængder af livskraft, så man bare kan suge af det uden problemer, men det er lidt underligt hvorfor Ralph og Lois så ikke selv har nogle af disse umådelige mængder livskraft. Ralph og Lois kan heldigvis også se auraer på bygninger og ting, så de ved hvor Atropos og Den røde Konge vil slå til. De får fat i Atropos og heldigvis kan han ikke lyve, så de kan afkræve ham et løfte, han ikke kan bryde. Hvor er det heldigt.
En meget høj autoritet siger ok, og Ralph får noget indopereret i håndleddet, så han kan stoppe Ed, der kommer flyvende med en bombe i sit lille privatfly. Det lykkes og Den Røde Konge bliver besejret. Ed dør i styrtet. Det hele har drejet sig om en lille dreng på 4 år, Patrick Danville, der skal overleve til han bliver 18 og kan redde to mænd, der ellers vil dø. Han er et kunstnerisk vidunderbarn og har samme dag lavet en tegning, hvor der "i midten rejste sig et tårn af mørke, sodfarvede sten mod en mørkeblå himmel prikket af tykke, hvide skyer. Omkring det var der en mark med roser, der er så røde, at de næsten syntes at råbe højt. I den ene side af tegningen var der en mand i forvaskede jeans. Han havde to patronbælter om livet, og på hver hofte hang der et pistolhylster. Fra toppen af tårnet så en mand i rød kåbe ned på pistolmanden med en blanding af had og frygt i blikket".
Det er Den Røde Konge og Roland, men det er der kun Patrick der ved.
Lois tager Ralph med hjem og putter i bad og bagefter i seng. Og de sover begge to trygt og længe. Og den 2. januar 1994 bliver de gift. Senere indfrier Ralph et "liv for liv" løfte om at redde Natalie Deepneau ved at ofre sig.

Hele historien virker meget konstrueret som en græsk tragedie hvor guderne har den store plan og menneskene bare flyttes rundt med som spillebrikker. Den Røde Konge forsøger at få Ed til at slå et par tusind mennesker ihjel og det er jo forfærdeligt fordi det er amerikanere? Nå nej, det er noget med en lille dreng, der skal spille en rolle senere hen. Og The Dark Tower og Roland. Og Eds vielsesring triller ned i en kloak, så den kan spille en rolle i en senere bog?
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London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1994.


Fiction. Horror. HTML: Nightmares come to life for Ralph Roberts. Up all night, he's seeing some pretty strange things. No wonder he can't get back to sleep. Readers won't be able to either..

User reviews

LibraryThing member jseger9000
Here's a rarity for me. A review of a Stephen King book that I just did not like.

Troubled by the death of his wife, Ralph Roberts is having trouble sleeping. He spends the wee small hours of the morning staring out of his living room window... and he's started seeing the strangest things. Is it a
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glimpse of a hidden world, or is the lack of sleep causing hallucinations?

Now that, friends, is a good setup for a horror novel. It has King's trademark strong and likeable characters that you come to care about. The story is quirky and interesting and unlike anything else that King has written. Unfortunately, Insomnia is one of Stephen King's books that I like the least.

For the first 200 pages or so all we know is that Ralph is waking up a few minutes earlier each night. The book just sort of meanders along with no real plot or driving narrative. Ralph visits other old crocks, takes walks and gets increasingly frustrated at his inability to sleep. Any of the enjoyment in the book is due to the personality of the characters. Which is to say that two hundred pages in it is mainly "The Life and Times of Ralph Roberts: Sleepless Old Fart." The pacing is slooooooooooow.

Once things do get rolling, my interest was piqued. But the further you go the more the story ties into King's Dark Tower universe. Many of King's books will have oblique references to the Tower. But here, the story ends up so connected to those books that I think a reader unfamiliar with Roland's struggles will be lost.

The book also is saturated with abortion politics and it is not exactly unbiased. Now, I happen to agree with King's politics, so it didn't bother me. But I do wonder if at times it became intrusive to the story.

So in the end, there's a fuzzy, slow-moving story, perhaps too heavily invested with abortion arguments and definitely too connected to an 'outside' series of books. Yeah, the characters are great, but you can get that in almost every King book. Even King (in On Writing) refers to Insomnia as a "stiff, trying-too-hard novel." Well, at least we agree on that.
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LibraryThing member dreamyflo
A magnificent read - SK is an absolute genius. This is my favourite SK novel so far, I got slowly pulled in by the simple opening scenes of an elderly man in his own home, not very exciting by anyone's standards, but in the hands of SK you can't help but become hooked. A great pace to the story
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that kept me from doing much else but read, I became addicted..........I lived and breathed the book until the very end and continued wth it in my head for days afterwards. I've yet to find another SK novel to take me on that thrilling ride once more...........and knowing the acute brain and story telling skills of this man, I know I will
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LibraryThing member Djupstrom
This is one of my favorite King novels. It is smart, plausible, in an odd sort of way, and terrifying. I think it is a commentary on the thought that when your time is up, there is nothing you can do. You will never look at balloon strings the same way.
LibraryThing member jonwwil
When I first read this book, probably around the time it first came out in paperback, I liked it a lot. That was due mainly (I think) to its obvious connection to the then-unfinished Dark Tower series. Now, with a great deal more reading experience and the Tower having been breached, I like it
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less. It's still decent, but nowhere near the top of the list.

King himself, in On Writing, calls this a "stiff, trying-too-hard" book, and I'd have to agree with that assessment. Too much of the plot is advanced through expository dialogue, and the character of Dorrance Marstellar is deus ex machina personified. It also loses some points for not being totally accurate in its connection to the Dark Tower, although, given the time fractures inherent in that series (not to mention the fact that this book came out at least ten years before the last Tower books), that's probably not a big deal.

For all of that, I think the premise was pretty cool, and the characters (the main ones, at least) were well written. King rarely disappoints on that score. All in all, I'd say this book is a must-read for Tower junkies, but anyone else can probably give it a miss.
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LibraryThing member dekan
I'm doing a review on this book because i saw some from other people and it reminded me that its' in my collection. for some reason this brings to mind swan's song as well. these two books are two of my favorites. This book does twist and turn and kindof like from dusk til dawn throws you into a
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place you don't remotely expect, more like in a direction it wasn't headed to. However it is probably my favorite king novel, this and the bachman books. I was completely absorbed in the story and loved it. i have to admit when i started the book it gave me the creeps but it isn't that type of book. it is definently worth reading, and completely. i felt very drawn to the characters and i couldn't put it down either.
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LibraryThing member TobinElliott
As per usual, it's been over twenty years since I read this novel, having burned through it in a few days immediately after its publication date, 23 years ago tomorrow. But I held very few memories of this, beyond the main character being older, not being able to sleep (well, duh...), and watching
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something weird happening on his street with shadowy figures. And some dim recollection that this tied in with the Dark Tower series somehow.

This time around, I now believe this to be one of the weaker efforts by King. The basic plot is actually quite simple—and no, I won't spoil it, because it frigging takes King forever to get around to it—but the execution felt both unfocused and spitballed.

Part One, taking up about the first almost 40% of the novel, is a shockingly over-long preamble to the main event that easily could have been cut from 300 pages to likely something more like 60 and massively improved the pacing. There's some irony in the fact that a book named Insomnia made me want to go lie down for the majority of this section. Beyond Ralph sleeping less and less, and Ed Deepneau losing his shit, very little else happens, and what does isn't all that exciting.

Part Two raises the stakes, thankfully, and this is where King seemed to find his footing for a while. Unfortunately, in finally getting the plot going, it also contains a massive information dump that King seems to have a hell of a time wrapping up and getting out of so the story can progress. And once he does, then he seems to (at least to me), emasculate the main villain of the piece, Atropos.

Long story short, this is a bit of a blind alley on the way to the Dark Tower, and a quick check in on a couple of the kids from the Loser's Club from It, so it's kind of required reading for the King completist (and yeah, I'm one of them), but overall, while it does have some lovely moments, primarily between Ralph and Lois, for the most part, there are far better books by King to read.

And so ends the first chunk of my King re-read. I've completed his first twenty years (minus the Dark Tower books and The Talisman). I'm going to give it a bit of a break, then resume in the near future, starting with Rose Madder.
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LibraryThing member silversurfer
One of his put me to sleep, fast....took me 6 months to other books in between. Weak plaot, weak characters and too overblown...
LibraryThing member Lukerik
A real fantasy in the wider sense rather that strictly horror, with some great special effects. There's no real intellectual content, it's just Story and fittingly I did lose quite a bit of sleep as I was up until 4am compulsively reading it. It ties in to a number of King's other novels, mostly
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The Dark Tower series. You don't have to have read that to enjoy this and it might actually be better if you haven't as you get a sense of metaphysical mysteriousity. Highly recommended to the newcomer and established fan alike.
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LibraryThing member regularguy5mb
Ralph Roberts just wants one good night of sleep before it kills him... or drives him insane... and at this point, he's not sure which of those is worse.

In Insomnia, we are treated to a look at the cosmic forces at play in Stephen King's multiverse. With events that tie directly to Roland's quest
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for the Dark Tower and the potential success of that quest, we are introduced to the Purpose, the Random, and finally come face to face with the Crimson King himself.

A cosmic chess game is played out in the small town of Derry, Maine, where only 8 years ago the most malevolent force of all was finally banished. Now other forces are at work, and the fate of King's multiverse hinges on how this particular fight turns out.

Little bald doctors, insomniac retirees, the colors at play on levels beyond normal sight, and one madman with a mission; sounds like a real barnstormer... er, burner, barn burner.

I do have to say that I really enjoyed this one. It had me champing at the bit to see what would happen next.
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LibraryThing member Carol420
Our hero, an old man with a dying wife, begins loosing sleep and (he thinks) hallucinating. He can see auras around people, fields of light that change according to their mood and health and terminate in a long "balloon-string," their soul. And if that's not strange enough, he starts seeing three
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little bald men dressed as surgeons, who go around snipping people's strings. ( I could not make this up).

On the whole, while I personally have some affection for this book, I can't give it my unconditional recommendation. Steven King has written many great pieces that anybody can read (Desperation, Hearts in Atlantis), but this is not one of them. While King fans will find a lot to like, anybody who's not already fimrly entrenched as a King enthusiast should probably stick to one of his more accessible books.
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LibraryThing member andyray
I do not remember being overly impressed with this story the first time I read it. In fact, I remember thinking it was one of Sk's more mundance efforts. This time around, however, I admired the complexity of the plot and the progression of the characters towards other dimensional levels. I like it
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so go figure.
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LibraryThing member mmyoung
Like much of the latter King overlong and overwritten. The book has always been personally compelling to me because I first read it during a period of my life when I suffered from dreadful insomnia. Like Ralph I find that everyone had a cure for me and none of them worked. To this day whenever I
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wake up at 3 in the morning I think of this book.
It is interesting to see King attempt to expand on what had earlier been a more implied than clearly explicated shared universe.
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LibraryThing member smooney1202
Currently reading and about to finish this book. This is my 3rd King book. I was never a huge Stephen King fan but was pushed to read him by my bf who is a big fan. The book has a slow start and is fairly long, the story really does not start to pick up until the second half of the book, which has
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caused me to take long pausing in reading because I was loosing interest. However once you get through that rough patch, the book is very good and as always very well writen.
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LibraryThing member skinglist
Another one of my favorite King stories. Loved the men and their auras. Another of the only to make me cry
LibraryThing member nm.spring08.j.surcam
In this Stephen King book you must prepare yourself to face the supernatural and the spine tingling yet again. In his book, Insomnia, you walk with two elderly people, facing the struggles of insomnia, and the supernatural powers that come with the lack of sleep. I never thought that a horror book
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could be so heartwarming, but you find yourself loving the main characters. This book is very well written, and stays true to the Stephen King style we all love. It is a must read for anyone loving horror, suspense, supernatural, or mystery stories. A book for young and old alike.
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LibraryThing member readingrat
Insomnia seems to be Stephen King's attempt at a morality tale, which succeeds with mixed results. He creates a cast of memorable characters. I found his use of an elderly couple as his hero/heroine to be both unique and charming and the epilogue (that continues to follow these characters) is,
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without a doubt, touching. King's lurking references to his other works also surface here (s0mething I've always enjoyed in his work). On the other hand there, are a quite few times when the story starts becoming rather ridiculous and laughable - not a response I think the author had intended. Over all, it's not a bad read if you have the time.
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LibraryThing member erniepratt
Rated: PG-13 Language
Through some paranormal quirk Ralph Roberts gets a look into alternate view of our world. As always Stephen King is very descriptive, and fun to read. One of the better Stephen King endings.
There is a lot of crossover in this book with the Gun Slinger series. That is really
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fun for me, but if you haven't read the Gun Slinger series I could see this crossover as annoying.
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LibraryThing member mrtall
This Stephen King doorstop has many of the horror-master's signature tropes: it's set in Derry, Maine; it's a tale of very ordinary people called to confront and fight extraordinary evil; it's got a whole funky school bus full of odd and delightful supporting characters; it's long and unevenly
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One element that distinguishes this book is King's rather overt treatment of a single political/moral issue, i.e. abortion. His own views are certainly communicated clearly, which isn't a plus, but King is not stupid or unfair. He gives the 'opposition' on this issue a good hearing, both via characters expressing their views without being caricatured, and in certain plot developments that suggest King himself may have some deep doubts of his own views.

Recommended, but only after you've read the dozen or more King novels that are much better.
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LibraryThing member BeckahRah
I so could have done without his nonstop, unending views on abortion. You're an entertainer, not a politician, and your views on abortion had no bearing on the story whatsoever; it was just a poor, transparent way to rant and rave about something you have very little expertise on. Stick to the
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fiction, please. Otherwise, the story was very good and enjoyable, and I continue to ENJOY THE TIES THAT BIND ALL sTEPHEN kING'S WORKS TO THE dARK tOWER
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LibraryThing member srboone
Second in the Derry trilogy. I felt there was a good story here, King just missed it by trying too hard. The Greek mythological aspect is more successful than in Rose Madder, though the Dark Tower tie-in las act is mystifying.
LibraryThing member seldombites
This book isn't scary, but it is still a very good read with some interesting concepts of reality.
LibraryThing member khoov00
This book is one of King's more bizarre works. I bought it as a joke for my son who was experiencing a rather bad case of insomnia. I ended up reading the book since I am a fan of Stephen King. What I got out of the story took me completely by surprise and was nothing like I expected. It was a good
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read but bizarre to the extreme. This book reminded me that you never know what you will get when you read a Stephen King book. I enjoyed reading the book and couldn't put it down, but it is not the type of book I will read again and again. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of King, Koontz, or their type of genre.
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LibraryThing member ShauneReed
This is a gripping story that may give some people nightmares with its contents. Stephen King successfully develops a character that has issues sleeping since his wife died. He doesn't know what the problem is until later when he realizes he has insomnia. The main character, Ralph Roberts, gets
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less and less sleep every night. He starts seeing things and he thinks he’s losing his mind but he’s getting a more or less psychic power. This book was one of the books I got and couldn’t put down. It’s a very long book and it was one I’d lose track of time while reading. I recommend it for anyone who’s not too scared of what Stephen King is capable of getting across.
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LibraryThing member Chellsway
This has to be one of the slowest starting books I have ever read took about three months for me to actually read the first 200 pageswhich is weird because i usually read a book in about 3 to 4 days. Now with that said once it starts it was fantastic and i finished it within a week. The story is
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great and i def. understand why he built the characters up the way he did.
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LibraryThing member DocWalt10
Not one of Stephen King's better efforts. The story could have been told in half of the 749 pages. I persevered to the end but was disappointed. I was intrigued by the idea of auras which I don't think are that far fetched.


Locus Award (Nominee — 1995)
Bram Stoker Award (Nominee — Novel — 1995)


Original language


Original publication date


Physical description

650 p.; 24 cm


0340608455 / 9780340608456

Local notes

Omslag: Steve Crisp
Omslaget viser et aftryk i en hovedpude som af en usynlig sovende person
Indskannet omslag - N650U - 150 dpi
Side 3: Old age is an island surrounded by death - Juan Montalvo: On Beauty
Side 23: When things reached a certain degree of wrongness, he was discovering, they could no longer be redeemed or turned around; they just kept going wronger and wronger. He supposed that on some level or other he'd always known that. What he had never suspected was how long that wrong road could be.
Side 31: There is a gulf fixed between those, who can sleep and those who cannot. It is one of the great divisions of the human race. -- Iris Murdoch: Nuns and Soldiers
Side 68: She's like the Magi, actually coming to King Herod for information. I mean, how dumb can you get? 'Where is he that is born King of the Jews?' To Herod they say this. I mean, wise men my ass!
Side 71: It's not King Herod, though - It's the Crimson King. Herod was merely one of his incarnations. The Crimson King jumps from body to body and generation to generation like a kid using stepping-stones to cross a brook.
Side 139: You're drifting into deep water, and there are things swimming around in the undertow you can't even conceive of. You think I'm crazy, but I want to tell you that you don't know what madness is.
Side 255: Old men ought to be explorers. -- T. S. Eliot
Side 427: We are old-timers, each of us holds a locked razor. -- Robert Lowell: Walking in the Blue
Side 447: You ride a bike like old people fuck!

Other editions

Søvnløs by Stephen King (Hardcover)



Library's rating


½ (2202 ratings; 3.7)


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