
by Raquel Jaramillo Palacio (Autore)

Paperback, 2012



Call number



L'antídot contra el bullying.

«Em dic August, per cert. No penso descriure la meva cara. Segur que és molt pitjor que tot el que us esteu imaginant.»

August (Auggie) Pullman ha nascut amb una greu deformació a la cara i s'ha hagut de sotmetre a tantes operacions que no ha pogut anar mai a l'escola; fins ara, que té deu anys i està a punt de començar cinquè a l'escola Beecher.

Si alguna vegada heu sigut nous, ja sabeu que dur que és... Doncs imagineu-vos com deu ser quan tens una cara com l'August. Aconseguirà que els seus companys l'acceptin com un més, encara que sigui el nen més estrany que han vist mai?


Ten-year-old Auggie Pullman, who was born with extreme facial abnormalities and was not expected to survive, goes from being home-schooled to entering fifth grade at a private middle school in Manhattan, which entails enduring the taunting and fear of his classmates as he struggles to be seen as just another student.



Edicions La Campana (2000), Edition: 001, 424 pages

Media reviews

Dieses Buch begeistert alle Altersgruppen. Das oft genutzte Motiv, dass es auf die inneren Werte ankommt, wird hier neu und ohne mahnenden Zeigefinger umgesetzt. Durch wechselnde Perspektiven kann der Leser nicht nur die Gefühle und Handlungen Auggies, sondern auch die seines Umfeldes verstehen.
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Der Leser entwickelt sich mit den sympathischen Charakteren. Die flüssige Sprache und die zahlreichen Details lassen die Geschichte persönlich und lebensnah wirken. Der Roman berührt den Leser und regt zum Nachdenken an.
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Physical description

424 p.; 9.13 inches

User reviews

LibraryThing member jnwelch
Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a YA/middle reader novel that has a lot to say about kindness. When's the last time you read a good book that did that? And, inevitably, it has a lot to say about cruelty, too. August "Augie" Pullman is a 10 year old who lost the genetic lottery and has a severely deformed
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face, one that can make those unaware gasp, and even the prepared flinch - a reaction he always notices, even when every effort is made not to. A number of times he is referred to as an orc, and one classmate meanly compares him to Darth Sidious in Star Wars, whose face, after being struck by Sith lightning "just kind of melts."

What pulls at the heart is Auggie, under that face, is just a normal kid, wanting normal things. But his appearance, the effects of his condition, and the many surgeries he has needed and continues to need, all make him the center of his family's attention, and noticed wherever he goes. Palacio does a commendable job of depicting all this. His parents are real, funny, and doing better than anyone could ask or expect. His pretty sister Olivia loves him and cares for him, and only occasionally longs for some attention of her own, and some time with friends who won't turn chilly when they find out about Auggie. Her one friend who loves and understands Auggie has become estranged.

The main events of the book are triggered when his parents decide to stop homeschooling Auggie and instead mainstream him at a smallish private school. The principal, Mr. Tushman, is the knowing butt (okay, pun intended) of jokes, and is a real mensch who actually is excited about Auggie attending the school. Auggie is rightly scared, and how he fares among the natural cruelty of many children is a major driver of the plot. At times those around him seemed more like high schoolers than middle schoolers, but that didn't detract from the enjoyment of this well-told story.

Auggie understands his plight. "Hey, the truth is, if a Wookiee started going to the school all of a sudden, I'd be curious, I'd probably stare a bit! And if I was walking with Jack or Summer, I'd probably whisper to them, hey, there's the Wookiee." He loves how his face matters not a bit to their dog Daisy. His principal understands his plight, too, and the ongoing tension between cruelty and kindness. And all that can be learned from it.
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LibraryThing member 2chances
I know, right? Five stars? I had to, though, because I read this book thinking like a mother of elementary- and middle-school-aged children, and if I were still that woman, I would be totally rejoicing that this lovely novel had crossed my path. Birthday present, for girl or boy? DONE

Wonder is the
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tale of August Pullmann, born with devastating cranio-facial abnormalities, and his first year at a "regular" school. It has a point-of-view structure, so we see some of the events not only through Auggie's eyes, but also through the eyes of other kids in his class, as well as through the eyes of his high-school-aged sister Via and her friends. Auggie himself is incredibly endearing in his simple practicality and deliberate, no-big-deal courage, but it is the supporting characters who lift this novel from the ho-hum to the extraordinary. The reason that each of my children would have received this story as a gift is that it conveys, with a minimum of fuss, the thing that everyone needs to learn: that loneliness and isolation are not the tragic fate of an unfortunate few, but in fact the truth of the human condition - and the reason that we all have to learn to be kind.
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LibraryThing member jolerie
Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you can.

John Wesley's Rule Page 406

August Pullman was born with a facial deformity that sets him apart from everyone else around him. He
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has learned how to deal with people's looks, comments, horror, and shock his entire life. He must now take all his experiences in coping with how the world deals with him as he enters middle school for the very first time.

Every once in awhile, we as readers are blessed with good books and sometimes, even great books. Wonder is not just a great book, it is a special book about a very special boy that deserves all the hype and buzz it has received thus far. As a mother, my gut reaction was to want to reach out and draw Auggie in and protect him from a world that could at times be so very cruel. Upon finishing the story, I realized that of all people, Auggie didn't need people to shelter him because the strength he found within himself to face the world is a unique gift entirely his own. A determined and wise soul beyond his years, Auggie would demonstrate that it is not how we look on the outside that determines our value, but how we choose to face that outside world regardless of our circumstances that shapes and defines our character. Perhaps a criticism would be that story was too idealistic. In the real world, bullying and fitting in aren't issues that can be resolved in a neat little package, or in a 400 page storyline, but regardless of whether it is a realistic reflection or not, it is most definitely an ideal that we could strive towards. The world needs more Auggies and people who embrace a ceaseless attitude of compassion and empathy. Highly recommended.
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LibraryThing member readingdate
I started reading Wonder on a whim over the weekend and couldn’t put it down. I’d heard good things about the book for months, and liked the book trailer, but for some reason I kept finding other books to read instead. Even though I do like middle grade books, the subject matter of this one
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gave me pause. Anyway, the story is so engaging and uplifting, much more so than I had expected. Totally a worthwhile read and I’m so glad I finally read it.

10-year-old August Pullman was born with a severe facial abnormality. His parents home schooled him all of his life due to his frequent surgeries and medical appointments. Now, when others August’s age are starting middle school, his parents think the time may be right for August to attend school as well. Auggie is a normal kid inside, smart and funny, and loves Star Wars and videogames. But will his new classmates be able to see past his outward appearance?

Auggie is so endearing- he won me over from the very first pages. I was so scared for him to start middle school. Middle school is terrifying under the best of circumstances! And even though Auggie has seen reactions of strangers around him all his life, it’s hard to prepare yourself for this age group. I, like Auggie, hoped for the best but steeled myself for the worst. His experience has highs and lows and focuses in on a handful of students and teachers and the different ways they interact with Auggie.

There are a few kids assigned to keep an eye out for Auggie at school to show him around. Auggie is very perceptive about others and is a good judge of character- he really is a brave little guy. It’s interesting to see the world through Auggie’s eyes and then later revisit the same scenes through the eyes of his friends when the book shifts to multiple POV. I hadn’t expected the book to shift POV actually, but it does satisfy some curiosity by hearing other characters perspective. Two of Auggie’s classmates, as well as his sister, her friend, and boyfriend all take a turn at the narration. Auggie’s sister Via is a standout character, as she shares the effect her brother has had on her life.

Hearing the different reactions to Auggie made me think about who I would be in the scenario, and I’d react in middle school if I had a classmate like him. My daughter and I had a dialogue about it, and you always hope you’d be compassionate, but it’s hard to know what is the right way to respond in the moment. The book does a great job of making you think about how to treat people fairly and with compassion. The writing is accessible and has a light touch, even though there are some heavy and distressing scenes. It is just perfect for a middle grade audience, and to read aloud for class discussion or at home. But really I think this uplifting story is appealing for all ages.
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LibraryThing member Staciele
A lot of times, the cover alone is what draws me to a book. That was the case for this book. I purchased it at our school Scholastic book sale because the cover and synopsis intrigued me. I have boys that are 11 and 12 and I work at our middle school/high school, so I am familiar with how cruel
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kids can be. I wanted to see how the author tackled this delicate subject and how realistic she portrayed the classmates. This is Palacio's first novel and I will be watching for future ones from her.

This story broke my heart and as a mom, I tried to imagine myself in the mom's position. Would I have been brave enough to send him "like a lamb to slaughter" as his dad said, or decide it was time he was in the "real world"? For many years, Auggie was protected by his family on outings and his face was only shown when necessary. He wore an astronaut helmet, a hat, or kept his hair long to hide himself from the public. When others saw him, their expressions ranged from shock to horror. The doctor himself fainted when Auggie was born. This type of facial deformation is beyond my imagination and reading stories like this make me appreciate that we were blessed with healthy children. Auggie is a bright and witty child quick with a one-liner and once he had the chance to be himself, others fell in love with him. But, do we give kids like Auggie that chance? One of my favorite lines from Auggie in the book is when he is meeting some students from his new school and one of the asks why he hasn't gotten plastic surgery. Auggie replied, "This is after surgery!". This was the perfect way to lighten the mood and show Auggie's true personality.

The book is told through short chapters and in parts told from each character's perspective. The story flows quickly and gives you everyone's perspective which I appreciated. I think my favorite section was from Auggie's teenage sister, Via (short for Olivia). Via has always been Auggie's biggest fan, but as she begins high school she wants to be known as Olivia, not as Auggie's sister. I appreciated how honest the author showed Olivia's fears and desires to have a life separate from Auggie, as well as the changes that happen to friends once high school begins.

How often do we judge others by their appearance? My sister-in-law sees this every day in her work with the homeless. I know I have been guilty of looking first at the appearance of someone before approaching them. In the book, Auggie wonders what the world would be like if we all wore masks and got to know each other before we knew what we looked like. Wouldn't this be a fun experiment to try?!

In the story, Jack was one of the children chosen by the Principal to welcome Auggie to the new school. Not all of the chosen kids took their job as seriously as Jack did and really did like Auggie. Unfortunately, he makes a mistake in the story and hurts Auggie deeply. Again, I felt like Jack was any number of kids I know, struggling between being in the "cool" crowd and being "real". Adults have a hard enough time struggling with making the right choices and Jack really came through. I want my kids to be like Jack.

This book was filled with solid, moral lessons. I will be having my boys read this and should be required reading for all middle school kids AND parents, in my opinion. The story of Auggie is a lesson in itself, but how he relates to our reality is what really opened my eyes. There will always be jerks in the world, people who don't get it and never will, but as long as the number of good people outweigh the number of bad, the good will always win. At least, I am hoping that is the kind of world I am living in.

"Wherever you are, whenever you can, try to act kinder than is necessary." Page 301
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LibraryThing member Bduke
I spend most of my time reading YA novels to make sure they aren’t too racy to have in our Middle School library. Sometimes I get so tired of all of the beautiful teenagers seeing each other and falling immediately in love forever. So I take a break and read an adult novel and then brush myself
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off and start all over again with the YA beautiful people. This time, though, I decided to read Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, to clear the cobwebs out of my brain. I am so glad I did! This book should be read by absolutely everyone – students, teachers, people of all ages. It has such a good message, and it is told in such an uplifting way. The main character, August (Auggie) is a ten-year old boy who was born with a severe chromosomal defect that left him with serious facial deformities. Because of the many surgeries he has had to have over the years, he has never been to school before. When he is going into 5th grade (middle school for him), his parents decide it is time for him to go to school. This book is about his journey through the pitfalls of middle school – difficult for any child, but exponentially compounded by Auggie’s condition. I love Auggie’s voice in this book. He realizes what he looks like and understands when people stare or gasp or look away in horror, but it still hurts him.

“It's like people you see sometimes, and you can't imagine what it would be like to be that person, whether it's somebody in a wheelchair or somebody who can't talk. Only, I know that I'm that person to other people, maybe to every single person in that whole auditorium.
To me, though, I'm just me. An ordinary kid.” ~ August Pullman

It was significant that the author also told the story from the points of view of others who love Auggie. I especially appreciated hearing the thoughts and feelings of his sister, Via (short for Olivia), who loves her brother, but has had her life severely impacted by his condition. I also loved his protective and supportive parents and could feel their pain when the son they loved so much was bullied or humiliated.

Our middle school participates in the Rachel’s Challenge program, which was instituted by the father of Rachel Scott – the first person killed at Columbine High School. One of the fundamental principles of Rachel’s Challenge is to start a chain reaction of kindness. This book goes hand-in-hand with Rachel’s Challenge to treat everyone with respect and kindness.

“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.” ~ Mr. Tushman

I not only recommend this book, I strongly encourage everyone to read it – as a family, as a class, as an individual.
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LibraryThing member delphica
I predict it will get some strong Newbery consideration. Told from multiple viewpoints, it's the story of August, a student entering the fifth grade. Auggie's previously been homeschooled due to a host of medical issues related to a severe facial abnormality. So it's the trauma of being brand new
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to school, added to the challenge of being remarkably physically different than his classmates.

The general plot is pretty much the one you expect from the premise of the book -- he has trials and tribulations, and the other kids have various reactions that he has to navigate. But overall, this is just QUALITY writing for middle readers (it's not YA). Almost all of the different voices add something to the story, and the characters and their situations are reasonably complex and the emotions feel very real, even given the somewhat boilerplate nature of the story arc.

A small mention that it's set in New York City, and it feels very believable and supports the plot nicely - but doesn't, I think, make things so New York-centric that other readers will be put off. It reminded me a little of When You Reach Me in this respect (although it's not at all similar to that book in terms of theme).
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LibraryThing member queenoftheshelf
August is just like any other 5th grader, he's a bit nerdy, loves Star Wars, is trying to fit in with friends, and is trying to figure out who he is, but August isn't like every other 5th grader. He's had more than 20 surgeries, spent a lot of his life in the hospital, never been to a school
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before, and his genetic disorder resulted in a disfigured face that startles other people.
The story of August is told through his eyes, as well as seven other people whose lives affect him. With each section, we see a little more of the story of August's first year in middle school and how other people learn to overcome their bias and be a little kinder.
It's not often that a book this powerful comes along. The characters are so realistic, that we're left wondering if this is really a fictional story. Despite its premise, the book never panders or hit readers over the head with its moral, it just lets August and his quite courage take us on his journey through 5th grade. A great story for any student age 10 and above.
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LibraryThing member elliepotten
"I know I'm not an ordinary ten-year-old kid. I mean, sure, I do ordinary things. I eat ice cream. I ride my bike. I play ball. I have an XBox. Stuff like that makes me ordinary. I guess. And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in
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playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don't get stared at wherever they go."

Oh, what a treat of a book! In August Pullman, Palacio has created one of the most loveable and memorable characters in modern children's literature. August is ten years old, and is a completely normal little boy in every way but one - he was born with severe facial disfigurement. The book opens as his mother tries to persuade him that it might be time to go to 'real school' for the first time. August has always been loved, protected - and taught - by his family, but during his year in the fifth grade of Beecher Prep, life is going to be very different.

Auggie's story is pretty irresistable reading. Switching between various viewpoints as the book progresses, including Auggie himself, his sister Via and his friends Jack and Summer, the author deftly explores the effects of Auggie's disfigurement on his life and the lives of everyone around him. It's a clever device that allows the reader to not only get inside Auggie's head as he faces the trials and tribulations of school life, but also to get the wider picture of how other people are coping, what people are saying, and how his new friends react to the pressure being placed on them by the less savoury characters at school.

It should come as no surprise that while Palacio offers much to smile, laugh and chortle over in this novel - it is lightly written, quite amusing and her children's voices are spot-on - there were also parts that made me frown, parts that made my eyes open wide with horror, and parts that made me tear up with indignation. It's a sad fact of life that a lot of kids (and a lot of parents) are relentlessly cruel to people who are perceived to be 'different' - and that's exactly what makes this book so important. I'd go as far as to say that it should be required reading for every child.

From start to finish the emphasis is on kindness and courage. Palacio doesn't steer away from moral gray areas - her characters make mistakes along the way and things aren't always as they seem - but ultimately she shows very clearly how bullying and insensitive behaviour can have a harmful ripple effect on people's lives, and how strength, friendship, compassion and good humour are always the better choices. I finished the book with tears in my eyes, a smile on my face - and a little place in my heart reserved for Auggie. Highly recommended!
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LibraryThing member BeckieZimmerman
This was another AWESOME novel for fifth to sixth grade students to read. I am definitely grateful I read it before I would potentially read it aloud to a class because I must of cried at least five times during this story. There are so many emotions presented in this book that really connects the
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reader to the characters of the story. I especially liked that it was told by multiple characters, it layered the story that created a deeper perspective and understanding for the reader. I also think that this is a powerful book that could bring awareness about bullying. This book is not only told by the perspective of the child facing adversity because of his deformity, but also shows true emotions and reactions of the people around him. For example, the first friend Auggie made, Jack Will, described his reluctance to befriend this boy with startling features, but realized that what mattered was who Auggie was as a person, not what he looked like. This book promoted themes such as: bravery, acceptance, compassion, and the importance of friendship. A definite must for every reader!
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LibraryThing member saraheggy
this is an amazing book ever
LibraryThing member MrsBarbarino
This is the season of giving and I am excited to share with you the gift of Wonder by R.J. Palacio! I think you will also want to share this book with others when you are done reading it.

August "Auggie" Pullman is an ordinary boy in many ways. He likes to ride his bike, eat ice cream and play XBox,
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just like many of the students at Canonsburg Middle School. Unfortunately, Auggie doesn't feel like a normal boy, especially when other kids stare at him or look at him and run away screaming. All because he was unlucky enough to be born with a severe facial deformity.

Now after years of home-schooling, Auggie is about to enter the fifth grade at Beecher Prep. It’s hard enough being the new kid in middle school, but being the new kid in middle school who doesn’t look like anyone else…this was going to be a challenge!

It would be nice to think that everyone at Auggie’s new school will be welcoming and accepting, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. It rarely is. While some of the students are nice to him, others are just down-right mean. At one point, Auggie discovers that his class-mates are playing their own version of “The Cheese Touch” by spreading the rumor that you’ll get the “Plague” by touching Auggie.

So what do you think? Will the kids at Beecher Prep be up to the challenge? Will they choose to be cruel or kind? I dare you to read Wonder and not want to do your own part to make even just a small difference at Canonsburg Middle School. Are you ready to Choose to be Kind?
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LibraryThing member KristyPratt
Kristy Pratt
Reading Log Opinion Response for Wonder

I loved this book! I loved the story, the layout, the character point-of-views and the realistic situations that were presented. The way the author introduces the main character, Auggie, as a 10 year old who wishes he had a normal face so that
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people wouldn’t run away screaming when they saw him, immediately sucks the reader in and weighs you down with heavy emotion and anticipation. Because you read most of the story from Auggie’s point-of-view, you get to understand and sympathize with him at how isolated and lonely he must feel being born with extreme facial anomalies, and having to attend school for the first time in 5th grade, when kids can be especially cruel at this age no matter who you are. I found myself tearing up many times throughout the book when August was being made fun of or ridiculed by other kids, especially those who were supposed to be his friends. I felt that the author did not hide painful aspects of Auggie’s life and presented realistic situations that a child with deformities must face. For example, when Augie was wearing the costume and his friend, Jack, was making fun of him to other students without knowledge that Auggie was listening. This has happened to normal kids and is hurtful. I cannot imagine how it would make someone like Auggie feel.
The fact that the author, Palacio, allowed several other characters to narrate the story, was another aspect that I ended up embracing. By allowing the reader to see where Jack, Via and Miranda were coming from, it gave you a chance to understand why things were done and said and that they all truly loved and cared about August. It helped you realize that we are all human and make mistakes, and that what you see or hear is not always what is.
The layout of the story was also a pleasant surprise. Each short chapter was cleverly unnumbered and titled with words that pertained directly to the text in that chapter. For example, “How I Came to Life” was only a few pages and explained how Auggie developed his condition, quick and to the point, but with humor and mixed emotions. I also loved how the book was divided up into eight parts, each with an adjusted picture of a character with Auggie’s facial features and selected lyrics from songs, and lines from poems and books. I even enjoyed how he was called, “Major Tom” several times by Miranda, being a huge David Bowie fan myself.
Overall, this was an amazing story I was able to make connections with on many levels. It gave me insight into how someone with a cosmetic deformity sees the world and how there are a lot of good people out there who can make a difference.
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LibraryThing member YABliss
If I could give every single middle-school-er in the world only one book, I would give them WONDER. The story is about Auggie, the sweetest and bravest character I've read about, who just happens to have a rare birth defect that makes his face look... different.

The strength of the book lays on it's
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boldness and the fact that interactions and occurrences are very, very well thought out and life-like. Painfully cruel realities that the author does not shy away from. Yet it is such a sweet book, even if the story is a hard one, it's covered with a gorgeous 'kindness' blanket that made me love it even more.

The Pullman's (August's family) family dynamics were unbelievably heart-warming. Don't we all wish we had a family like that? I guess it's true though, it takes circumstances like this one to make a family stick so close and be so appreciative and caring. If only we were all like that.

All the characters were three dimensional and fully believable. The story is told from the points of view of several of the kids (August, Summer, Jack, Olivia, Justin, Miranda) and you get a different and eye-opening perspective with each character. Each voice felt different and fitting. Chapters are very short, overall a fairly easy and fast read. And SO, SO worth it. I highly recommend it.
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LibraryThing member Schmerguls
This is a book for, they say, children 8 to 12. It is an amazing book, and I was quite surprised by how it affected me. It tells of a child with an uusual face who was home-schooled till he was to enter fifth grade. He is then persuaded to go to a school. and the book tells what happens to him at
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school, how other kids reacted to him. and the emoptional trauma he and his sister and parents went through as others reacted to seeing him. It is, at times, a real tearjerker and while it turns predictably saccharine towards the end. I found it powerful and significant.
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LibraryThing member ken1952
It's not polite to stare. That's what we're taught when we're kids. Auggie Pullman has been stared at all of his life because of a severe facial deformity. And now his loving parents are putting him in a regular school. This heartfelt novel follows Auggie through that first year in school. Having
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been picked on throughout my life, I certainly felt deeply for Auggie. The ending might have been a bit too upbeat for me as an adult, but I felt it quite necessary in a middle reader novel like this one. This should be required reading in all middle schools.
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LibraryThing member Whisper1
August Pullman was born with a severe facial deformity. While he is not beautiful on the outside, his soul shines. Knowing it can never happen, still, he longs to be normal. As a child he wore a mask in order to avoid the stares and glares.

Home schooled by his mother, he is now heading for fifth
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grade and is scared beyond belief.

This is his tale, told by him, his sister and classmates.

There a lovely characters in this book, including strong, loving teachers, children who struggle with Auggie's appearance, bullying, and the wonderful courage of August.

Auggie Pullman is a wonder inside and out. Highly recommend to read. This book was floated as a potential Newbery award winner. I'm surprised it didn't make it to the top right up where it belongs.

Thanks to Joe for pointing this book in my directions.

Four Stars.
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LibraryThing member shookrl
Auggie was not supposed to live but through many surgeries to correct his face from birth-defects, Auggie is starting the 5th grade at a new school. Previously homeschooled, Auggie’s family nervously gets through the school year where Auggie finds new friendships, experiences bullying, proves
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himself to his peers, his family and ultimately himself in the yearlong journey through middle school. We read from different perspectives the entire way - hearing from Auggie’s sister Maggie, who feels happy and guilty that at her new school no one knows her brother, Auggie’s friends at school, who simultaneously befriend and reject him, and Auggie himself. A courageous story about coming of age, learning who your friends are and learning that the people who are there for you in the end may surprise you. Readers in grades 4-8 will enjoy this story.
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LibraryThing member Pritii
Awesome book. This was a book about a 10-year-old boy with a facial deformity and a loving family. It was a story of how he was accepted in his school community, and how he had the courage to face his fears. I liked reading the perspectives of his sister, friend, his sister's friend and sister's
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boyfriend. The "boy politics" was very engaging. I loved the ending. I read this book with my fifth grader, and we both enjoyed reading it very much.
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LibraryThing member kctlagman
I read Wonder a few months ago and I've got to say, this is one of those books that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Anybody who has been bullied can find a way to relate to August, especially myself, a girl born with cleft lip and palate. I read this book purely based on the positive
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reviews that it has received and I had no idea that it would turn me into a blubbering, heaving, ridiculous mess by the middle of the book.

Wonder is the story of a boy with a whole mixture of deformities and disorders, and how these things affect not only his life, but the lives around him as well. August's situation is difficult on each person that is affected. It is a story of being different, and embracing your differences. R.J Palacio succeeds in writing a heartwarming, tearjerking book that leaves an imprint on all of those who read it.

I would recommend this book to absolutely anybody, because I know that deep down inside, everyone has felt a bit like Auggie has.
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LibraryThing member MyraMae
4Q, 3P. A touching, sweet story about Augie, a boy with a severe facial deformity who transitions from homeschool to public school for the first time as he begins middle school. Throughout the story, I was able to get a good sense of Augie's emotions- his fears, concerns, rejection, acceptance,
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excitement with beginning public school for the first time while trying to make new friends and living with a physical deformity. I also found Augie's courage and ability to break into independence inspiring. And, I liked reading about Augie's experience in middle school with this teachers and his friends. The first person perspective switches during the story. Readers hear from Augie's sister and friends. This shift in point of view captured my interest and drew me deeper into the story. Because Augie is in the fifth grade and the writing reflects middle school culture, I wonder now many older teens, young adults in upper high school would want to read this book. However, I do feel this is an excellent book for middle schoolers and imagine many adults would also enjoy this book.
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LibraryThing member OccassionalRead
It's not often that I review books that I read to my children. That's because it's seldom that I read them start to finish. Usually, at some point my wife steps in and fills in the gaps, and then I pick up again several chapters down the road. It's extraordinarily frustrating, as I confusedly try
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and keep up with the horrid and pathetic lives of Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire and what terrible traps Count Olaf has set for them.

So it was with some pleasure that I was able to read through Wonder without any major lacunae and enjoy the novel in its entirety. Wonder, without giving anything away, is about a boy, August Pullman,with a majorly deformed face and his struggles as he transitions from home schooling to entering the fifth grade of a private school in his neighborhood of "upper Upper Manhattan." August has a loving and devoted family but nevertheless his adjustment to middle school is anything but easy.

The book begins with Auggie as narrator and the beauty of the book is that after several chapters the narrator changes to that of his sister, and then a male friend, and then his sister's boyfriend, and then a female friend, before cycling back to Auggie in the final chapters. Had the book been only told from Auggie's point of view it would have grown tedious, not because he is not a sympathetic voice, but what makes the novel compelling is drawing out the feelings and challenges of those people close to Auggie.

It would have been interesting to have heard from the book's one nasty child character, Julian, or some adults (though how the various adults feel is evident from the narrative itself). But overall the conceit of telling the tale from various points of view adds nuance and perspective and deepens the novel.

Frankly, at one point I was teary eyed, though my kids were entirely dry eyed, so maybe the deeper nuances are lost on young children. However, both my 9 and 7 year old remained very entertained by Wonder and I can only hope that they learned a lesson about kindness, endurance, character, and family love, as well as the challenges they may have to go through as they face the social and emotional trials and tribulations of that prickly period of young lives, namely middle school.
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LibraryThing member scarletsparks
I guess this one is a 2.5 for me. I expected a lot of heartwrenching moments and this book to be a tearjerker that was very beautifully written. Sadly it didn't meet any of my expectations. While a lot of people find this book amazing, I beg to differ. It didn't stir anything in me if not a little
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simpathy. And I mean little. I find the protagonist's optimism a bit annoying. Sorry. I'm not jaded. This book isn't for me, I guess. Maybe the reason why I didn't really feel anything so much is because I've read the best of all tearjerking and heartwrenching book that everything that's not as good as it just doesn't touch me at all. I'm kind of disappointed in my inability to say I love this book. I wanted to love it but I just don't. Full review later. Now I'm back to studying for finals.
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LibraryThing member Cybro
Interesting book! For me, at first the different voices took time to get used to. At the beginning of the book I only wanted to listen to August's perspective. Later in the book all the different perspectives gave me the big picture. They explained their feelings. For example, Via missed her
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Mothers attention and loved her brother; Jack, Auggie's friend thought Auggie was funny and enjoyed his company; Auggie was very sensitive and brave. Wonder is really a wonderful book. I recommend this book for anyone 4th grade and up. Especially for boys.
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LibraryThing member theeccentriclady
I chose this book because of all the positive feed back. As I began to listen I wasn't sure I was going to like it but boy am I glad I just kept listening! This is definitely a feel good book and one that inspires. By using several different characters view points along the way, the author R.J.
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Palacio, made this story much more real and interesting. Some may say that in parts it was to sappy or to good but I really do believe people will give their best when a situation calls for it. I am not an emotional person but I have to admit this book made me cry. A good kind of cry!
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Nebraska Golden Sower Award (Nominee — 2014)
Texas Bluebonnet Award (Nominee — 2014)
Young Hoosier Book Award (Nominee — Intermediate — 2015)
Audie Award (Finalist — 2013)
Georgia Children's Book Award (Finalist — Grades 4-8 — 2014)
Great Stone Face Book Award (Nominee — 2013)
Utah Beehive Book Award (Nominee — Children's Fiction — 2014)
Kentucky Bluegrass Award (Nominee — Grades 3-5 — 2014)
Sasquatch Book Award (Nominee — 2015)
Buckeye Children's & Teen Book Award (Nominee — Grades 3-5 — 2013)
Iowa Teen Award (Nominee — 2014)
Bluestem Award (Nominee — 2014)
Mark Twain Readers Award (Winner — 1st Place — 2015)
Sunshine State Young Reader's Award (Nominee — Grades 6-8 — 2014)
Nēnē Award (Nominee — 2014)
British Book Award (Shortlist — 2013)
Grand Canyon Reader Award (Nominee — Intermediate — 2015)
Independent Booksellers' Book Prize (Winner — Children's — 2013)
Blue Hen Book Award (Nominee — Middle Readers — 2014)
Mitten Award (Honor — 2012)
Land Of Enchantment Book Award (Winner — Children's — 2014)
Concorde Book Award (Shortlist — 2014)
Virginia Readers' Choice (Nominee — Middle School — 2014)
Kids' Book Choice Awards (Finalist — Author of the Year — 2013)
Golden Archer Award (Nominee — Intermediate — 2015)
Charlotte Award (Winner — 2014)
Josette Frank Award (Winner — 2013)
Black-Eyed Susan Book Award (Nominee — Grades 6-9 — 2014)
WAYRBA: Western Australia Young Readers Book Award (Winner — Younger Readers — 2013)
Flicker Tale Award (Nominee — Juvenile Books — 2014)
3 Apples Book Award (Winner — Children — 2014)
UKLA Book Award (Shortlist — 2013)
Volunteer State Book Award (Nominee — Middle School — 2015)
Evergreen Teen Book Award (Nominee — 2015)
Hampshire Book Awards (Shortlist — Hampshire Book Award — 2014)
CYBILS Awards (Winner — 2012)
Maine Student Book Award (Winner — 2014)
South Carolina Book Awards (Nominee — Children's Book Award — 2014)
E.B. White Read-Aloud Award (Winner — 2013)
James Cook Teen Book Award (Honor Book — 2013)
The Best Children's Books of the Year (Nine to Twelve — 2013)
Children's Favorites Awards (Finalist — Author of the Year — 2013)
Nerdy Book Award (Middle Grade Fiction — 2012)
Chicago Public Library Best of the Best: Kids (Fiction for Older Readers — 2012)

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