Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1

by Hiromu Arakawa

Other authorsHiromu Arakawa (Illustrator)
Paperback, 2005



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As young boys, Edward & Alphonse Elric dabbled in alchemy to try to resurrect their dead mother. As a result, Ed lost one arm and one leg, while Al lost his entire body and had his spirit sealed into a suit of armor. Now, they are searching for the fabled Philosopher's Stone to restore what they've lost.

User reviews

LibraryThing member slothman
The first tankōbon of Fullmetal Alchemist looks like fairly straightforward steampunk shōnen action-- entertaining, some good laugh-out-loud moments, but not exceptional. It's in this volume that Arakawa lays the groundwork for the plot threads of a much darker story of intrigue and
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disillusionment; start here to thoroughly appreciate the context.
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LibraryThing member narwhaltortellini
There's just no way for me to think of this manga on its own without thinking about the anime for me, so I won't even try. So it's probably worth mentioning what I thought of the anime, especially since it's a rather rare view. I didn't care for it, exactly. But I'm not really sure why. It wasn't
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for lack of wanting to. It was quite a while ago now, but I can still say it's just the sort of thing I should have liked, and it seemed pretty well done. I do remember a lot of the moral dilemmas felt kind of simplistic and kiddie to me (A man is overtaxing the people on his land. OH NOES! Let us smash him!!!!), the love interest was a bore, and the relationship between the brothers was so simple sweet and innocent and dedicated that while I suppose it could be a nice emotional core, it was an almost entirely tensionless emotional core, and that's a little lame in my book. I think I've liked things that have committed these same crimes, though, so why not this? Whatever it was, almost nothing that was supposed to make me feel conflict or an emotional impact did in the slightest (save some incident I vaguely remember with melding a little girl with..something? But it wasn't even main character related, so it's not like that can bring continuing investment/interest/enjoyment). After a long time assuming/trying to believe that if I watched it long enough to get into the characters I would like it all more, I eventually and regretfully gave up.

So now much later, I tried the manga for a second chance. And...while it's early to judge, I think you can pretty much take all the stuff I said about the anime and apply it here, but also take the quality down a notch as well. Or really, the humor is up and the drama is down a little. In some ways this is good, seeing as how, like I mentioned before, the moral dilemmas seemed silly to me, so being big and sweeping and squeezing all the drama possible out of it would make me roll my eyes. On the other hand, a lot of the humor is just Ed being annoyed at people calling him short. Stuff that's nice for creating a light, fun mood, but not exactly *funny.* So basically, the manga traded something I disliked (the way it was being done) for something I didn't care for. For me, things don't change much, but for other readers I think they'll like it less.

What I'd really hoped for was that this manga version would somehow up the maturity/complexity of the relationships and moral dilemmas somehow so I could actually enjoy them, I guess. But so far this just seems a little sillier, and completely episodic (though I do hear later volumes get better). In the end I guess I'll have to go back to glancing forlornly back at the anime and being jealous of all the people that can enjoy it as I really ought to be able to. Maybe...If I just give it a few more years from now? ^_^;
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LibraryThing member Providences
One of my favorite Animes, the manga is just as good.
LibraryThing member exlibrisbitsy
For fans of the anime, this series is a must read. First off, the anime was based on this manga series. The original anime split off in development pretty early on and ended some time ago. For those of you disappointed in that ending you simply must read this manga, and watch the new Brotherhood
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anime which follows it much more closely. The storyline is so much better and this is one of those cases where the book is ten times better than anything you have seen on screen.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story Fullmetal Alchemist turns out to be an engaging series set in the early 1900's about a paranormal world where alchemy is real and its effects on the world and artifacts that increase its power are at once magical and beautiful, sinister and deadly. Transforming something from a broken to a fixed state is handy, transforming something into a grotesque pantomime of what it should be, not so much.

The opening to this book is a shock that makes you sit up and take notice. They start you right at the moment that Ed discovers that he is missing his leg (no clean cut, either) and that his brother is gone. It very much sets the tone for the rest of the book, and the series! Very dark and frightening with many hard lessons to be learned and sacrifices that need to be made to set things right after this very gruesome beginning. Right at the end of that first page the book snaps to several years later and you have to read on to find out why Ed and Al are the way they are and what exactly made them that way. Definitely a page turner to find out more about these characters and the lives they have been forced to lead since that very disastrous decision they made as children.

The first volume is made up of a series of adventures as Ed and Al try and get their original bodies back. They know that human transmutation is beyond their power alone (just look at what happened last time they tried!) so they seek out the power of the Philosopher's Stone. Ed's power as the youngest State Alchemist (and dog of the military) ever, at age 12, both aids him and gets him in more trouble than he ever would have gotten into on his own.

There were lots of funny moments to lighten up the plot. Ed is a very stubborn and petulant child for all that he is in neck deep in an adult world. He throws huge fits when people call him "little", and refuses to drink milk because it's gross. Also, the constant confusion the public has thinking the suit of armor is the Fullmetal Alchemist and that the short kid is his little brother and not the other way around results in some spectacular displays of temper on Ed's part used to great comedic effect.

This is a great introduction for the series, it gives you just a taste of who these characters are and what they are setting out to do. There is a great balance struck between the horror, violence, comedy, hints of romance, and adventure throughout. I would definitely recommend it for teen and up though because of the gruesome violence and Ed's occasional potty mouth. If you want to know the rest, you have to read it to find out!
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LibraryThing member Julie_Sidon
This manga is read in classic japanese format; meaning from right to left. The story starts off far different the the first anime that is based off the manga series. The book gives more intimate details and back ground information. The art of the book is clean and clearly defines the differences in
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character design and characterization without sacrificing story line or commedy.

The story line is also well done, in that it starts off the reader with a slow introduction into the world of Fullmetal alchemist. The story draws the reader in using humerious subplots to emphasis the bigger plot. I found the book too short and had to get the rest of the series currently in print: 24 volumes in my region!
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LibraryThing member moofy
"Full Metal Alchemist" written by Hiromu Arakawa is about two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who seeks the philospher's stone which is said to be able to do anything because in an experiment gone wrong, Edward lost a leg and a arm and Alphonse lost his whole body which meant that his soul had
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to be trapped in a full body armour so that he would still be alive. Edward and Alphonse must find the philospher's stone so that they can bring back Alphonse's oringinal body and Edward's oringinal arm and leg.

One special power that Edward- the hero of this manga- posesses is alchemy which is the ability to transmute or change something of little value into something of great value for example, using alchemy to change a rock into gold. Edward uses this power to protect himself and other people and also to defeat villains so that he can get the philospher's stone. An example of this is when he transmuted a peice of rock into a weapon to protect himself and to defeat his enemy.

The problems that the characters must face in this book is very different to the problems that people face today. For example, nobody in real life needs to find a "Philospher's stone" to get their oringinal body back because of an alchemy experiment gone wrong. In reality, alchemy dosn't even exist which means there's no way people can use this power.

In conclusion, I would recommend this book to people who likes fast-paced manga novels with a touch of humour and science fiction.
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LibraryThing member AbSc0603
I have no idea where the author got the idea for this book, it's ver original! I decided to read this book after many of my friends have suggested it,and I don't regret the decision! Very addicting and a great series!
LibraryThing member AsTr1102
Starts in the middle of a story then slowly working its way back. Slow confusing start but great suspensfull middle.
LibraryThing member polarbear123
There are loads of these Full Metal Alchemist books in the school I work in so I thought I would take a look - maybe I will read more. I quite enjoyed the artwork and the story was easy to read and follow and fast paced. I also liked that it was humurous in places. This is not going to change the
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world but it was a satisfying distraction for a miserable wet February afternoon in England!
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LibraryThing member ToxicMasquerade
'Fullmetal Alchemist' is one of my favorite anime/manga. Edward is a hilarious character. He throws a temper tantrum whenever you mention his height. In this volume the meet Father Cornello, who pretends to play God. They go to a mining town and help out the townspeople. And they have a fight on a
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train. It's all great. Action and humor in the whole volume.
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LibraryThing member alittlepeculiar
This series is one of the most complex and sophisticated around. Fully rounded (and imperfect) characters, moral dilemmas, Big Themes, wit and silliness, intelligence and thought. Also, some stunningly beautiful art. Watch the anime too.
LibraryThing member mbeal
This is my all time favorite graphic novel. In fact, it might be my favorite story period. The plot and characters are stellar. I've never seen a story crafted nearly as well as this. That said, I'm actually not sure I'd include this in my classroom especially if I'm in an elementary class. This
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story has swearing which quite frankly I don't think is appropriate for elementary school students. I'm also not sure how well received this would be with parents since it's a graphic novel and a Japanese one at that. As a result, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have it in my classroom. It is an excellent read for those looking for a good story though.
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LibraryThing member RosanaSantana
The full metal alchemist fights crime while trying to obtain the philosopher's stone so that he can restore his brother to his original body. The book has some funny moments and a lot of action. It is difficult to read due to the right to left format, but it is a fun read.
LibraryThing member bplteen
Review by: Alphonse99

Alchemy follow the laws of equivalent exchange, to get something, you must give something of equal value. Fullmetal Alchemist, a funny, heartwarming and slightly scary story about two brothers. Edward and Alphonse Elric tried to bring their mother back to life using alchemy
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and failed, Edward losing his arm and leg and Alphonse losing his body. In the story, they begin searching for the philosophers stone, in hopes that they can use it to get their bodies back. I honestly love Fullmetal Alchemist, its a really good story, with lots of fights and laughter to counteract the darkness in the plot.
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LibraryThing member Jennanana
First in a manga series about two brothers, alchemists, whose mother dies. When they try to bring her back from the dead, one brother loses his hand and the other loses his body, his soul being stuck into a suit of armor. A journey ensues as they seek out the Philosopher's Stone and the materials
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necessary to bring back their bodies and their mother.
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LibraryThing member A_Reader_of_Fictions
Fullmetal Alchemist starts off pretty lighthearted and comedic, giving the reader time to familiarize themselves with the characters and the world it's set in before breaking out the serious drama. Part of what makes this series so completely marvelous and one of the best mangas ever is that vein
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of humor running through even the darkest parts.

Of course, comedy alone does not make a good story. The darkness too makes the tale compelling. Aspects of this story, especially one in particular which comes not too far into the story, will undoubtedly haunt me forever. Actually, this same instance continues to haunt Ed and Alphonse all the way through their lives, as well. When you read it, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Add to the above a completely amazing cast of characters. Seriously. Ed and Alphonse's love and care of one another are completely charming. Their grandmother is hilarious with her tiny little pointy bun. Winry, the stubborn female automail mechanic, will always be my favorite. Then again, I also adore Colonel Mustang with his odd combination of jadedness and hope, and Lieutenant Hawkeye, who is seriously badass but also surprisingly sweet underneath. All of the human characters are just so vibrant and human, complete with foibles and hangups. I love it.

Plus the alchemy in a freaking amazing steampunk setting! Who doesn't like steampunk? Okay, lots of people probably, but they are lame and don't count (just kidding...mostly). Honestly, though, the alchemy in here is astounding. No wonder so many people spent their lives trying to figure out its secrets. I would too if I thought I could have powers like the Alric brothers.

If you have any interest at all in manga, Fullmetal Alchemist is a good one. Although aimed at a male audience, it has universal appeal. Unlike some shounen manga, you will not have lots of baloon boobs thrust at you for fan service, likely because the series was written by a woman. This manga has one of the best stories out there and I just cannot recommend it highly enough.

Note: I have not yet watched the anime version, either one. I do know, though, that you should not just the manga off of the original anime series. After the first few episodes they seriously part ways (or so I've heard), because the anime was made before the series had been completed. A couple years before. What a bad plan.
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LibraryThing member raschneid
Picked this up on a whim, based on favorable reviews. I enjoyed it quite a bit for an action/adventure manga (a genre that's fun but not my favorite thing ever). The setting and characters are intriguing and well-conceived and the art is really exceptional.

I do frequently think while reading
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manga, "I bet that sentence was less awkward in Japanese," but of course panel art and speech bubbles limit translation.

I'm happy that Hiromu Arakawa's Goodreads photo is a cow illustration; I'm afraid to look her up on Wikipedia because I want to forever imagine her as a cow lady per the book!
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LibraryThing member SqueakyChu
This is the story of the Elric brothers who were injured when they tried to bring their mother back from the dead. The older brother Edward lost and arm and a leg which were replaced by steel prostheses. The younger brother Alphonse lost his body so his soul is traveling around in an empty suit of
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armor. Both are military alchemists who are in search of the Philosopher's stone. I've yet to learn what that stone can do.

In the beginning of this book, I thought the story was going to revolve around the theme of science versus religion, but it didn't turn out that way. I feel as if I have to at least read one or two more volumes to see if this story will appeal to me more. There is a lot of violence, but I want to get past that to see what the Elric brothers accomplish in the future.

Curious, but not overly enthusiastic, about seeking volume two.
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LibraryThing member villemezbrown
I loved Silver Spoon, so I thought it was time to try out the creator's most famous series. I have the first six volumes on hand from the library.

I must say, this first outing does not do much to impress me. The main character, Edward Elric, is a bratty and cocky rogue, his brother Alphonse is a
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nonentity (in more than one way), and most of the other characters are bare sketches, with one-dimensional villains like the one-offs -- a religious fraud and an evil mine company owner -- and some who are part of a larger cabal fashioned after the Seven Deadly Sins. Elric's fellow militarized alchemists appear too briefly to judge what they might be like.

This has pilot written all over it, and I remember I had some reservations about the first volume of Silver Spoon so I'm comfortable charging on with the series despite my initial disappointment. But I do know that I prefer slice-of-life over epic fantasy, so there is a chance I may not make it past this first stack.
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LibraryThing member electrascaife
A flawed and snarky yet soft-on-the-inside protagonist who is remarkably good at his chosen field? Um, yes please. I'm hooked.
LibraryThing member nerdytheorist
For my first manga, I found this quite interesting and quickly got through it after I actually started to read it. I don't quite understand the main premise of the series yet, but I do intend to continue reading. To summarize it in a sentence or two, Edward and his YOUNGER brother, Alphonse Elric,
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who's spirit has been trapped inside of a giant suit of armor due to the results of a...certain ritual. From what I understood, they're going around in search of a sorcerer's stone. I really enjoyed it and again, I intend to keep going on with the series.
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LibraryThing member cfordLIS722
This is a story about Ed and Al Elrich who are alchemists. They tried to revive their dead mother through alchemy, a taboo, which cost Al his body and Ed his arm and leg. They become state alchemists to quest to restore their bodies.
LibraryThing member lexilewords
All right let's all be clear here. Edward Elric is one of my heroes. I can say with absolute sincerity that this manga, the first anime and Brotherhood are ALL top favs.

And this is where it began. Father Cornello, Lt. Yoki & Bald. No Winry or Hughes yet, but Lust & Gluttony say hi. AND RIZA OF
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VIZ Media LLC (2005), Edition: 1st, 192 pages

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1591169208 / 9781591169208


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