Daredevil (2019), v3-v4: To Heaven Through Hell, v2

by Chip Zdarsky (Writer)

Other authorsMarco Checchetto (Artist), Rachelle Rosenberg (Colorist), Clayton Cowles (Letterer), Nolan Woodard (Colorist), Jorge Fornés (Artist), Mattia Iacono (Colorist), Francesco Mobili (Artist)
Ebook, 2022

Library's rating

Library's review

Matt spends a lot of this volume engaged in black-and-white thinking, taking all the blame for events like he's the sole cause for what happens, calling 55 years of Daredevil history a mistake then doing the exact some stuff he did as Daredevil but now it's not a mistake because he's not wearing
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the outfit, and thinking that if he's better and more in control then he can control what happens and therefore there will not be any bad outcomes ever again.

And, like, that's fine as an idea to explore. It's not necessarily out of character, but it's also not a healthy way of viewing things. There is no way to have so much control that you can force only the outcomes you want to occur to be the ones that do occur. It's not how the world works. Matt claims there's no randomness, and that's just plain wrong.

My issue isn't with Matt thinking all this--my issue is that I think Chip Zdarsky also thinks this. That Zdarsky thinks this way of thinking for Matt is correct and a good thing and an evolution for the character and not an issue he has to confront and work through.

It's not, it's wrong, and it's piss poor writing/characterization if subsequent volumes go in the direction that they seem to be heading.
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(1 rating; 2)


Marvel Universe (2022), 224 pages


Daredevil goes through hell! As Matt Murdock struggles with his inner demons, Detective Cole North continues hunting the vigilantes of New York. And his first target is...Spider-Man! When the ongoing saga of Mayor Wilson Fisk takes a brutal, bloody turn, Matt soon finds himself with no choice but to investigate the corruption in New York's police force. But without Daredevil around to stand in his way, the Owl turns his horrifying sights on Hell's Kitchen -- and he is not alone! A war is brewing, and as Matt rekindles his alliance -- and possibly more -- with Elektra, he faces difficult choices. The streets of New York burn, a gang of lethal super villains runs riot, and the Kitchen is left hanging by a thread. That thread...is Daredevil! COLLECTING: Daredevil (2019) 11-20… (more)


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