Shane Schofield #2: Area 7

by Matthew Reilly

Paperback, 2003

Library's rating


½ (313 ratings; 3.7)



St. Martin's Paperbacks (2003), Mass Market Paperback, 512 pages


It is America's most secret base, hidden deep in the Utah desert, an Air Force installation known only as Area 7. And today it has a visitor: the President of the United States. He has come to inspect Area 7, to examine its secrets for himself. But he's going to get more than he bargained for on this trip. Because hostile forces are waiting inside... Among the President's helicopter crew, however, is a young Marine. He is quiet, enigmatic, and he hides his eyes behind a pair of silver sunglasses. His name is Schofield. Call-sign: Scarecrow. Rumour has it, he's a good man in a storm. Judging by what the President has just walked into, he'd better be...


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User reviews

LibraryThing member Garridon
Not Reilly's better effort. It's an interesting premise, but the action is literally non-stop throughout the story. The effect makes the action seem boring and flat after a while.
LibraryThing member heskett12
Area 7 is a very good book in my opinion. It has action all the way through.
LibraryThing member Leigh_Fulker
Very exciting book with lots of action,bloodshed and typical Reilly destruction. Only let down is that he goes into very thorough detail about the guns they use.
LibraryThing member patience_grayfeather
This reads as a men’s shoot-em-up action movie, with helicopters, and speedboats, and planes, and even space shuttles. My husband loved it and is reading more of Matt’s stuff. I read it because I was in between books. Reilly knows how to keep the action going, that for sure. He’s weak on
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characterization. The introduction of every new character gets a quick rundown of their appearance. Which I promptly forgot because in most cases it was irrelevant. I remembered Mother had a prosthetic leg and Scofield had scars across his eyes (which seemed really weird) and those things were important to the story. Scofield is accompanying the Pres. to the top secret Area 7 (think Area 51 but no aliens) for an inspection. Then, as the cliche goes, all hell breaks loose.
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LibraryThing member Oogod
This is the second book with the ultimate hero Scarecrow. You also get to see the softer side of Mother. I hope Reilly continues with his series.
LibraryThing member seldombites
What would happen if someone kidnapped the president and the all important football? No, it isn't an episode of 24, but a very thrilling ride. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
LibraryThing member smik
Audio CD edition published 2003 by Bolinda Audio, ISBN 1-74094-412-7. 11 CDs approximately 13 hours, read by Sean Mangan.
Novel published by Pan Macmillan Australia 2001.

Area 7 is a secret Air Force installation deep in the Utah desert, near Lake Powell. Today it is being visited by the President of
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the United States, but the scenario awaiting him is almost unimaginable, evil of gigantic proportions, treachery on a giant scale.

Accompanying the President is his own security squad and his helicopter crew. Just as well for the President that it contains Captain Shane Schofield, because without him the President would have been easy meat for the rogue Airforce unit waiting for him.

The amazing thing about the action of this story is that it all takes place in such a short time. It is pacy, rough, violent, but at the same time as your mind is trying to unravel the mystery, you are busy imagining the setting, and visualising the challenges. The action itself has a lot in common with the earlier book I listened to SEVEN ANCIENT WONDERS, written late (2005). You can see Reilly honing his graphic descriptive skills. I particularly enjoyed the Utah desert and Lake Powell descriptions as I visited there about 15 years ago.

AREA 7 is really a thriller, at the edge of my usual crime fiction reading. There were bits that I didn't really enjoy, (particularly the blood, guts and brains bits) but I guess that is the same in any novel. The plot kept me going though. There were times when I wondered whether Shane Schofield and his team would live to fight another day, but then the cynic in me said they would, because there is a "sequel" called SCARECROW (2005). AREA 7 itself is a sequel to ICE STATION (1999), which I haven't read. However in ICE STATION Reilly killed off one of his primary characters, as he does in AREA 7.
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LibraryThing member cranbrook
The US President is visiting a top secret base set in the desert of Utah and he is guarded by Lieutenant Shane Schofield . This base has been carrying out secret experiments involving animals. Terrorists have infiltrated the site and fourteen bombs have been hidden in US cities and the President
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has a transmitter strapped to his chest. Not only that, but he has to restart the football - the briefcase that controls America’s nuclear arsenal- every ninety minutes. A real page turner involving many of the people in the earlier novel Ice Station
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LibraryThing member misericordia
Scarecrow saves the President from traitors, monitor lizzards, chinese secert agents and psycopaths. With stops along the way at secert base Area 7, Area 8, lake Powel and low earth orbit. If it shows up in the plot is it is like to either blow up explode or get smashed! Fun fast read either little
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or no thinking.
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LibraryThing member mydogatebob
Matthew Reilly's books are like action movies translated to paper. They're fast moving, full of bloodshed and somewhat unbelievable (in the good way). Area 7 is the second novel for Scarecrow, a US marine, and his team, and this time they have to save the president from teams within America's most
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secret base. Very good fun and a great read!
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LibraryThing member seekingflight
Wild animals, crazy serial killers, and a villain whose schemes make for maximum drama but lack much semblance of logic? Maybe I'm being overly harsh, but this had relentless action and one too many cliches for me.
LibraryThing member divydovy
A high-octane, entertaining, Crichton-wannabe. Not a bad yarn, good pace and action, but cheesy. Disposable.
LibraryThing member cahallmxj
One day the President of the United States decided to take a little tour…

Welcome to a place that does not exist outside of the highest levels of the government or the military. The research conducted at the mysterious Area 7 and Area 8 is the stuff of conspiracy theories and nightmares. The last
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thing that many who enter this place will see is the giant blast doors closing behind him, sealing their fate.

This day is different though, for there has been a breakthrough that has a chance to save millions or devastate half the world if were to fall into the wrong hands. The President of the United States wants to see evidence of this for his self and schedules a trip to tour the facility. With him as ever is a contingent of Secret Service agents, military personnel, and White House Staff.

This time though there are special guests among the marines that are traveling with the President. Shane “Scarecrow” Schofield and his fellow marines are the survivors of a previous mission, Ice Station, that ended up going terribly wrong; with total disaster being averted only by the actions of Scarecrow and his crew. In order to let things cool down and keep the press from harassing them they were assigned to what they hoped would be a simple guard assignment to one of the most secure research stations in the country.

Unknown to them they are flying into a whirlwind of betrayal, greed, and violence that will once again test their skills to the limit.

If you ever want to read how a video game plays this is your chance. The story takes a couple of chapters to set up and then takes off into one non-stop action sequence that doesn’t stop till the end. The author himself states that he is going for the feel of a big budget action movie and it shows. There is not too much character building other than a few references to the previous book and a couple of quotes in the front that set the tone for why the bad guys do what they do.

Also like most action movies, the characters dialogue often takes a back seat to all the explosions going on and can often seem a little wooden, so don’t expect any rousing speeches out of them. All in all I liked this book because it really does capture the craziness of a summer blockbuster or an action oriented video game, I really wanted to keep going to see what crazy set piece was coming up next. If you like stories that have a lot of action and not a lot of room for talking this might be one for you. Or if your just looking for a good story that lets you turn your brain off and enjoy the ride take a look at this one and you probably won’t be disappointed.
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LibraryThing member gdill
Somewhat of a disappointment. This story wasn't half as good as Reilly's first book, Ice Station. However, I noticed a lot of similarities between Area 7 and Ice Station which likely therefore didn't make for much excitement for me. Like Ice Station, the setting takes place in a secret underground
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multi-story facility. There is a bunch of gun battles and fighting between the good guys and the mercenaries. And, everyone is out to obtain or protect a secret prized possession hidden within the depths of the facility. Throw the President of the United States into the mix and you have another whirlwind action sequence thriller that never seems to end, but seemingly gets lost in a bunch of grenades, bullets, and explosives.
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LibraryThing member amme_mr
The second book of the Scarecrow series, set at a classified airforce base. It involves the president of the USA, and Scarecrow trying to save the lives of thousands due to 14 rouge bombs across the states. Again it was fast paced, although not quite as much as the first book of the series.
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Interestingly, despite having read this book several times in the past, I could not remember it all, and some things still continued to surprise me. Enjoyable book, and worth the read!
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LibraryThing member Olivermagnus
Area 7 is the second thriller in the Shane Schofield series. After the events of Ice Station, Shane “Scarecrow” Schofield, captain in the US Marine Corps, has been assigned to the relatively low key job of protecting the President while he's on the Marine One helicopter. When the President
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decides to visit a remote military base called Area 7, Schofield and his team, Elizabeth “Fox” Gant, Gena “Mother” Newman and Buck “Book II” Riley, accompany him. Once at the base, they discover that it has been taken over by a rogue General who they thought to be dead, Charles “Caesar” Russell. Not only has Caesar planted bombs in fourteen cities across America, he’s made it so that the death of the president will detonate them.

He challenges the President to a contest. He tells the President that military personnel have paid the price for the blunders done by the civilian leadership. He informs him that a transmitter was surgically implanted near his heart. If his heartbeat stops, the nuclear arsenal will explode. If the President lives, the country lives. And if he dies, the country dies. The President has to survive in Area 7, which has been locked down with 50 traitorous special ops soldiers trying to murder him. Of course, the President will have Schofield and his small group of soldiers to help him.

This is a book that meets every expectation of the action-adventure genre. There is page after page of non-stop action and once things kick off, the reader is breathless until the very end. This is a pure adrenaline, action novel that is the equivalent of an action blockbuster movie starring whoever your favorite action hero is. We get a gang of insane criminals who have been used as guinea-pigs, and even vicious Komodo dragons. The chase continues over land, under water and even goes into space, yes space! This book is definitely not for someone looking for a realistic fiction story but wow! You can't get a better action series than this one.
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LibraryThing member brakketh
Another Scarecrow book, an action hero who can do no wrong other than being a little awkward with women he loves. The usual Reilly credulity straining action narrative which is easy to breeze through.
LibraryThing member EmpressReece
Once again i loved it! Its not "deep" meaningful writing so if thats what your looking for then this is not it but if you want high-octane action, shooting, stunts, fun etc then your in the right place! Shane is awesome! I would marry him just so he can swing me from his maghook while dropping
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300ft through an elevator shaft!! Who wouldnt!! : ) lol
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LibraryThing member HeatherLINC
I thought "Ice Station" was great - this is even better. More action (if that's possible), a touch of romance between Scarecrow and Gant, a wonderful character called Mother, lots of thrills and suspense, and a race against time to save the President of the United States. What more could you ask
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for in a book? Absolutely devoured it!!
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LibraryThing member Carol420
Like many of these Shane Schofield books they take a bit of suspended disbelief and a lot of accepted probable impossibility. The one thing though you can always depend on with this series is non-stop action and an escape from reality. They are just good, fun stories. Matthew Reilly is a genius
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when putting words on paper to create a memorable adventure. No matter how improbable the story may get you can always be sure that this author going to tie the story line together masterfully with clever twists and details. You just have to lean back and enjoy the ride.
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