Ladies of Lantern Street #1: Crystal Gardens

by Amanda Quick

Paperback, 2012

Library's rating


Library's review

I wanted so much to like this book but in the end there were too many things that left me rolling my eyes for it to be more than okay. All of the dialogue, but especially Evangeline's, came across as affected and unrealistic to my ear. The constant use of the twee word "psychical" didn't help
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either. The romance between Evangeline and Lucas lacked any sort of tension. Lucas very quickly realized that he wanted to marry her and then that was it for his romantic plot arc, while Evangeline said the relationship would end after the danger was taken care of but then acted exactly the opposite. There were several plot points that just felt like they were never explored as fully as they should have been so that when they got wrapped up at the end, it all felt too neat - the final confrontation between Lucas and Judith, the confrontation with the murder that included six pages of dialogue explaining the murderer's motivation, and the really cute secondary romance that got one scene devoted to it before the couple ended up happily engaged offscreen. The last was disappointing because I would have really liked to see more of them. They seemed surprisingly well-suited to each other, but all I got was that one scene.

There were good bits - the different suspense plots were interesting, and I always enjoy seeing family and friends work together and help each other - but so many things threw me out of the story that I couldn't immerse myself like I normally do and that significantly decreased my enjoyment of this book. I really did want to like it too.
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(160 ratings; 3.5)


Putnam Adult (2012), Hardcover, 336 pages


Moving to a country cottage where she seeks refuge in a paranormally charged garden, Evangeline Ames is rescued from a would-be assassin by the garden's owner, Lucas Sebastian, who taps Evangeline's detective skills to solve a buried-treasure mystery and stop a common enemy.


Original language


User reviews

LibraryThing member Cats57
Crystal Gardens by Amanda Quick

If I had seen the words ‘extraordinary’ or psychical’ one more time I may have plucked out my own eyeballs. Nevertheless, I suppose that complaint is unimportant, as the rest of the story did not live up to Ms Quick’s usual efforts.
With several different
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story lines the author could investigate and take further, this book still fell flat for me. The romance (as thin as that is) progressed too quickly, the sex seemed contrived, and more elaborate than usual. The three story lines just came together too easily with all the ‘bad guys’ taken care of with no harm done to anyone.

The story in a nutshell-Evangeline is trying to escape a horrific encounter in the city AND continue with the writing for a newspaper of her serialized novel. Soon, very soon, she is accosted in her lovely little cottage and take refuge into the suspect garden (The Crystal Gardens) of her landlord Mr Lucas Sebastian. Lucas swiftly comes to her rescue and her attacker is well and truly taken care of--- and disposed of by the garden in question.

Naturally, they both have ‘hidden’ talent of the ‘psychical’ kind. Eventually they do consummate their relationship, find who, what and why Evangeline is being sought by unsavory characters. And they live happily ever after.

I must say that the fact that Evangeline’s talent growing when they are needed the most to help out in a bad situation or to heal someone was a little suspect.

This was merely an adequate display of Ms Quicks’ talents. I don’t understand it since she is usually an author that can grab me and pull me into a story no matter what it is about and keep me enthralled for hours. Not this time.
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LibraryThing member thewalkinggirl
Light-hearted, fast-paced story featuring standard JAK/AQ themes: an emotionally-restrained hero with dangerous psychical powers entranced by a sensible-but-artistic heroine with psychical powers of her own. Also features a vaguely gothic abbey, a garden full of man-eating plants, meddling family
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members and a small cast of potential villains.

The plot and characters lack the focus and depth of the author's best works, but this was still an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon.
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LibraryThing member phyllis2779
I used to love Jayne Krentz books -- I even purchased them. After a while the repetition started to get to me and stopped buying them and looked for them at the library. Lately I've stopped looking for them but I borrow one if I come across it. I'm having some reservations about even that. This
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book was the worst. The kind of book where the murderer doesn't kill his target but has lengthy conversations with them first, explaining all of his or her actions and any mysteries that might be involved. At that point, the target turns the table on the bad guy. O f course, there would be no book if the murderer didn't stop first and explain everything. This book has reached the nadir of that kind of plotting. There used to be humor and snappy dialog in the earlier books. This book is just deadly. Krentz must have some mix and match book factory or menu. Almost all the pieces are recycled from other books. I've seen these heroes and heroines multiple times. And even the paranormal elements are being recycled. Krentz knows that this formula has been successful for her and she's milking it to death.
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LibraryThing member Nicholette
Early Reviewer book, I read it a while ago and it got buried on my head board and so I didn't get my review done as promptly as I'd like.

I have the majority of her books, under all the acronyms, so I expected to enjoy this book. I did, but it reminded me a lot of the books she writes as Jayne
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Castle (a colony – separated from earth) I kept looking for some of that world/storyline. Or maybe I just was thinking it was part of that group and that’s what was tripping up.

Regardless, if you enjoy Amanda Quick, Jayne Castle, Amanda Glass, etc. you’ll enjoy the book. Strong male and female leads, a mystery to solve, romance and danger all wrapped up in a semi-tidy bow. You have to leave something for the book.

The book left me happy to have read another book by the Amanda Quick and I'm looking forward to the next in the series.
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LibraryThing member aimeef
Regardless of genre, whether paranormal,historical, urban fantacy or contemporary a book will not hold my attention unless i like the characters. There was good character development even though I'd given up on this type of paranormal story line. I will probably read the rest of the books in this
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series when they come out. Thank you for the opportunity of an advanced copy.
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LibraryThing member xorscape
This is the first in a new series for Amanda Quick and seems to follow the formula she uses for most of her later books. (I do wish the word “psychical” could be changed to something less affected.) As usual, the book is well written and I liked the characters, but the book was just too shallow
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for me. I was left wanting more action (a lot happens off stage and is reported to us). I guess I felt like I read an extended synopsis rather than a novel. It seemed especially abbreviated since quite a bit of the book introduces the ladies who will be central in the next books of the series, but for me, the friendship wasn’t very deep or important as implied or described. I liked the book well enough to read the next in the series and can recommend it to anyone who likes Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick. I wouldn’t buy it as a hardback, but might as a paperback. Most likely, I will get it from the library.
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LibraryThing member SockMonkeyGirl
Classic (paranormal) Amanda Quick. I always enjoy her books and this was no exception. While her books can feel a bit repetitious, especially if you read a bunch in a row, they are usually fun with a decent mystery and nice romance. In this one, Lucas was great, possibly one of my favorite heroes
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of hers. I will say, though, I'm getting a little tired of the slightly exorbitant amounts of paranormal activity and power, but I think that might be something I'm feeling overall in the genre, not just in this book. Overall, a good, not great, book. I'll read the rest of the series :)
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LibraryThing member hailelib
Nothing surprising here as Crystal Gardens is typical of recent Amanda Quick novels. A little romance, a little mystery, some recycling of past ideas, a middling amount of paranormal. Just what I was in the mood for so I enjoyed it. However for people who aren't fans already I would recommend
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starting with one of the earlier historical fiction books the author wrote under this name, especially if paranormal isn't your thing.
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LibraryThing member Kaywillis
I enjoyed this book very much. It was a quick read, had a little paranormal, a little mystery, and romance! I want to read about the other two ladies of Lantern Street.
LibraryThing member keywestnan
Amanda Quick, aka Jayne Ann Krentz, is a pro and knows what she's doing. This story delivers on expectations on all fronts. But perhaps because she's been doing it for so long, or perhaps because she writes so many books so quickly, I couldn't help feeling there was something perfunctory about this
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story, and that some elements you expect in romance and romantic suspense just weren't there. For instance, there isn't much in the way of obstacles to the hero and heroine getting together; they each recognize the other as a desired and available partner immediately.
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LibraryThing member SharonR53
Evangeline Ames wakes up to the certainty that someone is breaking into her house and it quickly becomes apparent that it is not just a random burglary and she is in danger. Evangeline is forced to leave the cottage she is renting and try to get help from her landlord who lives in the estate next
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door, Crystal Gardens. Once on the property she is startled to find him and his manservant out on the property. The estate is an eerie setting suffused with paranormal energy and the burglar soon meets an unfortunate end in the strange maze situated in Crystal Gardens.
Lucas Sebastian is the owner of the Gardens, having inherited from his uncle Chester. Lucas believes his uncle was murdered and has come to the estate to investigate. He and Evangeline make an instant connection on many levels. Evangeline has come to the village to recuperate after being attacked by a male acquaintance. Lucas recognizes that she has paranormal abilities as he does and they both work to help victims of criminal activities. This first night begins a story of attempted murder, treasure hunting and an unusual romance. Add three investigating women, curious siblings, a garden full of dangerous, possibly man eating plants, and you have a page turner in this book. I need to mention that the mysterious pools on the estate are HOT in more ways than one!
Having read all of the Arcane Society series and subsequent books, I enjoy the fact that this new trilogy continues the paranormal theme. Lucas and Evangeline have abilities that they can’t categorize but know are real. Lucas has despaired of ever finding a woman who would be able to live with his abilities. Evangeline has been betrayed by love before and keeps men at a distance. Their abilities are a common bond that helps cement the relationship. Ms. Quick does a great job incorporating elements from earlier books that have been discovered and investigated by Arcane and others and placing them in this story as new and unexplainable. An example is a paranormal infused lantern and crystals that are a mystery to Lucas and Evangeline. She has also made the Crystal Gardens themselves a character in the story with a life of its own. The characters from the next two books make an appearance and whet the reader’s appetite for the next story. I for one can’t wait.
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LibraryThing member readinggeek451
For once, a paranormal romance from Quick with no (obvious) connection to her Arcane Society series. Evangeline is a paid companion, a writer of sensation novels--and a private investigator with psychic talents. When she is attacked for the second time in two weeks, she flees into the nearby
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Crystal Gardens, hoping that the psychic dangers with protect her from her assailant. The gardens' new owner, who has his own dark talents for investigation, vows to protect her. Sparks fly.
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LibraryThing member dianasw
Amanda Quick's latest novel Crystal Gardens is another adventurous paranormal romance in the same vein as previous books by her.

Evangeline Ames has come to work on her serial novel and to recuperate from a near miss with murder while working as a paid companion. Hired through a most unusual agency
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that requires the ladies have a degree of paranormal talent to work as private inquiry agents for wealthy clents. However, murder follows her to Crystal Gardens where in flight from another attempted murder she meets Lucas Sebastian while escaping into the dark gardens. Lucas, who has inherited Crystal Gardens because his uncle has been murdered there, possesses his own paranormal abilites. Lucas tries to keep Evangeline alive while discovering who killed his uncle. As they get caught in the mysterious maze together, they also get caught up in their own storm of desire.

Another winning novel by Amanda Quick called A Ladies of Lantern Street novel. Hopefully this will evolve into more novels of ladies from the paranormal agency. A good read.
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LibraryThing member wyvernfriend
Evangeline Ames has rented a cottage on the outskirts of Little Dixby, she's recovering from recent adventures that left an unscrupulous man dead and her mentally scarred. She's attracted by the gardens and retreats to them when she's attacked by a man who breaks into her house with an intent to
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kill. She is rescued by Lucas Sebastian who is her landlord and is intrigued by her. Between the two of them and with
help from family and friends they explore the mysteries of the gardens,
the reasons Evangeline is being attacked and each other.

It's pretty predictable but I really did enjoy the story and the characters. Evangeline was fun and I can imagine that she will continue to write and cause havoc in Lucas' life.
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LibraryThing member lulu150
I thought this was a very enjoyable read!!! The story line had enough twists and turns to keep it interesting and of course romance. I also really liked the paranormal aspect of this book. I cannot wait for the next one in this series. If you like romance, mystery and paranormal then I suggest you
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read this book!!!!
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LibraryThing member VmpGirl
The Ladies of Lantern Street looks like it will be a good series to follow. I felt the characters were will defined and the plot has enough twists to keep a reader hooked. I hope to see future books about not only Evangeline's friends, but Lucas's siblings as well
LibraryThing member ginger30297
Once again JAK has managed to come up with another wonderous story that can go off into many different directions should she decide to give other characters their own story. The hero and heroine in this book are characters anyone can relate to, which makes them almost real to you as you read. There
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is a sense of family, drama, danger, and romance all rolled up in one. Evie and Lucas have to deal with danger from two different directions while also having to deal with Lucas' family barging in on them in the process! Clearly she is going to come up with another "Ladies of Lantern Street" novel and hopefully I will have the honor of reviewing those as well! Happy reading everyone!
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LibraryThing member missiek
WOW! Regency paranormal romance mystery. This book had it all. Lots of plot twists make for a unique read. What I especially liked was the fact that all characters mentioned in the book had a plot line that followed through the book. No loose ends. Looking forward to the next title in the series -
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hopefully they will be about the heroine's two best friends.
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LibraryThing member keeneam
I really enjoyed this book, and I love the brooding hero and the smart and daring heroine. These two were perfect together in a very faced paced plot, that I sped through in one eveing. Quick's characters are all so compelling and when it is a series she does a excellent job of introducing the
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future characters, can't wait for the next one.
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LibraryThing member Azacia
This book was fantastic! Thrilling romance, clever dialogue, great characters, and a complex and interesting plot. Evangeline Ames is the ideal heroine! She's clever, daring, and very likable. Lucas Sebastian is handsome, unconventional, sexy and protective. The romance between the two is sizzling.
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The plot is engaging with lots of twists and story lines that seamlessly flow together for an exciting novel with just the right mix of adventure, paranormal elements, and romance. This was a fun read from beginning to end.
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LibraryThing member SunnySD
Companion and sensational novel writer Evangeline Ames thought she'd find the atmosphere and countryside around the Crystal Gardens inspiring, not boring. Boredom in this case leads to trespassing in her landlord's garden via a hole in the wall. But getting caught turns out to be a good thing when
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a knife-wielding murderer comes calling and Evangeline is forced to flee into the night through the gap, straight into the arms of Lucas Sebastian, the estate's new owner.

Determined to get to the bottom of his uncle's murder - and protect Evangeline (from herself if necessary) - Lucas has his hands full.

Of course the happy ending is a foregone conclusion. No surprises, but if you like Quick/Castle/Krentz, there's nothing here to spoil your day.
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LibraryThing member jayble
I enjoy most of Amanda Quick's books, even though her heroine and hero are often cut from the same molds as all her previous heroines and heroes. That said, the new mythology and world building of this book was intriguing. When much of the character of the book is the paranormal, that often negates
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having the same type of characters to read about as a problem. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and found it a fun, satisfying afternoon read, however, once I put the book down, it left very little impression on me other than "That was fun". It was entertaining and had a happy ending, like all of Quick's book, so that left me satisfied, but if you are looking for something that stays with you or resonates on a deeper level, this is not the book for you. This is a popcorn book - fun and entertaining but not filling. However, since that is what I wanted from a Quick novel (a quick novel) I have no complaints. The hero was dashing and heroic, the heroine smart and funny, and they were both very likable with very little stupidity to speak of. Therefore, this is a fun beach read or something to while away an afternoon with.
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LibraryThing member EmpressReece
3.5 stars...I thought it was a good story. I listened to the Audio book & really liked the narrator. I felt like there should be a sequel though about "Crystal Gardens" but the sequel is actually about the ladies with the paranormal talent so was kind of dissapointed that we won't hear more about
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Lucas, Evangeline & the Gardens. Hopefully in the future, because I think Quick could do alot with the gardens. This was my second book by Quick & I can already see a lot of similarities with her characters, their attitudes and the storyline so I won't be reading all of her books in order, just one every now and then.
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LibraryThing member dearheart
Evangeline has rented a cottage in Little Dixby for a month, partly to spend some time writing and partly to be near the Crystal Gardens. It’s personal property with a great deal of energy and the plants in the gardens are dangerous. When a man breaks into the cottage with the intent on killing
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her, she escapes into the gardens knowing it’s the only thing that could save her. Lucas Sebastian is at the estate to find out who killed his uncle and upon meeting Evangeline, finally finds someone who understands him as both have pretty strong paranormal abilities.

There are 3 mysteries taking place in this book and that does lend more interest to the story; how did his uncle die, who wants Evangeline dead and why, as well as an ancient Roman treasure said to be hidden somewhere on the property.

But like most books written under this pen name, the heroine is smart, capable and her thinking is ahead of her time and the hero could care less what the ton thinks. That can get old if you read every one of her books, but it’s not bad if you just read an occasional story

An enjoyable read from the library.
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LibraryThing member Familyhistorian
I have read Amanda Quick’s novels since they were straight historical romances. Now she writes historical/romance/paranormal/mysteries and I still enjoy her books.

Crystal Gardens is the start of a new series based on ladies who use their paranormal talents for an agency who places them as paid
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companions. In reality these paid companions are really private inquiry agents. In this story Evangeline Ames has been sent to a village outside of London for the good of her health as there is someone out to kill her. Of course, the killer follows her but she gets away by running to the Crystal Gardens, a source of paranormal activity and the home of the handsome man who rescues her from the killer. Romance and mystery ensue.
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