The Atlanta Child Murders: the Night Stalker

by Jack Mallard

EPUB, 2010


As darkness descends upon the City, so does the Night Stalker who prowls the streets looking for his prey: Children and young people of the 'street.' Under the vigilant eyes of a Special Task Force-at times numbering over 100 agents-the largest manhunt in the State's history was unleased with unorthodox techniques and methods in an effort to catch the phantom serial killer. A traumatized city is frozen in fear. Children are afraid to go outside their homes for fear of being grabbed by the "Night Stalker." One child said "he won't get me," but he too became a victim. The murders continued for two years and a body count of 28 while the City was in lockdown as the Stalker continued his 'cat and mouse' game with Federal, State and local police until a rookie cop heard a 'splash' at the Chattahoochee River. With police sharp-shooters on the roof of the Courthouse, and with an eloquent and masterful display of lawyerly talents involving science, CSI, river hydrology, forensics, and expert and colorful witnesses, a courtroom drama is played out not seen since the "Scopes Monkey Trial.' Will the unusual Wellman 181b tri-lobal fibers found on victims be connected to a suspect? After two years of death and despair, will children again be safe on the streets? As told from inside the prosecution, the reader will have all the facts one needs for a judgment about whether Atlanta's serial killer is behind bars.… (more)


Jack Mallard (2010), Edition: 1, 392 pages


½ (2 ratings; 4.5)
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