Ghost Hunters: True Stories from the World's Most Famous Demonologists

by Ed & Lorraine Warren

Hardcover, 1989

Brief description:

An Anthology of Ghost Encouners

West Point
Murder Most Violent
Jane Seymour

The Exorcism and the
Teenage Girl
Killer in the Mist
The Devil in Connecticut

Demonic Infestation
The Unspeakable
The Darkness After
The Terrified Minister

The Haunted Village
The Petrified Policewoman
A Poltergeist Explosion


The year was 1972. At the time, Lorraine and I had a manager who helped to schedule our speaking engagements. Before hearing anything about ghosts at West Point, we had been scheduled to speak there at the request of staff and students alike. We were flattered. Like must Americans, we have great respect for our military academies. So it was a special thrill to be asked by such a group to tell them about ourselves and our work. We accepted the invitation at once and were totd that on the appointed day, a military car would pick us up at our home.

Few speaking engagements make us nervous -- we've become accustomed to sharing ourselves with audiences, but both of us admitted to a little bit of apprehension as the day approached. This was, after all, West Point!

Lorraine smiled to herself when she saw the "car" that had been dispatched from West Point. This sort of limousine was something she had seen previously only in movies....Over the next few hours, we passed through some of the most beautiful land in the nation, rural hills and valleys fiery with hot October autumn....

As the limousine topped a hill, Lorraine caught her first glimpse or tho military academy. She literally caught her breath. She had rarely seen anything so beautiful. Set on part of a 16,000-acre military reservation and situated on the bank or the Hudson River in New York. West Point gives the impression uf being a vast fortress of stone, brick, and mortar isolated from all civilization. In fact. the academy is only fifty miles from New York City.....


St Martins Press (1989), Edition: 1st, 215 pages


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