Miss Mary's Honor Guard

by Donald C. Bowman

Paperback, 2010

Brief description:

From the book cover:

A Confederate cavalry officer valiantly rescues his sweetheart, Mary, when she is snared by the Union Army and charged with espionage. She must then flee across the South through a gauntlet of danger. While she navigates her way to safety, the officer strikes deep into Union territory with Morgan's cavalry. When the unit is trapped, he must evade capture working as a spy behind Union lines until he can make his way back to her ... if she has survived.

The Union Army, out for blood, hunts him as he puts his life on the line to find her again. This exciting and emotional story, set amid the violence and destruction of the Civil War, is about the special quality that makes fearsome soldiers and indestructible families. Enduring great tragedy, they learn to persevere and protect the things that really matter, soldiering on when hope has no reason beyond one driving force: love.


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