A West Pointer's Honor

by Major Alexander W. Chilton

Hardcover, 1928

Brief description:

Three cadets roommates are looking forward to a ten week furlough before beginning their 2nd Class year. Two of them travel to Cuba to meet a family acquaintance and enjoy some beach and fishing. Their elderly host entrusts them (one is an electrical engineer)with his design for a secret weapon, but they are bedeviled by foreign agents eager to obtain the design.

Back at West Point, the cadets arrange to continue development in the lab with the blessing of an officer in the War Dept with whom they have shared the secret. The foreign agents are bold and pursue them even into West Point. In trying secure the design, one cadet must go AWOL to deliver it to safety. The issue of honor arises because he has sworn not to reveal the nature of the design except to their contact in the War Dept. He cannot reveal the justification for leaving the post.


Harper & Bros.,(1928), 1st,Hdbk,,,Good


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