A West Point Cadet

by Paul Malone

Hardcover, 1908

Brief description:

From the Introduction:

Those who have read the earlier books of the series, “ Winning His Way to West Point,” “ A Plebe at West Point,” and “ A West Point Yearling,” have followed Douglas Atwell through some interesting experiences. As a private soldier in the regular United States Army he saw the opening of hostilities in the Philippines, and passed through some trying campaigns. His efficiency, coolness and courage won for him a West Point appointment.

While never a brilliant student, he has always been a hard worker, and has won his way through many difficulties. His determined stand against hazing has made him unpopular with some cadets, but he has nevertheless many warm friends and has commanded the universal respect of the corps. Douglas has had several triumphs also as a football player. As this story opens he is nearing the end of his cadet days, and looking forward with confidence to a useful and happy life. Some of his experiences in that life are told in “A West Point Lieutenant.”


Penn Publishing,(1908) 1st,Hdbk,,,Good


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