West Point Second Classman

by Russel Reeder

Hardcover, 1957

Brief description:

From the dust jacket:

Clint Lane's third year at West Point proved to be far more exciting and Full of surprises than he had ever expected it would be—or' could be. It got off to a dizzy start when he took Betty Willard down Flirtation Walk to Kissing Rock, an ordeal that was almost worse than the Navy game. On top of that he found he was wanted by the F. B. I.—for a talk about his rifle, which had mysteriously disappeared.

Before that trouble was settled, Clint set forth with his classmates, including the trusty Chugwater Austin and Joe Flynn, on an action-packed “Cow trip,” including a sample of Navy life aboard the U.S.S. Tarawa, firepower demonstrations, a night combat patrol, a flight in a jet. lt was a terrific summer.

Back at West Point, with the football season under way and a tough schedule of studies, Clint’s life is just about getting back to normal, when he takes a flight with a general officer after the Illinois game. This almost puts Clint on the sideline for keeps.

But there are some unexpected developments and some real victories in store for Clint—and for the reader of West Point Second Classman


Duell, Sloan, Pearce, (1957) 1st,Hdbk,DJ,Sgnd,Fair


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