With Honor in Hand

by Terron Sims II

Paperback, 2010

Brief description:

From the book cover:

With Honor in Hand is the tale of two friends battling with a serious moral dilemn1a- a fight between the code of their profession vs. their code of honor. Mercenaries, the two friends, Douglas “Big Mac” Pollard and Amos Man Killer Stewart, are the truest of professionals and the best at what they do. They have never reneged on a contract, but now find themselves in a position where they wish they could exercise that option.

As With Honor in Hand progresses, the cold-hearted COL Drasneb unfolds his vengeful plan which strains Mac and Killer’s moral fiber: destroying the West Point Corps of Cadets. Through the course of the explosive action, a newly tested hero emerges from among the chaos to save his brothers and sisters of the Corps.


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