Teenage Sports Stories: The Land Torpedo

by Paschal Strong

Hardcover, 1946

Brief description:

in "Teenage Sports Stories". A short story about lacrosse at West Point.from the era when they were a national power house in that sport.

"Bret’s stick flaleshed like a rapier and snagged the ball out of the air. . He spun and and dashed toward the crease. His man was waiting grimly for him, and to Bret he looked as big as a mountain. His large defense stick, tightly gripped resembled a huge battle mace, and he crouched there, a ferocious giant waiting for the Killer.

"Bret didn’t feel like a giant killer just then. As he dashed in he prepared for one of his swift sorties to the flank if the other Army forward, Mayfield, wasn’t free. Anything to avoid crashing his slight frame against that husky defenseman. In the nick of time Mayfieid broke away and Bret flipped the ball to him. Then, safe from danger of a body check since he no longer had the ball, he flashed past his man and toward the net....


Grosset & Dunlap, (1946) 1st,Hdbk,DJ,,Good


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