But Yet A Woman

by Arthur Sherburne Hardy

Hardcover, 1883

Brief description:

But Yet a Woman is a romance of real life, its scene laid mainly in Paris during the time of the Second Empire. Renée Michael, a fair young girl destined to be a réligieuse, shares the home and adorns the salon of her elderly bachelor uncle, M. Michael. They enjoy the friendship of M. Lande, and his son, Dr. Roger Lande. The four, together with Father Le Blanc, a kindly old curé, and Madame Stephanie Milevski, make up a congenial house party at M. Michael’s summer home on Mt. St. Jean. Stephanie, the half-sister of her host, is the young widow of a Russian nobleman who has died in exile. She was associated with the eminent journalist M. De Marzac in the Bourbon restoration plot, and became the object of his ardent though unrequited love.

Her affection is for Dr. Roger Lande; but he loves Renée, and not in vain. Stephanie induces M. Michael to allow her to take Renée on a journey to Spain. Upon the eve of their departure, De Marzac, angered by Stephanie’s continued denial of his suit, accuses her of taking Renée to Spain in order to prevent Roger from wooing her
until the time set to begin her novitiate shall have arrived. The unraveling of this situation makes an excellent story. The book, published in 1883, is written with charming delicacy of treatment, and conceived entirely in the French spirit.


Dodd, Mead, & Co.


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