"The Lieutenant's Horse"

by Jim Kjelgaard

Magazine (paper), 1940

Brief description:

More about that magnificently left-handed youngster whose chief weapon in fightin’ Injuns is an outstanding talent for doing things the wrong way

Ben Egan's eyes were fixed between the bobbing ears of his horse, He couldn't see anything else unless he looked up at the stars because he and Lieutenant Searles had left the army post at ten o'clock night. An hour out of the post Ben halted his horse and listened. He still did not believe in his incredible good luck and would not until he was three or four hours farther away. The round-faced, adventure-struck kid who had attached himself to Ben and apparently never would be shaken off had not been in the post when Ben had left it.

But his place wasn't the lndian country. He had an amazing talent for doing things wrong; only incredible luck had so for kept his hair on his head.....


Argosy Magazine, May 25, 1940


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