Red Randall in Burma

by Robert Sidney Bowen

Hardcover, 1945

Brief description:

Red Randall and Jimmy Joyce are en route to Calcutta to join the Twelfth Air Force when Jap dive bombers swoop down out of the sky and send Transport 58 to the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Adrift on a life raft, the two Yank air aces cling to the hope that they will be rescued. They are “rescued” . . . by a Jap submarine.’

In their dank little cell aboard the submarine they find another airman — an R.A.F. officer—more dead than alive. The story of his escape from Burma in a Jap plane,and of the plight of Allied men trapped there behind the enemy's lines, fires Red and Jimmy with a grim determination to finish the work he had set out to do. How, through a strange twist of fate,Red and Jimmy escape and carry to a daring finish the R.A.F. officer's uncompleted mission makes a high-powered story of flying and adventure in World War II.


Grosset & Dunlap (1945)



Physical description

210 p.
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