Easy Company #05 and the Longhorns

by John Wesley Howard

Paperback, 1981

Brief description:


Cattle started it—cattle and buffalo. Hoss Boggs wanted the Indians’ wild herds off his grazing land and a maid Scotsman and buff-hunter named McFarland fanned the flames of war between the volatile Arapaho and the greedy cattlemen.

Soon cattle and ranchers were dropping like flies, with Boggs and his sons screaming for vengeance. lt’s “Easy’s” job to keep Chief Red Hawk and the ranchers at bay—and ferret out the cause for all the bloodshed. What "Easy" doesn’t need is a full-blown love affair between the youngest Boggs and the Chiefs dark-eyed daughter-just
as the two sides careen toward an all-out war...

“Red Hawk, just give me a little time,” said Matt Kincaid. “Two weeks. . .”

Matt shrugged helplessly. “l would like more time, but if that's all you can give, I'll have to accept it. if within three days, I have not given you satisfaction. I'll not ask you to trust me anymore. At that time if you choose to leave the reservation and seek revenge. I will not ask any different of you. But if that happens. we will be enemies once again.”

Red Hawk looked down at the fallen boy, but refused to allow the impassive expression on his face to change. Then he looked again at Kincaid. “It is agreed. You have three days. Nothing will bring this young man to life again, but l do not wish to see others die. If, after that time, your justice has not worked . . his eyes swept the plains and his voice became distant . . . “we will be at war..."


Jove Publications


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