Easy Company #03 and the Green Arrows

by John Wesley Howard

Paperback, 1981

Brief description:


“New green arrows, as far as the eye can see.” So promised Gray Bear, aged medicine man of the Arapaho Now confined to a reservation, a band of restless young braves took his words as a call to arms, to the green arrows of war, and the proud days of glory before the white man's law. To make things worse, some sharp-shooting cowboys graze their cattle on Indian land—and with an Easy Company platoon on the scene under the command of a new officer fresh from the Point, there is danger a tense confrontation will erupt into wholesale slaughter.
It's up to Lt. Matt Kincaid and chief scout Windy Mandalian to keep the red-white powder keg from exploding—and save the scalps of those lucky enough to be left alive....

“On the count of five, be ready to cover me!”

“One, two, three, four...” Kincaid’s voice sounded hollow in his ears, and his body tensed while incoming rounds continued to slam into the rocks and sing their dying, screeching song. “Five!” The three Springfields fired simultaneously and were quickly followed by a volley from the second three, while the first group reloaded.
Kincaid sprinted forward and stooped over Pappas, the sweat dripping from his forehead and onto the wounded man’s shirt as he rolled him onto his back. One shot, lucky or aimed, tore through the left shoulder of Kincaid’s tunic, ripping cloth and bringing an instant flood
of ‘crimson to the surface. Matt could feel the searing burn across his upper shoulder, but he ignored the pain and backed toward the outcropping, dragging Pappas behind him.

“Hang on, Private,” Matt grunted. “I’ll either get you out of their sights or we’ll be dead together. . .”


Jove Publications


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