"Fools Fly High"

by Louis C. Goldsmith

Pulp Fiction, Dec 7, 1940

Brief description:

"See that plane way up there, brother? Well, this is the story of men who risked their lives and souls to put it there. Here are the epic days when the flying fools of '18 were kings of American skies, and whose who dreamed of safety in the air were branded cowards.

The weight of the Florida heat lifted slightly as they climbed. Capt'n Dan Moore, sitting in the front cockpit of the Curtis trainer, could guess their altitude pretty closely from that alone...Eleven hundred feet. The climb already slowing. This OX Jenny would not go much higher than 4000 feet in such air.

He watched idly the small movements of the joy stick. In the rear cockpit, behind him, Captain Nagel was flying the plane with the dual controls. Much as Moore disliked Alvin Nagel there were two things he would credit him with: flying skill and courage.

He glanced up at the center-section reserve tank, just above his head. There were seven gallons of gasoline in it. When they crashed it would burst and pour down on him. There was little chance of it not catching fire...."


Argosy Magazine, v304


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