China Strike

by William Chamberlain

Paperback, 1967

Brief description:

Dr. Martin Shu was known to the world as tthe top U.S. nuclear scientist who had defected to the Red Chinese. He was known to only a few of our highest military command as a top CIA agent. The men were listening to him now, in absolute breathless horror.

"In a matter of weeks, Red China will test a cobalt alloy bomb of approximately forty megatons yield. It will be the dirtiest, most lethal thermonuclear explosion ever attempted. In my opinion the test will be wholly successful, and remember - I helped them create the bomb.

"There is one other possibility. If the Reds realize their bomb is perfect, they will not bother with the test. They will produce the bombs in numbers, mount them on missiles, and fire them one by one, without warning.

“Gentlemen, we have very little time, perhaps none at all..."


Fawcett (1967)



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