Noble Blood and a West Point Parallel

by Charles King (Afterword)


Brief description:


Few stories of cadet or student life have impressed me as did “Das Edle Blut” [Noble Blood]. Told so simply-so naturally——as to read like a stenographic report of the old colonel’s language, it is so strong a word-picture of German cadet life, so true it human nature and so touching in its pathetic close, that I could not resist the desire to place it before American readers of soldier tales.The permission of the author having been graciously given, the translation has therefore been made, and, while all stories must lose in translation, it is hoped that among our youth its manly lesson may not be lost.

That I should venture to add to it a cadet story of our own is indeed hazardous, but I tell it because certain of its incidents were instantly recalled by the glowing pages of
Ernst von Wildenbruch, the gifted author of “Das Edle Blut.”

Captain U. S. Army.


F. Tennyson Neely


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