Open Minds Quarterly: Why MEN CRY in the DARK (Vol 15 Issue 3)

by Open Minds Quarterly

Magazine, 2013 Fall



Library Notes

The Fall 2013 issue featured a story from a father who describes the pain of keeping his emotions bottled up inside, even in the face of divorce and financial strain, because society doesn’t make it easy for men to admit they are struggling and need support; a touching account of how the power that a romantic relationship, years past, helped both individuals involved cope with their depression and anxiety; a review of Judi Chamberlin’s book “On Our Own: patient-Controlled Alternatives to the Mental Health System”; and a poem on how the support from a friend allowed the dark thoughts in one woman to drift away to a point where she was able to feel hopeful and peaceful about positive change in her life. The Honourable Mentions from the 11th Annual BrainStorm poetry contest were also included inside.
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