Faserland : Roman

by Christian Kracht





München Dt. Taschenbuch-Verl. 2007


Einmal durch die Republik, von Nord nach Süd: Christian Krachts namenloser Ich-Erzähler berichtet von seiner Deutschlandreise. Der kleine Bildungsroman Faserland veränderte in Deutschland die Wahrnehmung einer ganzen Generation, von der es vorher hieß, sie habe gar keine Wahrnehmung.

User reviews

LibraryThing member edwinbcn
Christian Kracht's debut novel Faserland has been characterized as plagiarism of Brett Easton Ellis's work, which seems a rather pointless accusation. Rather, Faserland seems a novel about the state of the nation, wholly in the tradition of German literature.

Christian Kracht's debut novel Faserland
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has been characterized as plagiarism of Brett Easton Ellis's work, which seems a rather pointless accusation. Rather, Faserland is a novel about the state of the nation, wholly in the tradition of German literature.

Kracht's generation has grown up being highly critical and self-accusing, always apologizing for the deeds of the older generation. The ascent of the new generation of writers concurred with the spread of consumerism, which has obliterated any form of authentic identity. Instead, from Germany's northernmost Sylt to the south, Bavaria and the Bodensee, Germany is a homogenous scene of drugs, parties and materialism, at least in the eyes of the younger generation, as seen by the youthful main character in the novel.

The novel shows the life of the rich, a life of emptiness, dominated by money and famous brand names. For all its bleak perspectives, the novel is still able to convey a sense of humour, even when characters commit suicide, a feature perhaps most striking of pop culture.

An excellent characterization of our life and times.
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Original publication date


Physical description

20 cm


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