With This Ring I Thee Wed

by Van Cole

Ebook, 2016


See What Happens When A Gay Man Marries His Best Friend... Who's Straight.

Kirin’s life is spiraling hopelessly out of control. His boyfriend is conspicuous by his absence and he has consigned himself to a loveless relationship, while all the time the object of his desire is just out of reach, but tantalizingly near enough to touch, actually, even closer than that, because after a tequila-filled night of black holes in his memory, he has inadvertently ended up married to his best friend, hockey ace and all around Mr. Straight Guy, Jackson.

All he wanted to do was arrange his wedding, but he never imagined that it would also turn into his own!

But when they try and get out of the accidental matrimony they have found themselves in, they soon discover it’s not going to be as easy as that! What has begun as a joke suddenly becomes a lot harder to just shrug off.

As life happens, Kirin begins to understand the significance of what he has got them into. Pretending to be something they are not is getting harder for both of them.

This is bad enough for Jackson but for Kirin, it proves to be too much. It is not just others they are deceiving, but also themselves.

But what can he do?

This Is The First Extended Version Of The Short Story I Do


V.Cole (2016), 875p.
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