By A Thread

by Marty Beaudet

Ebook, 2011


"The time will come when the Constitution and the Government will hang by a thread and will be ready to fall...but this people, the Latter-Day Saints, will step forth and save it."

Thus prophesied the founding prophet of the Mormon Church. Is this prophecy on the verge of being fulfilled? Some adherents to the faith within the U.S. government think so.

A tale of truth, trust, and betrayal.

The President is dead at the hands of terrorists; the Vice President in a coma. The Speaker of the House steps up to govern. But a strict-constructionist Supreme Court overturns the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, leaving the Secretary of Defense as Acting President. A constitutional crisis looms as citizens riot and martial law is declared.

To catch the perpetrators of the attacks, the CIA needs an operative who can ferret out key intelligence held by a mysterious Kuwaiti in Vienna. They find the perfect asset in Kevin “Red” Davis, a Mormon missionary who is already on a first-name basis with the Kuwaiti.

But Davis finds the Kuwaiti to be an enigma and is ultimately taken in by his charm. A bond between the two results. When the moment comes to act, Davis is torn by his many loyalties. Whom does he betray? His friend? His country? His church? Or does he sacrifice all and betray himself?


CreateSpace (2011), Edition: Third, 294 pages
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