Who Killed Miss Finch?

by Peter Boon

Ebook, 2020


Do YOU love a good old WHODUNNIT?

Edward Crisp does.

Edward is a school librarian in his tiny seaside village of Chalk Gap. His social life consists of forced Friday night visits to his family’s pub. He would much rather be at home reading murder mysteries - he loves working out ‘whodunnit.’

But not as much as his teenage library assistant, Noah Oxley, who can’t separate his beloved detective stories from real life.

When the hated Head Teacher of their school, Miss Finch, is found dead, Edward and Noah suddenly find themselves in a real life mystery - where they know all the suspects.

Noah wants them to solve the case, but Edward knows that away from fiction he is a very unlikely detective - unless he can finally face reality.

Can Edward Crisp work out WHO KILLED MISS FINCH?

And can YOU?


Who Killed Miss Finch? is a quirky, modern murder mystery with underdog detectives to root for: a whodunnit with a heart. It is written for adults but is also suitable for a YA audience.


Meadowcroft Publishing (2020), 185 pages
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