Hunter's Moon

by M.J. O'Shea

Ebook, 2021


Destiny is howling my name...

I've been waiting to move to New York City since I was old enough to know it even existed.

I was drawn there. It felt like my destiny.

But when I finally got here, nothing was like I'd dreamed. I was the same old boring guy I'd been back home in San Diego.

Until something unbelievable happened. I wouldn't believe it myself if I hadn't been there and seen it with my own eyes.

I saw a wolf -- impossibly huge, beautiful, and golden -- right in the middle of Greenwich Village. He saved me, we connected for one beautiful shimmering moment, and then he ran away.

I know without a doubt... he's the reason I'm in New York. He's who I've been dreaming about my whole life.

Now, I just have to find him.


MJOShea (2021), Edition: 3, 302 pages
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