Winner Take All

by Derek Clendening

Ebook, 2023


** Please note that this product is the first installment of an ongoing series that will be continued regularly. This tale should be treated as a standalone short story/novelette.


The only thing Alex Colt wants more than hearing his father’s voice again is becoming Sherriff of Deadman’s Crossing. Since his father’s death, seventeen year-old Alex has strived to take his father’s place enforcing law and order despite the odds. When a psychic medium visits town, he takes advantage of his only opportunity to hear his father speak again. He can realize all his dreams but something stands in his way.


Noah Everhart wants to make his father proud. His Pop has been the acting Sherriff since the passing of Alex’s father Roland Colt. Noah plans to follow in his father’s footsteps as Sherriff. Sure, his ex-best friend Alex can bellyache over how becoming Sherriff is his destiny, but Noah believes only he can solve the growing dissention in town.

The Night That Changed Everything Forever

The psychic medium’s visits creates a chain of events that causes all hell to break loose. Someone has to take charge. Will Alex realize his destiny, or will Noah save the day? This first installment of the Love and Justice serialization takes the reader on a thrill ride to watch two former friends balance fighting, loving and surviving.


DClendening (2023), 47 pages
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