
by S.L. Davies

Ebook, 2023


Dean Richards was embarrassed. After having been shot down by Maverick Wolfe in front of everyone he wanted the world to open up and swallow him. There were two things he knew he needed, one was stop drinking and two get over his crush with Maverick. The man wasn't interested in him, Dean knew that, Maverick had made it very publicly well known. It didn't stop the loneliness that he felt. Hell, he'd never had a boyfriend. Just guys that liked to hook up. He wanted someone that wanted him for more than his dick.

When Carlton O'Brian came home to find his father lying in a pool of his own blood on the bottom of the stairs, he didn't know what to do. Where did he go from there. Carlton's father was the only person he had left and now he was having to face an inquiry into the death of his father. The only saving grace was the coroner, Dean Richards. Not only was he caring and helped Carlton every step of the way, but he was gorgeous to match.

Could this terrible event be what was needed to bring two men who thought they had nothing left together?


SLDavies (2023), 72p.
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