Dry Spell

by J.R. Hart

Ebook, 2024


As a new year approaches, Sam realizes he’s not having fun with his life anymore. Hookups have served him well in the past, but after seeing his friends happy in relationships, he’s more than ready to find that for himself. So, he makes a resolution: no more casual, anonymous hookups.

But Sam is woefully unprepared for what “no more hookups” entails. As boredom creeps in, new hobbies don’t fill the void his old hobby left. When his best friend recommends he pick up a self-help book to get his life in order, he agrees. But at the library, he finds more than words on a page. Instead, repeated run-ins with a hot, motorcycle-riding, leather-jacket clad man who is definitely his type have him wanting just one more hookup. And when Mr. Motorcycle suggests he break his New Year’s resolution for Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day—how is that even real?—Sam needs to decide if he’s ditching his resolution for good, or if this fling is more than he bargained for.


(2024), 68p.
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