Dancing with the Tide

by Neil S. Plakcy

Ebook, 2010


From Loose Id:Someone wants to kill cute, sexy gay pop star Karif al-Fulan, and it's up to bodyguards Liam McCullough and Aidan Greene to keep him safe. But will Karif destroy the burgeoning love between Liam and Aidan with his intimate advances? Between passionate romps in a private villa on the resort island of Djerba, off the coast of Tunisia, Liam and Aidan must face down bombs, guns, and the pressure of their own testosterone.

Who's trying to run them off the road in Tunis, orchestrating rock-throwing demonstrations, and issuing death threats? What's Karif's connection to a prominent Palestinian politician? From poolside play to a Turkish bath to alley blowjobs in an island souk, these guys are good at getting into and out of trouble. But in the end, once Aidan and Liam save Karif, they still have to find a way to work together without destroying their romance.


Loose Id LLC (2010), 214p.
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