The Prophet Murders

by Mehmet Murat Somer

Other authorsKenneth Dakan (Translator)
Paperback, 2008


A transvestite killer is on the loose in Istanbul, the modus operandi becoming increasingly bizarre. Our protagonist--fellow transvestite, nightclub owner and glamour puss extraordinaire, joins the search for the religious nut. Investigations have to be slotted in between leg and chest waxes and rotating lovers. But she's the perfect investigator: she knows everyone on the scene, her maitre d' is the biggest gossip in town, her web skills are rivaled only by the most nerdy computer geek and she's very, very persistent. As the killings accelerate, our girl struggles against the odds in her pursuit--after all, everyone knows that running in stilettos and a black leather cat-suit is hell! Can she end the slaughter without breaking a nail?


Serpent's Tail (2008), Paperback, 224 pages
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